Justice Eady Strikes Again *

Jun 19th, 2009 | Filed by

Rules that bloggers have no right to remain anonymous.… Read the rest

This Is Ben Goldacre’s Column on Drugs *

Jun 19th, 2009 | Filed by

In areas of political conflict people behave badly with evidence, so the war on drugs is reliably entertaining.… Read the rest

Ben Goldacre Looks at the Numbers *

Jun 19th, 2009 | Filed by

He asked what steps they took to notify journalists of their error, which exaggerated their findings by a factor of ten.… Read the rest

Iran’s Rural Vote and Election Fraud *

Jun 19th, 2009 | Filed by

Is Ahmadinejad’s support base rural? Not if Bagh-e Iman is representative.… Read the rest

About that book

Jun 19th, 2009 10:59 am | By

Meanwhile, there is this book we wrote. Bunting purports to be criticizing it, but in fact what she is doing is yanking out particular sentences that caught her attention and flailing at them in isolation, as opposed to understanding them in context. This is stupid, and uninformative, and misleading. That’s why I call her reckless. It’s so easy to point out how thoroughly she misrepresents the book. (How does she square that with her Catholic conscience, one wonders?)

But the kind of strident atheism which Benson epitomises intrigues me. It’s driven by a curious intensity which is really peculiar. How about this from the conclusion to her book: “religion is like the total body irradiation that destroys an immune

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Bunting replies

Jun 18th, 2009 5:59 pm | By

Well, the discussion was winding down (or I thought it was), and I was going to leave Bunting in peace…but then she finally posted a comment (and the discussion didn’t wind down after all), so the peace idea was premature. What did she say? Did she admit that she had quote-mined? Did she explain why she is so furious at my (our) putative stridency instead of being furious at the men who murdered a raped teenager while saying ”We will do what Allah has instructed us’? Did she explain what has happened to her since she was so shocked by the Ryan report? Did she apologize for calling me strident, preposterous, crude, lacking in insight, profoundly intellectually dishonest, hysterical, and … Read the rest

Sympathy for the Snookered *

Jun 18th, 2009 | Filed by

None for people who know better.… Read the rest

Michael Ruse at the Creation Museum *

Jun 18th, 2009 | Filed by

He has an epiphany, because he is not one of those horrid new atheists.… Read the rest

Michael Ruse Drops Jerry Coyne a Line *

Jun 18th, 2009 | Filed by

‘I don’t know who does more damage, you and your kind or Phillip Johnson and his kind.’… Read the rest

Islamist Meeting Ejected Over Sex Segregation *

Jun 18th, 2009 | Filed by

Ordered to leave Conway Hall when it emerged that Al-Muhajiroun were not letting women into the main hall.… Read the rest

Imprisoned by Light Sensors *

Jun 17th, 2009 | Filed by

‘Religious code’ bans electricity on the Sabbath, so they are helpless. It’s tragic.… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo Find the Barmaid Too Shrill *

Jun 17th, 2009 | Filed by

She plans to hire a voice coach.… Read the rest

Turn Off That Light! *

Jun 17th, 2009 | Filed by

Motion sensors turn on lights in hallway, so Orthodox couple are imprisoned in their flat over the sabbath.… Read the rest

Russell Blackford: There is Only One World *

Jun 17th, 2009 | Filed by

There is no good reason to think a ‘transcendent world’ exists, or that religion can inform us about one.… Read the rest

Jerry Coyne on Science v Theism *

Jun 17th, 2009 | Filed by

Offering a god of the gaps promotes public confusion about what science does and does not tell us about the universe.… Read the rest

Gina Khan’s Diary

Jun 17th, 2009 | By Gina Khan

Gina Khan will be reporting regularly on the busy life of an anti-jihadist activist in Birmingham.

June 17 2009

Extracts from Reading Ayaan Hirsi Ali in Birmingham at Democratiya.

Ayaan’s books break the silence about Muslim women’s plight. I was a victim of domestic violence. I thought I had married a modern thinking British Muslim. My brother had warned me not to marry into a particular group of Muslims, mostly from Mirpur or Kashmir, saying to me ‘They will never change. They are controlled by their extended families. They will always be backward in their mindset.’ At the time, I dismissed his advice as discrimination, but it turned out to be true in many ways. Firstly, my husband hid … Read the rest

If only it were Lyme Regis

Jun 17th, 2009 9:54 am | By

Imagine being confined to a flat in Bournemouth for 24 hours.

Gordon and Dena Coleman said they cannot leave or enter their Bournemouth flat on the Sabbath because the hallway sensors automatically switch on lights. The couple’s religious code bans lights and other electrical equipment being switched on during Jewish holidays. They have now issued a county court writ claiming religious discrimination. They also claim breach of their rights under the Equality Act 2006 and Human Rights Act 1998 and the case is due to be heard at Bournemouth County Court next month.

Religious discrimination – how does that work? People trying to live in a reasonably efficient way (using light sensors instead of having the lights on 24 … Read the rest

Piety in action

Jun 17th, 2009 9:40 am | By

Time has passed. Clocks have ticked. The sun has set and then risen again. Meals have been eaten and digested, tv shows have been watched, teeth have been brushed, dogs have scratched, water has flowed under the bridge. Time has passed and people have urged Madeleine Bunting to answer the many criticisms her article has received. No answer has been forthcoming.

All this really is quite interesting. I knew Bunting was a determined apologist for religion and that she was not very good at making her case – but that was all I knew. It has now been forced on my attention that she’s really a fairly unpleasant character. She is, at least, willing to call someone a long string … Read the rest

Bunting expands on her point

Jun 16th, 2009 12:25 pm | By

Madeleine Bunting returns to her claim that I am strident, adding a good deal more abuse for good measure.

But the kind of strident atheism which Benson epitomises intrigues me. It’s driven by a curious intensity which is really peculiar.

No, it isn’t. It isn’t peculiar at all. I think theism and theistic ways of thinking do real and terrible harm. I think it’s Bunting’s blindness or indifference to that which is really peculiar. In order to be so mystified by my intensity, she has to simply ignore or disbelieve the horrors in the book which are explicitly and avowedly done in the name of a god. She has read the book, apparently, since she quotes some bits that … Read the rest

Improbable Science on Charles’s Foundation *

Jun 16th, 2009 | Filed by

A one-sided affair devoted to misrepresentation of evidence and the promotion of magic medicine.… Read the rest