NY Times says “gang rape story lacked balance” *

Mar 13th, 2011 | Filed by

Balance?… Read the rest

What is neuroquantology?

Mar 13th, 2011 5:30 pm | By

Stephan Schwartz tells us that science is hindered and plagued and obstructed by three kinds of denialism

actively engaged in trying to impede the free development of science: the Creationists (e.g., Hornyanszky and Tasi, 2002), the climate change deniers (e.g., Lomborg, 2008), and the consciousness deniers who cannot, or will not, consider consciousness as anything other than materialistic processes.

Yes that’s right. Creationists deny evolution, climate change deniers deny climate change (that’s an easy one), and consciousness deniers…deny that consciousness is something that floats around the universe independent of brains or brain-like organs inside bodies that sustain them.

This is bad. They are breaking science.

…progress in understanding the nature of consciousness, particularly that aspect, the nonlocal that has not

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Tarek Fatah, in hospital, gets death threats *

Mar 13th, 2011 | Filed by

He calls the cops. Two cops arrive to ask questions, then two intel officers arrive to shut the investigation down.… Read the rest

Stephen Schwartz explains about Deniers *

Mar 13th, 2011 | Filed by

Of evolution, climate change, and nonlocal consciousness. Srsly.… Read the rest

Oh look, it’s NeuroQuantology *

Mar 13th, 2011 | Filed by

Check out the table of contents.… Read the rest

Eric MacDonald on John Polkinghorne *

Mar 13th, 2011 | Filed by

A particle physicist turned Anglican priest, who writes consecrated pap for those who think that religion somehow completes or fulfils the scientific project.… Read the rest

Gingrich worked so hard his pants fell off *

Mar 12th, 2011 | Filed by

That is, things happened that were not appropriate. But now he’s converted to Catholicism, so his pants will stay on.… Read the rest

The Religion Communicators Council

Mar 12th, 2011 12:51 pm | By

What is the Religion Communicators Council? I’d never heard of it before yesterday. I’ve heard of it now though, and I’m curious. Is it, like, a household name? Is everybody aware of it off in the background somewhere, taking care of Religious Communication?

I don’t know. I think it sounds pretty horrible though.

The Religion Communicators Council, founded in 1929, is an interfaith association of religion communicators at work in print and electronic communication, advertising and public relations.

It’s a PR-advertising outfit for Religion, all Religion, Religion as such.

So it would be a peculiar kind of laurel for a journalist to get an award from them, wouldn’t it? Journalists don’t really want awards from PR outfits and advertisers, … Read the rest

When interests conflict *

Mar 12th, 2011 | Filed by

Should big PR firms that represent drug companies also run scientific societies’ media operations?… Read the rest

Ben Goldacre on why cigarette packs matter *

Mar 12th, 2011 | Filed by

Cigarette packaging has been used for many decades to sell the crucial lie that cigarettes which are “light”, “mild”, “silver”, and the rest, are somehow “safer”.… Read the rest

Tudge reviews Flannery on Darwin *

Mar 12th, 2011 | Filed by

And recycles every dreary cliché there is.… Read the rest

His elbow slipped

Mar 11th, 2011 3:43 pm | By

I was inspired by the new levels of Wallyism we dug up yesterday so I thought I would dig up a little more.

Am I rubbing it in? Yes, I am. But when you look at the newly-dug levels, I think you will see why. I think nose-rubbing is just the right thing to do about this degree of mendacious bullying. I mean, in particular, the place where Wally is caught lying by one “Sean” and uses four sock puppets posting right on top of each other to bully Sean and then congratulate himself on the bullying. What could be more suitable than to make this contemptible behavior public?

It wasn’t about gnu atheists this time, December 2009; it was … Read the rest

Why are atheists so angry?

Mar 11th, 2011 11:28 am | By

Rabbi David Wolpe pretends to be mystified that atheists find theism irritating.

How harmless is it to post an article about why people should read the bible on a site devoted to religion? I did on this very page, and it evoked more than 2,000 responses, most of them angry…

It is curious that a religion site draws responses mostly from atheists, and that the atheists are very unhappy…Only the untutored assume that religious people predominate on websites (Huffington Post Religion page, On Faith in the Washington Post, Beliefnet.com) devoted to religion.

He thinks a section of a website is itself a website, or he pretends to think that so that he can claim that the religion section of … Read the rest

HRW report *

Mar 11th, 2011 | Filed by

On Islamic dress code for women in Chechnya.… Read the rest

Rosenhouse reviews Collins and Giberson *

Mar 11th, 2011 | Filed by

Their book is not a good defense of theistic evolution.… Read the rest

A more hopeful view of women and Egypt *

Mar 11th, 2011 | Filed by

But she wrote just before going to Tahrir Square for the March 8 Million Woman March…… Read the rest

Why are atheists so angry? *

Mar 11th, 2011 | Filed by

Because theists keep asking why they’re so angry.… Read the rest

Daily Mail: did “supermoon” cause earthquake? *

Mar 11th, 2011 | Filed by

Ben Goldacre finds this question tasteless. Extremely fucking tasteless, actually.… Read the rest

Chechnya: women bullied into dressing “modestly” *

Mar 11th, 2011 | Filed by

Chechen authorities are enforcing a compulsory Islamic dress code for women and condoning violent attacks on women deemed to dress immodestly.… Read the rest

Rahila Gupta on feminism and secularism *

Mar 10th, 2011 | Filed by

Some on the left have developed an anti-racist politics that gives succour to religious extremism rather than challenging it.… Read the rest