Look out, it’s a bishop

Apr 11th, 2012 3:26 pm | By

Another purveyor of candy warns that without candy everyone will turn to heroin.

Another producer of slasher movies warns that without slasher movies people will start driving their cars up onto the sidewalks.

Another executive of a tobacco company warns that without cigarettes everyone will weigh 800 lbs and all the chairs will break.

Another bishop warns that without Christianity you get Stalin and Hitler, and the Telegraph solemnly reports it as if it were both important and true.

The Rt Rev Mark Davies used his Easter Homily to express anxiety at the consequences of undermining Britain’s religious heritage.

He cited the recent history of Europe to voice fears extremism would fill the void if Christianity was [sic] weakened.

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Catholic bish says without Xianity you get Stalin/Hitler *

Apr 11th, 2012 | Filed by

Telegraph nods solemnly in agreement.… Read the rest

Santorum and the politics of the very big family *

Apr 11th, 2012 | Filed by

In this election, and the birth control debate that is a significant part of its soundtrack, the convictions of the Quiverfull community seem to have made a mainstream debut.… Read the rest

Sarah Posner on the Santorum legacy *

Apr 11th, 2012 | Filed by

At his press conference today, Santorum praised the family as “the moral enterprise that is America,” and thanked the 19 Kids and Counting Duggars for campaigning for him.… Read the rest


Apr 11th, 2012 11:35 am | By

So now they’ve started arresting women

An Idaho woman arrested for inducing her own abortion is taking her case to federal court. Jennie Linn McCormack was charged last year under an obscure Idaho law for ending her pregnancy with RU-486.

McCormack won’t talk about the day she had an abortion. She’s following her attorney’s advice. But here’s what the public record says.

In late 2010, McCormack learned she was pregnant. The father was out of the picture. Her youngest was barely two and she was living off child support checks.

Getting an abortion would have cost at least $500 and required multiple trips back and forth to a clinic hours away. So, McCormack turned to the rising number

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A chance

Apr 11th, 2012 11:14 am | By

Remember the baby girl in Bangalore whose father punched her because he wanted a boy?

Well, she died.

For nearly a week, the three-month-old fought as hard as she could in hospital, despite a father who established through brute force that she was unwanted. This morning, Baby Afreen died 30 minutes after a cardiac arrest in a government hospital – the third that she visited in the last seven days with her teenaged mother. She was buried later in the day.

Baby Afreen’s father, Umar Farooq, was arrested on Sunday for allegedly assaulting his only child. He has reportedly confessed to the police that he hit his only child because he had wanted a son. Afreen’s mother, Reshma Bano,

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Leo Igwe

Apr 10th, 2012 5:03 pm | By

There’s a very good article about Leo Igwe in South Africa’s Mail and Guardian.

The heated face-off between Igwe and Ukpabio’s followers that took place in July 2009 is part of a continuing battle for the country’s soul. In the one camp, there are people like Igwe, a humanist who fights superstition because of the savage effect it has on the country’s children. Ukpabio and a growing horde of pastors just like her, such as David Oyedepo and Celestine Effiong, make up the other group. They are the ever-growing number of evangelists whose fame and fortune comes from irrational beliefs and their livelihood is dependent on the hysterical fear associated with witchcraft that exists in Nigeria’s fundamentalist, Christian south.

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South Africa’s Mail&Guardian on Leo Igwe *

Apr 10th, 2012 | Filed by

Pentecostal colonialism has surged in Nigeria, fuelling a radical evangelism in which “faith healers” identify – and get paid for curing – people “possessed” by demons.… Read the rest

Vile Brendan O’Neill

Apr 10th, 2012 4:13 pm | By

Vile smug sneery mind-reading Brendan O’Neill, who sees through everyone’s fake right-on poses and spots the self-flattery underneath – according to him, anyway.

now it is positively fashionable, bang on trend, for everyone from top American politicians to Ivy League students to wear a hoodie to show that they “care for Trayvon”. Yet far from being an indication of deep moral sensitivity, all this hoodie-wearing looks to me like a modern, PC version of “blacking up”, with the respectable classes pulling on the garb of black America in order to send a message about their own inherent goodness.

