How to study imperialism *

Jan 5th, 2011 | Filed by

Not this way.… Read the rest

Iran: Zahra Bahrami sentenced to death *

Jan 5th, 2011 | Filed by

The original charge was “enmity to God” but now they claim to have found 30 grams of “drugs.”… Read the rest

Pakistan newspapers on the murder of Salman Taseer *

Jan 5th, 2011 | Filed by

The English-language papers condemn it; the Urdu papers say he was “controversial.”… Read the rest

A philosopher of religion gives it up *

Jan 5th, 2011 | Filed by

“If you cannot take something seriously, you should not try to devote serious academic attention to it.”… Read the rest

Another religious law punishes women *

Jan 5th, 2011 | Filed by

Aharon Friedman, an Orthodox Jew, refuses to give his wife a get. Only a husband can “give” a get.… Read the rest

Declan Walsh on the murder of Salman Taseer *

Jan 4th, 2011 | Filed by

As he was led away Qadri told photographers he was “proud” to have killed Taseer because he was a “blasphemer”.… Read the rest

Huge pressure 2 cow down

Jan 4th, 2011 12:47 pm | By

The murder of Salman Taseer just fills me with rage and disgust. I don’t have anything more intelligent to say about it.

Just a month ago we were reading about him:

Hundreds of Islamist hardliners took to the streets of Pakistan’s main cities yesterday in support of the country’s prejudicial blasphemy laws and against two leading politicians they have threatened for speaking out against the persecution of a Christian woman. At rallies in Karachi, Lahore and other cities, the crowds of protestors warned the political class against any attempt to amend or repeal the laws. They also chanted slogans denouncing Salmaan Taseer, the governor of Punjab, and Sherry Rehman, a liberal parliamentarian. 

Mr Taseer and Ms Rehman were singled

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Adil Najam on the murder of Salman Taseer *

Jan 4th, 2011 | Filed by

“Salman Taseer was killed by the intolerance, the hatred, the extremism, the vigilantism, the violence and the jahalat that now defines our society.”… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo do their act *

Jan 4th, 2011 | Filed by

“Tonight we’re going to put dogma before reason and then act upon our conclusions without regard to the consequences. Everybody sing.”… Read the rest

Lahore: protests at killing of Taseer *

Jan 4th, 2011 | Filed by

Dozens of supporters of the PPP took to streets in Lahore on Tuesday. Dozens.… Read the rest

Murtaza Razvi on the murder of Salman Taseer *

Jan 4th, 2011 | Filed by

Taseer’s outspoken defence of Aasia Bibi made him a hate figure for extremist and Islamist outfits and parties.… Read the rest

BBC on the murder of Salman Taseer *

Jan 4th, 2011 | Filed by

Interior Minister Rehman Malik said the guard told police that he killed Taseer because of the governor’s opposition to Pakistan’s blasphemy law.… Read the rest

Salman Taseer murdered by his own security guard *

Jan 4th, 2011 | Filed by

Governor of Punjab opposed Pakistan’s blasphemy law.… Read the rest

Tell all the truth but tell it slant?

Jan 3rd, 2011 3:57 pm | By

So to return to the core of the issue that Ben was talking about – the utility of atheism for atheists, science communication, conflict as a way into discussion rather than an impediment to it, passion as a motivator. I talked to him about it at Facebook, and tried (not for the first time) to take a hard look at why I feel so strongly about the subject.

I said that I have a visceral reaction to advice about framing. I do. Why do I?

First of all, I’ve had it for a long time; maybe as long as I’ve been thinking about anything. I dislike all the manipulative “professions” – advertising, PR, political operative stuff. I dislike trickery and … Read the rest


Jan 3rd, 2011 12:22 pm | By

Tony Blair preaches the gospel according to Armstrong.

Common to all great religions is love of neighbors and human equality before God.

That’s a falsehood. I won’t even bother to elaborate, because it’s too obvious. It’s just a pious, smarmy, conventional, wishful falsehood.

Blair admits as much himself in the very next paragraph.

Unfortunately, compassion is not the only context in which religion motivates people. It can also promote extremism, even terrorism. This is where faith becomes a badge of identity in opposition to those who do not share it, a kind of spiritual nationalism that regards those who do not agree – even those within a faith who live a different view of it – as unbelievers, infidels,

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Rebecca Watson on Christianity and healthy eating *

Jan 3rd, 2011 | Filed by

And Conservapedia. See this picture of Chuck Norris? QED.… Read the rest

Theocrats aren’t apathetic, so why are you? *

Jan 3rd, 2011 | Filed by

The religious right brazenly claims the moral high ground, insisting that their biblical interpretations allow them to dictate “family values” to everyone else.… Read the rest

Blair talks more stupid kak about religion *

Jan 3rd, 2011 | Filed by

“Common to all great religions is love of neighbors and human equality before God.” Please.… Read the rest

More science eduation: more on species *

Jan 3rd, 2011 | Filed by

The problem is to explain why nature is discontinuous rather than continuous.… Read the rest

Science education: Coyne on speciation *

Jan 3rd, 2011 | Filed by

The “biological species concept” and its connection to what most evolutionists see as “the species problem.”… Read the rest