The ten worst places to be a mother *

May 6th, 2011 | Filed by

Afghanistan, Niger, Guinea-Bissau, Yemen, Chad, DRCongo, Eritrea, Mali, Sudan, Central African Republic.… Read the rest

John Yoo tells Obama what’s what *

May 6th, 2011 | Filed by

“Mr. Obama would rather kill al Qaeda leaders—whether by drones or special ops teams—than wade through the difficult questions raised by their detention.”… Read the rest

John Yoo says torture got bin Laden *

May 6th, 2011 | Filed by

He was right, Bush was right, torture was right, Obama owes them big time for all their rightness.… Read the rest

The new atheist response to being told to quiet down

May 6th, 2011 12:29 pm | By

Greg Laden puts the matter neatly:

The “new” part of “New Atheism” to me has always been this: You are willing to get up into some[one’s] face to make your argument because religion, with its centuries of experience in being on the scene for every aspect of everyone’s life every minute of every day, is already there in the face making its argument. The new atheist response to being told to quiet down is to point out that being told to quiet down (or be more civil or follow certain rules) is step one (or two) in a series of steps that the established religio-normative culture routinely uses to end the argument and let things get back to what

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Greg Laden does a meta-post on meta-atheism *

May 6th, 2011 | Filed by

The established religio-normative culture routinely tells atheists to quiet down in order to end the argument and let things get back to what the culture thinks is normal.… Read the rest

David Barash asks: does god hate amputees? *

May 6th, 2011 | Filed by

If masturbation is the epitome of safe sex, beatification and canonization represent its theological equivalent.… Read the rest

Michael Weiss on the suicide of Siamak Pourzand *

May 6th, 2011 | Filed by

Secular and cosmopolitan to the core, Pourzand had no time for the guardianship of the sadists and made a point of saying so.… Read the rest

Salil Tripathi on Rabindranath Tagore *

May 6th, 2011 | Filed by

Tagore’s “nation” had no boundaries. Cultures changed a bit and became different along the flow of a river, but the borders didn’t have guards.… Read the rest

National trust in god day

May 5th, 2011 4:33 pm | By

Oh I didn’t know it was National Prayer Day. I never do know it’s National Prayer Day. It’s not something that looms large in my schedule. But I got a press release from the Secular Coalition for America, so I read some more of their press releases, and doing that led me to something that mentioned National Prayer Day.

Well I know what it was: it was googling for information on an idiotic house bill making “In God We Trust” the “national motto,” whatever the hell that is. Googling for the one turned up mentions of the other. Life is like that. When the state tells you to do god, news of it turns up on related google searches. Whaddya … Read the rest

Man kills stepdaughter for not honoring Islam *

May 5th, 2011 | Filed by

She had stopped wearing hijab and was becoming more “Westernized” blah blah blah.… Read the rest

Praise for Rep Pete Stark’s Reason Day declaration *

May 5th, 2011 | Filed by

The National Day of Reason has been celebrated since 2003 as an alternative to the congressionally mandated National Day of Prayer.… Read the rest

Bad things

May 5th, 2011 11:08 am | By

This morning I keep seeing bad stuff at the Guardian, via different directions – Terry Glavin at Facebook, Norm at Normblog, like that. I’ve seen so much bad stuff this morning that I feel as if I ought to point at it in disgust.

Like Adam Curtis at CisF, via Norm.

The horrific thing about Osama bin Laden was that he helped to kill thousands of innocent people throughout the world. But he was also in a strange way a godsend to the west. He simplified the world.

That “but” is interesting. So is that “the horrific thing.” The but is interesting because given what comes before, why have a “but” at all? There is no but. … Read the rest

Palin tells Obama “no pussy-footing around” *

May 5th, 2011 | Filed by

Yes really.… Read the rest

Andrew Potter on the treatment of Michael Ignatieff *

May 5th, 2011 | Filed by

His torment by Tory cynics and liars testifies to the suspicion Canadians have of leaders with a modicum of intelligence, accomplishment, and worldliness.… Read the rest

Vicar accuses model of sacrilege *

May 5th, 2011 | Filed by

In the ITV programme “Ghosthunting With…”, Katie Price visited a church in Great Tew and tried to use a Ouija board to contact spirits. Vicar not pleased.… Read the rest

Contaminated “holy water” from Mecca sold in UK *

May 5th, 2011 | Filed by

Zam Zam water is taken from a well in Mecca and is considered sacred to Muslims, but samples from the source suggested it held dangerous chemicals.… Read the rest

Despite the disdain of

May 4th, 2011 2:58 pm | By

So many things are stupid. This is stupid.

Our culture has become impoverished by certainty…Doubt and its religious cousin agnosticism, a word rarely heard nowadays, may have fallen out of fashion, but they have much to teach us, despite the disdain of Richard Dawkins, who famously wrote in The God Delusion: “I am agnostic only to the extent that I am agnostic about fairies at the bottom of the garden.”

And then Christopher Lane cites the disdain of some religious boffin, right?


No, his only example of disdain for doubt (and agnosticism) is Richard Dawkins.

That’s stupid.

It’s just plain stupid. As if* Dawkins were the most dogmatic person on the face of the earth! As if there … Read the rest

Witty Shmuley

May 4th, 2011 11:47 am | By

Shmuley Boteach has a laugh at the idea of atheist military chaplains. I think the idea of atheists chaplains is silly in general, but I can certainly see that there ought to be some kind of chaplain-equivalent for people in the military who aren’t religious. Boteach’s objections are somewhat problematic.

And what comfort will they offer dying soldiers, G-d forbid (oops! Even that doesn’t work). Will they say, “Game over. You’re going to a place of complete oblivion. Thank you for your service.”?

Well, what comfort can anyone offer dying soldiers? What comfort will Boteach offer?

I don’t even know, actually. It’s my understanding that Judaism doesn’t actually believe in an afterlife, so what does he have to say … Read the rest

Scott McLemee reviews “Atlas Shrugged” *

May 4th, 2011 | Filed by

In Atlas Shrugged, the greedy proletariat ruthlessly exploits the capitalists. The oppressed capitalists go on strike, then create a utopia run by John Galt.… Read the rest

David Colquhoun on the A to Z of the wellbeing industry *

May 4th, 2011 | Filed by

Wellbeing is big business. And if it is no more than a branch of the multibillion dollar positive thinking industry, save your money and get on with your life.… Read the rest