Nick Cohen on the assassinations in Pakistan *

Mar 6th, 2011 | Filed by

Western writers who want to criticize religious misogyny, homophobia, racism and censorship must also live with accusations of “Islamophobia.”… Read the rest

Kamila Shamsie on Pakistan’s blasphemy laws *

Mar 5th, 2011 | Filed by

From the first, the new and expanded blasphemy laws were used as tools of persecution.… Read the rest

Ahmed Rashid on the assassination of Shahbaz Bhatti *

Mar 5th, 2011 | Filed by

As leaders worldwide strongly condemn Bhatti’s murder, the reaction of the Pakistani government has been vapid.… Read the rest

Worship is immoral

Mar 5th, 2011 4:27 pm | By

Aikin and Talisse (potentially startling many readers of 3 Quarks Daily) argue that religious belief is morally wrong.

The thought is frequently associated with Bertrand Russell: The worship of anything is beneath the dignity of a rational creature.  That is, we argue that worship is immoral.  Consequently, for any type of religious belief, if it requires one to worship anything, then it is intrinsically immoral.  The argument turns on the claim that any conception of worship that’s worth its salt will involve the voluntary and irrevocable submission of one’s rational faculties to those of another.

That idea resonates with me, whether I know how to defend it or not. It addresses what I dislike about “faith,” even (or … Read the rest

Joseph Hoffmann on a secular ethics *

Mar 5th, 2011 | Filed by

A secular ethic will always require that religion enjoy no privileged status based on assertions of authority that are widely regarded as untrue.… Read the rest

Aikin and Talisse on the moral argument for atheism *

Mar 5th, 2011 | Filed by

We hold that there’s something intrinsically morally wrong about holding religious beliefs. This perhaps is a startling claim.… Read the rest

Susan Jaboby on revolutions and women *

Mar 5th, 2011 | Filed by

Egypt has many university-educated women. Will they be invited to the table when the organization of political parties begins in the post-Mubarak era?… Read the rest

When regulation is secretive, trust is all you have *

Mar 5th, 2011 | Filed by

Science  is built on transparency, but the pharmaceutical industry is regulated behind closed doors; trust is all that’s left.… Read the rest

Ben Goldacre on torpedoing cherished ideas *

Mar 5th, 2011 | Filed by

Such as the efficacy of sniffer dogs, who turn out to be doing a Clever Hans.… Read the rest

Lying about Obama *

Mar 5th, 2011 | Filed by

Mike Huckabee said Obama’s perspective was shaped by “growing up in Kenya.”… Read the rest

PZ Myers reviews David Brooks’s sciencey novel *

Mar 5th, 2011 | Filed by

The neuroscience in the book feels a micrometer deep and a boring lifetime long.… Read the rest

Why Evolution is not Faith

Mar 4th, 2011 | By Franco Henwood

Nine years ago, controversy erupted regarding a Christian school in the UK (Emmanuel College, Gateshead), which openly challenged the theory of evolution in its lessons and taught creationism alongside evolution.  

One of the school’s defenders, journalist Melanie Phillips, quoted  Emmanuel’s head teacher Nigel McQuoid and the former head John Burns, who stated that ‘the school should teach both evolution and creation theory [my italics], and that both are ‘faith positions [my italics].[1]

You may think that this issue is now old hat, a storm in a tea cup that has long subsided.  You may well be mistaken; if opinion polls are to be believed, such views appear to be gaining traction in the UK. One recent … Read the rest

Katha Pollitt on Republicans v women *

Mar 4th, 2011 | Filed by

Republicans at the state and federal level are letting their misogyny, their fundamentalism and their sheer nuttiness show.… Read the rest

The Elephant in the Statehouse

Mar 4th, 2011 | By Jim Cornehls, Ph.D, J.D.

State governments and (Republican) Governors currently are going through paroxysms of false hand wringing and despair.  They pretend not to know why state budgets are so wildly out of balance.  In mock anguish they lament the need to cut education budgets, renege on public employee pensions and cut health benefits for these groups.

Something has to be done to balance state budgets.  But the nation can’t simply eliminate all the give-away programs and policies for the wealthy and the big corporations.  These are the people and businesses that provide the hand-full of jobs in the U.S. that haven’t yet been moved abroad or phased out in essential cost saving measures.

But wait……there may be yet another (Republican) way out after … Read the rest

Drug research fraud *

Mar 4th, 2011 | Filed by

Sources close to the investigation said that the editors would announce the formal retraction of 89 papers next month.… Read the rest

Student athlete suspended for not being chaste and virtuous *

Mar 4th, 2011 | Filed by

All students agree to abide by BYU honour code, which includes prohibitions on drinking, smoking, drugs, tea, coffee, swearing and sex.… Read the rest

Homophobia in Tower Hamlets *

Mar 4th, 2011 | Filed by

The mayor’s supporters shout abuse from the gallery. “It is horrible, absolutely bloody awful.”… Read the rest

Putting homeopathy in perspective *

Mar 4th, 2011 | Filed by

How diluted is it? Well it’s like this…… Read the rest

Hammill the prodigal

Mar 4th, 2011 11:38 am | By

Hammill, as I said in a comment earlier this morning, is Walter Smith, known as Wally, a graduate student in biology at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.

He said last summer that he would never do it again. He’s been doing it again.

He’s been sowing little seeds of hostility and paranoia and mistrust. He’s been ever so gently tarnishing the reputations of gnu atheists. Again.

For instance on this post, which of course drew him like a fly to honey, because it was both scornful and inaccurate about me. His kind of thing! (I don’t know why he hates me so particularly, given that I’m hardly the only vocal atheist out there, but he does.) He saw … Read the rest

The prodigal returns

Mar 3rd, 2011 5:09 pm | By

So, remember a month ago I wondered about this new Mystery Commenter who went by the name “Hammill” and whose central, indeed almost only, subject seemed to be the sadly naughty ways of the gnu atheists, and who showed a strangely excessive interest in me, and Jerry Coyne, and me again? Remember how I said it reminded me of someone? Remember how I said that someone was “Tom Johnson”/You’re Not Helping/William?

Well that’s who it is. I’ve been able to confirm it.


So the discussion has been distorted by a guy with a known agenda and history posing as someone new and unknown. Someone who frowned gently in concern that people disagreed with Chris Mooney. … Read the rest