Tories reach out to Christian fundamentalists *

May 3rd, 2010 | Filed by

Among the Tory faithful, there is a growing feeling that Christian values are under attack.… Read the rest

UN appoints Iran to women’s rights commission *

May 3rd, 2010 | Filed by

Canada expresses doubts about Iran’s expertise in women’s rights.… Read the rest

Why bother with ethics, we have religion *

May 2nd, 2010 | Filed by

Giving our kids the option of thinking about ethics instead of picking up litter is a very slippery slope.… Read the rest

Morales explains about diet and butchness *

May 2nd, 2010 | Filed by

Europeans eat chickens full of female hormones, so the men go all queer-like.… Read the rest

Nicholas Kristof on the two Catholic churches *

May 2nd, 2010 | Filed by

The Vatican is appalling, but there are some generous and brave nuns and priests.… Read the rest

Rising Tory star believes in “demonic activity” *

May 2nd, 2010 | Filed by

Philippa Stroud founded a church that tried to “cure” homosexuals by driving out their “demons” through prayer.… Read the rest

Oh a little bit of religious prejudice is not so bad *

May 2nd, 2010 | Filed by

“Religious conviction should not be treated as simply opinion or the inconvenient relic of a superstitious age.”… Read the rest

Grayling: why no Asbo for the pope? *

May 2nd, 2010 | Filed by

Ratzinger is the head of a powerful organization that is above the law; so is the CEO of Goldman Sachs.… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo on Boobquake *

May 1st, 2010 | Filed by

What would Deepak Chopra do?… Read the rest

Leo Igwe on Religion in Lusaka Times *

May 1st, 2010 | Filed by

Interesting comments.… Read the rest

No religious hatred here! *

May 1st, 2010 | Filed by

“Islam will dominate the world – Osama is on his way” – how could that have anything to do with religious hatred?… Read the rest


May 1st, 2010 11:41 am | By

Some more thoughts on tits and cleavage and the Cuddy Effect and reservations. First of all, to clarify again, I’m not criticizing Jen or her joke; I am expressing reservations about some of the reactions to some of the reservations about the joke.

The overall yay-cleavage line is that women should be free to display cleavage (yes, of course, and are any of the critics really saying otherwise?), and that therefore displaying cleavage is an unqualified good. The second claim doesn’t follow. Displaying cleavage could be mixed, or it could be an unqualified bad. The fact that it shouldn’t be forbidden or illegal doesn’t mean it’s terrific. There are more than two stark possibilities.

Okay so what’s my problem? … Read the rest

The limits of free speech on campus *

May 1st, 2010 | Filed by

Holocause denial should not be a crime, but it should be dismissable incompetence.… Read the rest

Some like God, others prefer the Hubble *

May 1st, 2010 | Filed by

With so many pressing problems on Earth, how can we afford not to try to focus on the things that unite us? … Read the rest

Religious beliefs should not trump the law *

May 1st, 2010 | Filed by

If we had a large population of Aztec sun-worshippers here, would we accept their right to the occasional human sacrifice?… Read the rest