Libyan woman alleges rape by security forces *

Mar 26th, 2011 | Filed by

Security forces moved to subdue the woman. Even a member of the hotel’s kitchen staff drew a knife. “Traitor!” he shouted at her in contempt.… Read the rest

Zimbabwe: churches ban HIV and Aids medication *

Mar 26th, 2011 | Filed by

They tell people to take holy water instead; hundreds die.… Read the rest

A spiritual connection via pole dancing *

Mar 26th, 2011 | Filed by

“This is just another attempt to think through how to live a full Christian life.”… Read the rest

Spain: Catholic medical staff stole babies and sold them *

Mar 26th, 2011 | Filed by

“Nuns and priests who simply decided that the child would be better off with families they trusted than with the ones to which they had been born.”… Read the rest

Egypt: MB elbowing aside the secularists *

Mar 26th, 2011 | Filed by

The young, educated secular activists who initially propelled the nonideological revolution are no longer the driving political force.… Read the rest

Notes from Hitchens

Mar 26th, 2011 8:22 am | By

Hitchens on death-bed evangelism.

 ‘It’s considered acceptable in our culture to approach perfect strangers, as often or not who may be in extremis, and evangelise. I don’t see why that’s considered a normal thing.’ His voice rises in indignation. ‘They’re allowed to roam the wards. They tried it on me.’I know people old and young who’ve been terrified by attentions of this kind.’

He has been thinking of making a short speech along precisely these lines, to the effect that he, Harris and Dawkins may set up a secular equivalent of hospital visitors. ‘We’d go round – “Hope you don’t mind, you said you were Catholic? Only three weeks to live? Well, listen, you don’t have to live them as

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A new interview with Hitchens *

Mar 26th, 2011 | Filed by

‘It’s considered acceptable in our culture to approach perfect strangers, as often as not in extremis, and evangelise. I don’t see why that’s considered a normal thing.’… Read the rest

Amnesty International on arrests in Tahrir Square *

Mar 26th, 2011 | Filed by

AI calls on the Egyptian authorities to investigate allegations of torture, including forced ‘virginity tests’, inflicted by the army on women protesters.… Read the rest

The yukkists

Mar 25th, 2011 3:42 pm | By

Man, it’s been a busy week for the gnu-hating crowd. There was Michael Ruse, then Jacques Berlinerblau, and now (it grieves me to say) Joseph Hoffmann. All three doing an extended yell of rage at “the new atheists” while seldom actually giving any specifics or quoting anyone or linking to anything, so that a reader could figure out exactly what they’re talking about. They do mention Dawkins and Harris, and Hoffmann quotes from a press release by the Center for Inquiry, but mostly there’s just a great deal of generalization.

Here’s Ruse:

I think the New Atheists are a disaster, a danger to the wellbeing of America comparable to the Tea Party.  It is not so much

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EZ theist ethics

Mar 25th, 2011 12:00 pm | By

Rabbi Adam Jacobs tells the Huffington Post and its readers that atheists can’t say it’s wrong to stone women to death because they are atheists.

In fact, the most sensible and logically consistent outgrowth of the atheist worldview should be permission to get for one’s self whatever one’s heart desires at any moment (assuming that you can get away with it). Why not have that affair? Why not take a few bucks from the Alzheimer victim’s purse — as it can not possibly have any meaning either way. Did not Richard Dawkins teach us that selfishness was built into our very genes?

I wonder if Jacques Berlinerblau will do a thoughtful erudite eloquent piece saying why that is ignorant and … Read the rest

Atheists get their morality from theists so ha *

Mar 25th, 2011 | Filed by

“The atheistic understanding of morality comes directly or indirectly from what is commonly referred to as the Judeo-Christian ethic.”… Read the rest

OIC states drop “defamation of religion” campaign *

Mar 25th, 2011 | Filed by

New resolution “condemns any advocacy of religious hatred that amounts to incitement to hostility or violence.” Non-believers not mentioned.… Read the rest

Pakistan: children play “suicide bombing” *

Mar 25th, 2011 | Filed by

Teenagers are the best suicide bombers, because they’re easy to train and to brainwash.… Read the rest

It gets better

Mar 24th, 2011 4:56 pm | By

The It Gets Better project is a good thing.

The interview with Dan and Terry on Fresh Air was also good. Terry had an especially horrible time the first two years of high school. He said he couldn’t even walk down the hall in such a way that he didn’t attract bullying. Everything he did – the way he moved, the way he talked, everything – got him bullied. His mother went to the school and asked them to do something about the bullying.

Their response was, ‘There’s nothing that they could do. If he looks that way, if he talks that way, if he walks that way, there’s absolutely nothing they could do to protect me and it was

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Whited sepulchre

Mar 24th, 2011 11:04 am | By

But hey, then again, why worry about religious privilege and entitlement when the Vatican is busy telling the UN Human Rights Council that people who dispute its vicious homophbia are “attacking” it and interfering with its human rights? Why bother? Why not just give up, since we’re obviously outnumbered?

People who criticise gay sexual relations for religious or moral reasons are increasingly being attacked and vilified for their views, a Vatican diplomat told the United Nations Human Rights Council on Tuesday.

Or to put it another way, gay people are increasingly being attacked and vilified by reactionary religious fanatics who think they should have the power to tell everyone everywhere what to do down to the smallest detail.

“People are

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Poor little mites, only 30 places for them

Mar 24th, 2011 10:43 am | By

Big excitement: another religious state school is opening in Leicester, a Hindu one modeled on another in Harrow (London). Hooray hooray, even though there are people who think Not hooray hooray.

It, like other faith school proposals for “free” schools, has its opponents, those that think the plethora of religious schools being opened under the Gove initiative will destroy community cohesion and increase segregation on racial and religious grounds among pupils.

And that that’s not something the state should be fostering and funding. What’s the other view, exactly? I can never quite figure it out. That it will do those things but those are good things to do? Or that it won’t do those things? Either one seems…feeble.


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Dan Savage and Terry Miller on “it gets better” *

Mar 24th, 2011 | Filed by

Miller’s school told his mother: “If he looks that way, if he talks that way, if he walks that way, there’s absolutely nothing they could do to protect him.”… Read the rest

UN: Vatican defends “right” to bash gay rights *

Mar 24th, 2011 | Filed by

Religious homophobes “are increasingly being attacked and vilified for their views,” a Vatican diplomat told the United Nations Human Rights Council.… Read the rest

Larger groups have more utility *

Mar 24th, 2011 | Filed by

Smaller ones have less.… Read the rest

Does religion belong in the classroom? *

Mar 24th, 2011 | Filed by

“There are a million Hindus in the UK but only 30 Hindu primary school places a year for them.” Beg the question much?… Read the rest