That’s what everything looks like to him. People who support same-sex marriage look to him like people doing something “in order to … Read the rest

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“Honor killing” under growing scrutiny in the US *

Apr 10th, 2012 | Filed by

AHA and John Jay have embarked on research that they hope will lead to greater understanding and ultimately prevention of honor violence in the U.S.… Read the rest

The talk

Apr 10th, 2012 2:20 pm | By

Elspeth Reeve at the Atlantic Wire gives a lot of background on John Derbyshire’s…erm…views on race.

Derbyshire doesn’t say that black people, especially women, are pathetically stupid people doomed to live on the dole (For a good example of that, check out the 1941 Looney Tunes cartoon Coal Black and the Sebben Dwarfs.) Instead, he says that the black women who work at the DMV are mean and stupid because they’re genetically destined to be so. From his recent essay:

The mean intelligence of blacks is much lower than for whites. The least intelligent ten percent of whites have IQs below 81; forty percent of blacks have IQs that low… There is a magnifying effect here, too, caused by

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Hey kid get a haircut

Apr 10th, 2012 1:42 pm | By

This too is from last month. You probably already know about it. I saw a headline or two, but didn’t follow it up. Dozens of Iraqi teenagers with emo haircuts were stoned to death.

Pictures below the fold.

Activists told the Lebanon-based al-Akhbar daily that at least 90 Iraqi teenagers with “emo” appearances have been stoned to death by the Moral Police in the country in the past month. The violent crackdown against “emo” Iraqi teenagers came after the Iraqi interior ministry declared them as “devil worshippers.”

“The ‘Emo phenomenon’ or devil worshiping is being probed by the Moral Police who have the approval to eliminate it as soon as possible since it’s detrimentally affecting the society and becoming

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Ceci n’est pas une femme

Apr 10th, 2012 1:35 pm | By

This is from last month, but I missed it. Egypt’s Islamists want to do away with the category “women” and replace it with “families.”

A women’s conference organized by the dominant Islamist bloc in the Egyptian parliament has called for a council for families to replace the existing National Council for Women, a state-owned daily reported on Friday.

The conference, held Thursday on International Women’s Day, also condemned the 1978 U.N. convention against gender discrimination saying it was “incompatible with the values of Islamic sharia” law, the Al-Ahram newspaper reported.

Great. Faaaaantastic. One, forget all about women, there are no women, there are only families. Two, forget all about equal rights for women, equal rights for women are incompatible with … Read the rest

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Free Hamza Kashgari

Apr 9th, 2012 5:07 pm | By

And another thing:

Sign the petition if you haven’t already.… Read the rest

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Indonesia: Alex Aan indicted on three counts *

Apr 9th, 2012 | Filed by

The prosecutor said Alexander’s atheism was against the five tenets of state ideology, especially the first tenet “Belief in one God.”… Read the rest

It’s a ploy

Apr 9th, 2012 4:31 pm | By

Andrew Copson was on BBC News to say what he thought about the cardinal’s yips about religious freedome and Wearing the Cross. He said it very nicely, but the cardinal won’t like it any better for that.

Andrew’s bit starts at 2:14.


H/t Author.… Read the rest

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Andrew Copson on religious symbols on BBC News *

Apr 9th, 2012 | Filed by

It’s not about religious symbols, it’s about getting more privilege.… Read the rest

Popehat on Crystal Cox *

Apr 9th, 2012 | Filed by

Crystal Cox supports free speech for Crystal Cox, but for her own critics, Crystal Cox is a vigorous (if mostly incoherent) advocate for broad and unprincipled censorship.… Read the rest

John Derbyshire and the National Review *

Apr 9th, 2012 | Filed by

What was apparently important was not how mild he was but how mild-mannered he  could present himself as being.… Read the rest

And the award goes to

Apr 9th, 2012 2:26 pm | By

The Southern Poverty Law Center reports on misogyny websites and blogs. It lists twelve of them, including In Mala Fide and the subreddit Men’s Rights.

In Mala Fide This blog, whose name translates from the Latin as “In Bad Faith,” describes itself in its mission statement as “[a]n online magazine dedicated to publishing heretical and unpopular ideas. Ideas that polite society considers ‘racist,’ ‘misogynistic,’ ‘homophobic,’ ‘bigoted’ or other slurs used to shut down critical thinking and maintain the web of delusions that keep our world broken and dying.” The unifying idea is this: “Feminism is a hate movement designed to disenfranchise and dehumanize men.” The site carries ads for such offerings as the HardKnight “male enhancement system,” PolishLasses (“Over

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