Sam Harris reads the Ryan report

May 11th, 2010 10:09 am | By

Sam Harris has been (belatedly, he says) considering the unpleasant ways the Catholic church has with children, and the reasons therefore.

Consider the ludicrous ideology that made it possible: The Catholic Church has spent two millennia demonizing human sexuality to a degree unmatched by any other institution, declaring the most basic, healthy, mature, and consensual behaviors taboo. Indeed, this organization still opposes the use of contraception, preferring, instead, that the poorest people on earth be blessed with the largest families and the shortest lives. As a consequence of this hallowed and incorrigible stupidity, the Church has condemned generations of decent people to shame and hypocrisy — or to Neolithic fecundity, poverty, and death by AIDS.

That sums it up … Read the rest

The right to have rights *

May 11th, 2010 | Filed by

A major fundamentalist strategy globally is blaming social problems on a “decline in morality” or the “disintegration of the family.”… Read the rest

Sam Harris has been reading the Ryan report *

May 11th, 2010 | Filed by

And considering the ludicrous ideology that made the church’s abuse of children possible.… Read the rest

Cultural attitudes drive HIV infections in Africa *

May 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Because a man buys a wife from her father for cows or cash, he “owns” her. If she refuses sex or insists on a condom, he may beat her.… Read the rest

And pigs may have wings *

May 10th, 2010 | Filed by

“Pope’s visit to Portgual may shed light on Third Secret of Fatima.”… Read the rest

Texas’s creationist dentist *

May 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Don McLeroy’s views would matter little were he not chairman of the Texas State Board of Education.… Read the rest

Ireland: no secularism in education *

May 10th, 2010 | Filed by

The credibility of all churches were damaged by the Ryan and Murphy reports, therefore…um…… Read the rest

Sholto Byrnes regrets the loss of Evan Harris *

May 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Harris has not trimmed and tacked to the centre-right as New Labour did.… Read the rest

How many little girls are slaughtered unnoticed? *

May 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow and the implications for morality and universalism.… Read the rest

The Regime in Iran has silenced the voice of five more activists!

May 9th, 2010 | By Homa Arjomand

The Islamic state of Iran today, May 9th, 2010, hanged five more activists to further their goal of terrorizing the people in Iran. We are well aware that the regime’s crimes will not end until people in Iran, along with concerned citizens globally, put these murderers and all those who have helped this regime on trial in an international court.

We demand an immediate expulsion of the Islamic Republic of Iran from all international agencies, and prosecution of the regime’s leaders for their daily heinous state crimes.

Homa Arjomand, Coordinator of the International Campaign to Close Down Iranian Embassies, is calling a press conference where she and other activists will demand that Prime Minister Stephen Harper and all members of … Read the rest

As though

May 9th, 2010 12:26 pm | By

A more central part of Harris’s argument:

…it also seems quite rational for us to collectively act as though all human lives were equally valuable. Hence, most of our laws and social institutions generally ignore differences between people.

Ah but they don’t. One big social institution doesn’t, at least not necessarily: the family. Some parents believe in equality, but some don’t; sometimes it’s a matter of what the male head of household believes, because that determines the rules for everyone else.

This is why the claim that maximizing well-being for all can be scientifically shown to be moral or good does not (as far as I can see) get off the ground. It’s because some people’s well-being partly depends … Read the rest

PZ on Sam Harris v Sean Carroll *

May 9th, 2010 | Filed by

Can we use science to justify maximizing the well-being of individuals? No.… Read the rest

Is there anyone who would?

May 9th, 2010 11:47 am | By

Sam Harris has a new article on a science of morality at the Huffington Post. There’s a lot there, but one observation in particular snagged my attention.

I wonder if there is anyone on earth who would be tempted to attack the philosophical underpinnings of medicine with questions like: “What about all the people who don’t share your goal of avoiding disease and early death? Who is to say that living a long life free of pain and debilitating illness is ‘healthy’?

Wonder no more! There is indeed. There is the anthropologist Frederique Apffel Marglin, who once wrote* that

In absolutely negativizing disease, suffering and death, in opposing these to health and life in a mutually exclusive manner, the scientific

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Sean Carroll on Sam Harris and a science of morality *

May 9th, 2010 | Filed by

There’s no simple way to aggregate well-being over different individuals. … Read the rest

Sam Harris: Toward a science of morality *

May 9th, 2010 | Filed by

His goal is to start a conversation. “Few things would make this goal harder to achieve than for me to speak and write like an academic philosopher.”… Read the rest

Metamagician: tone does matter *

May 9th, 2010 | Filed by

Many readers don’t get tone, but the cure for that isn’t less discussion of tone; it’s more intelligent discussion of tone. … Read the rest

Evan Harris is no stranger to principle *

May 9th, 2010 | Filed by

Harris was a rare voice in Parliament for reason and evidence and against quackery and nonsense.… Read the rest

Gloating for Britain

May 8th, 2010 5:10 pm | By

George Pitcher, Anglican vicar and Telegraph columnist, is just beside himself with glee that Evan Harris lost his seat in the election. Why is Pitcher so delighted? Because Harris is a secularist, and because he thinks terminally ill people should be able to choose when their suffering ends. That’s not exactly how Pitcher puts it though.

For a doctor, he supported the strange idea that terminally ill people should be helped to kill themselves…His political demise will be mourned only by those with a strange fascination for death, those euthanasia enthusiasts whose idea of care for the elderly and infirm is a one-way ticket to Switzerland.

Stupid, stupid man, and dishonest besides. (And he can’t even write. “For a doctor, … Read the rest

Heidegger as Nazi philosopher *

May 8th, 2010 | Filed by

The seminars of 1933-5 show the outright transformation of Heidegger’s thought into a tool of Nazi indoctrination.… Read the rest

Worldwide trends in honor killings *

May 8th, 2010 | Filed by

Honor killings are based on codes of morality often reinforced by fundamentalist religious dictates.… Read the rest