Freedom of speech in Denmark *

Jan 10th, 2011 | Filed by

Lars Hedegaard, President of The International Free Press Society, is about to go on trial for discussing family rapes in areas dominated by Muslim culture.… Read the rest

Yasmin Alibhai Brown on culturally- sanctioned injustices *

Jan 10th, 2011 | Filed by

Fear of racism should no longer be the veil covering up hard truths.… Read the rest

Massive Karachi rally to support blasphemy law *

Jan 10th, 2011 | Filed by

The rally was attended by all major Muslim groups and sects in the city, including “moderates” and conservatives.… Read the rest

The barometer is falling

Jan 10th, 2011 10:39 am | By

Oh god…it’s the usual problem, the problem I’ve been having so often lately, especially in the last week. It’s the problem of reading about something that’s so disgusting it’s hard to keep reading. It’s the surge of fear and loathing at the malevolence and brute stupidity and more malevolence in fellow human beings. Like this:

is in jail, desperately praying that she won’t be executed. Her neighbours are hoping she will be.”Why hasn’t she been killed yet?” said Maafia Bibi , a 20-year-old woman standing at the gate of the house next door. Her eyes glitter behind a scarf that covered her face. “You journalists keep coming here asking questions but the issue is resolved. Why has she not been

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Aasia Bibi’s neighbors want her dead *

Jan 10th, 2011 | Filed by

Bibi was sentenced to hang on mere hearsay – a Kafkaesque twist that seems to bother few in her village.… Read the rest

Listen to the banned

Jan 9th, 2011 4:59 pm | By

You know Deeyah? She’s doing a great thing.

Now a project to recognise the contribution of some of the world’s most important protest singers has been pulled together by a woman who was forced to give up performing on stage because of threats made on her life. Listen To The Banned is an album including the work of 14 international artists, all of whom have experienced imprisonment, censorship, harassment or violence because of their music.

Deeyah, a classically trained singer born in Norway, of Pakistani and Afghan parents, had a burgeoning career in pop music when she had to leave Norway because of harassment and disapproval from hardline Islamic groups. She moved to the US and then the UK,

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Banned singers join to produce an album *

Jan 9th, 2011 | Filed by

Listen To The Banned includes the work of 14 international artists who have experienced imprisonment, censorship, harassment or violence because of their music.… Read the rest

You can’t do both, chapter 297

Jan 9th, 2011 11:54 am | By

I think Ahmed Rashid, much as I value his work, is over-optimistic about what is possible.

Taseer’s death has unleashed the mad dogs of hell, inspiring the minority of fanatics to go to any lengths to destroy the democratic, secular and moderate Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

How can there be such a thing as a secular Islamic Republic of anything? Or a secular Christian or Hindu one either?

I don’t think there can. That’s where Jinnah went wrong, and it’s where the whole idea falls apart before it takes its first breath. People who think there can be such a thing don’t grasp what “secular” means. An Islamic Republic is, obviously, an officially religious state, and that is … Read the rest

Kamila Shamsie on the roots of Pakistan’s tragedy *

Jan 9th, 2011 | Filed by

The image of lawyers sprinkling rose petals on Taseer’s smiling assassin dealt a body blow from which Pakistan’s liberals are unsure they can ever recover.… Read the rest

Michael Tomasky on bloodthirsty rhetoric *

Jan 9th, 2011 | Filed by

Get people to hate liberals. Get them to believe that liberals despise the country and are actively attempting to hasten its demise.… Read the rest

Maybe enough with the vitriol in politics? *

Jan 9th, 2011 | Filed by

“But many Republicans have noted that they too are subject to threats and abuse.” Just not the same quality or quantity.… Read the rest

Ahmed Rashid: Taseer’s death has unleashed the mad dogs of hell *

Jan 9th, 2011 | Filed by

Not a single registered mullah in Lahore with its 13 million people was willing to read Taseer’s funeral prayers, because they were too scared to do so.… Read the rest

Shehrbano Taseer: my father died for Pakistan *

Jan 9th, 2011 | Filed by

There are those who say my father’s death was the final nail in the coffin for a tolerant Pakistan. That Pakistan’s liberal voices will now be silenced.… Read the rest

A street named Qadir

Jan 8th, 2011 5:24 pm | By

Sadly, poignantly, indeed tragically, Aatish Taseer sees things more clearly than his father did.

Pakistan was part of his faith, and one of the reasons for the differences that arose between us in the last years of his life–and there were many–was that this faith never allowed him to accept what had become of the country his forefathers had fought for.

And where my father and I would have parted ways in the past was that I believe Pakistan and its founding in faith, that first throb of a nation made for religion by people who thought naively that they would restrict its role exclusively to the country’s founding, was responsible for producing my father’s killer.

For if it

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An alien narrative has taken over in Pakistan *

Jan 8th, 2011 | Filed by

 It is being taught in numerous madrasas up and down the country and in sermons and devotionals in many mosques.… Read the rest

Nick Cohen on laws against “blasphemy” *

Jan 8th, 2011 | Filed by

Salmaan Taseer was butchered for protecting Pakistan’s religious minorities from its own blasphemy law.… Read the rest

Aatish Taseer on his father and Pakistan *

Jan 8th, 2011 | Filed by

Unless Pakistan finds a way to turn its back on Islam in the public sphere, the memory of the late governor of Punjab will fade.… Read the rest

Who is responsible for the murder?

Jan 8th, 2011 3:30 pm | By

Mohammed Hanif asks who is responsible for the murder of Salman Taseer? (And who is responsible for the multiple deaths and critical injuries in Arizona? Who is responsible for the attempted assassination of a Congressional representative and the successful assassination of a federal judge outside a Safeway in Tucson? The questions are related. It’s not just a single assassin in either case – it’s also a society, a culture, a discourse, a world view, a rhetoric, a climate, a mindset, and the people who help to create them.)

When Pakistan’s television anchors and newspaper columnists describe Salman Taseer’s assassination [as] a tragedy, they are not telling us the whole truth.

Because many of these very anchors and columnists have stated,

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Giffords opponent held “shoot an M16” event *

Jan 8th, 2011 | Filed by

“Get on Target for Victory in November. Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly.”… Read the rest

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

Jan 8th, 2011 12:18 pm | By

Oh jesus god now it’s our turn – a Democratic representative and a federal judge and a bunch of aids shot at an outdoor meeting.

I’ve been to meetings with my representative, often. They’re wide open. You can chat with him up close and personal as well as during the meeting.

Salman Taseer refused to hide, Gabrielle Giffords held a public streetcorner meeting…and look what it got them.

We’re all doomed. I feel sick.… Read the rest