Carey gets worse

Apr 14th, 2012 12:23 pm | By

The Telegraph is again sitting at George Carey’s knee, drinking in his wisdom and insight about the vicious persecution of Christians in the UK.

Carey says worshippers are being “vilified” by the state, treated as “bigots” and sacked simply for expressing their beliefs.

The attack is part of a direct appeal to the European Court of Human Rights before a landmark case on religious freedom.

In a written submission seen by The Daily Telegraph, the former leader of more than 70 million Anglicans warns that the outward expression of traditional conservative Christian values has effectively been “banned” in Britain under a new “secular conformity of belief and conduct”.

His comments represent one of the strongest attacks on the impartiality

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Group of Catholics say Desmond Tutu isn’t good enough *

Apr 14th, 2012 | Filed by

Tutu supports contraception and the ordination of gay clergy, therefore he shouldn’t get an honorary degree from Gonzaga University.… Read the rest

Indian Catholic church gets skeptic arrested for “blasphemy” *

Apr 14th, 2012 | Filed by

Sanal Edamaruku revealed that a “miraculous” weeping cross was really just a bit of statuary near a leaky drain whose liquid reached it by way of capillary action.… Read the rest

Ex-archbish Carey demands more theocracy *

Apr 14th, 2012 | Filed by

“It is now Christians who are persecuted; often sought out and framed by homosexual activists,” he says. Disgusting thug.… Read the rest

Niqab, bra, photo, censorship, controversy, confusion *

Apr 14th, 2012 | Filed by

Veiled women wear underwear too! Or something.… Read the rest

Nobody did

Apr 13th, 2012 3:37 pm | By

Or you can have Alister McGrath (yes, really, again) recycling his jeers and fleers. He says about the (terrible) idea of rebranding atheists as “Brights”

Dawkins’s advocacy in the United Kingdom proved especially successful, persuading many in the media that a new force was emerging in western culture. “The future looks Bright,” they declared.

No they didn’t. McGrath is quoting a ”they” who never existed. No one in the UK media was persuaded, and “they” certainly never “declared” that the future looks Bright. I think one editor once used that as a title. Editors do silly things with titles; that means nothing.

He goes on to make the obvious point that there are lots more theists going to church than … Read the rest

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Celebrating the GAC

Apr 13th, 2012 3:10 pm | By

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, like the British one (are the two related? or is the ABC just a slavish imitator?), has a Religion and Ethics page, as if the two were a natural pair, as if secular ethics didn’t and couldn’t exist, as if religion had a lock on the subject.

The page is (apparently) reacting to the Global Atheism Convention with an orgy of atheism-bashing.

There is for instance a numbingly self-important and over-written jeremiad by someone called Scott Stephens. I don’t know who he is; I hope my Oz readers will clue us in. Have a sample of the jerry:

But what is most pronounced and historically novel about this form of “agonistic hyperpluralism” is that it

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Bruce Everett at the Global Atheist Convention

Apr 13th, 2012 10:56 am | By

A guest series by Bruce Everett

Day one – Thursday: It begins…

… or the fringe events begin, at any rate.

I’ve arrived in Melbourne, being greeted by more than a few pubs with closed doors and ‘For Sale’ signs, and hijab or ten. The voice of an invisible, satirical yokel cries in my mind ‘Sharia law! This was a Christian nation’.

We don’t have the same presence of far-right, totalitarian, Islamic groups here in Australia that Europe has. Our yokels object to Muslims, not Islam (which they don’t know anything about – ask them what they think of Wahhabism, and they’ll probably tell you they don’t like sushi), while our political left remains somewhat oblivious to the ways far-right … Read the rest

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Germany: daughters flee families to have their own lives *

Apr 12th, 2012 | Filed by

They don’t want to conform to the traditional values of the regions where their families come from. Instead, they want to live free, independent and emancipated.… Read the rest

Proud to be former

Apr 12th, 2012 5:00 pm | By

No voodoo “cure teh gay” ads for London buses after all.

The posters, backed by Anglican Mainstream, read: “Not gay! Post-gay, ex-gay and proud. Get over it!”

The adverts were reportedly booked for two weeks by the Christian group Core Issues to display on vehicles running on five routes in central London, including top tourist destinations such as St Paul’s Cathedral, Oxford Street, Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly Circus.

Strange idea. Imagine posters saying “Not male! Not Canadian! Not tall! Not straight! Post-male, ex-straight and proud. Get over it!”

In other words, it’s strange to think “gay” is something people should be ex-. It’s thinking that they should be getting over.

 … Read the rest

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No “gay cure” ads for London buses *

Apr 12th, 2012 | Filed by

The posters, backed by Anglican Mainstream, read: “Not gay! Post-gay, ex-gay and proud. Get over it!”… Read the rest

Dear old Titanic

Apr 12th, 2012 3:49 pm | By

Good old Vision Forum and Doug Phillips and the bedbug-crazy idea that the Titanic is a Christian morality tale about men protecting women and children.

They’re having an Event. The whole thing was so much fun, you see, that they need to throw a party to celebrate it.

This April, the attention of the world will focus on the 100-year anniversary of the second-most famous ship in world history—the R.M.S Titanic. Next to Noah’s Ark, no other seagoing vessel has captured the imagination of so many. Certainly no event in history has done more to remind Western culture of the Christian doctrine of “women and children first.”

Christian? Doctrine? Who says? Where?

And what does he mean “first”? … Read the rest

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The Titanic sank to make a point *

Apr 12th, 2012 | Filed by

No event in history has done more to remind Western culture of the Christian doctrine of “women and children first.”… Read the rest

Patriarchalists celebrate Titanic 100th *

Apr 12th, 2012 | Filed by

In biblical patriarchy, the refrain of “women and children first” hides an agenda whereby the women are “first” only insofar as they keep their place – subordinate to men.… Read the rest

Salafists in Germany *

Apr 12th, 2012 | Filed by

A video appeared on YouTube apparently threatening journalists who reported critically on the Salafist Koran distribution project.… Read the rest

Bishops as experts on “liberty”

Apr 12th, 2012 2:16 pm | By

The Catholic bishops have released another Declaration of Theocracy.

Sarah Posner reports

As expected, it’s basically a rehash of the same arguments the Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty has been making for almost a year. This document, though, is even more pointed and hostile than previous statements, expressing disdain for (and even a refusal to acknowledge) court rulings against the Bishops, vowing not to obey “unjust laws,” and pledging to deploy “all the energies the Catholic community can muster” to resist “totalitarian incursions against religious liberty” this summer.

In other words, theocracy. Disobey laws, disobey judges, do what the bishops say “God” says instead. That. is. theocracy.

The Bishops’ statement complains about the treatment of Christian students on

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US bishops vow disobedience to “unjust laws” *

Apr 12th, 2012 | Filed by

USCCB statement expresses disdain for court rulings against the bishops and pledges to deploy “all the energies the Catholic community can muster” to resist “totalitarian incursions.”… Read the rest

Let’s ban stuff

Apr 12th, 2012 12:14 pm | By

Let’s reverse all trends toward greater freedom in order to attract more rabid reactionaries. What a good plan!

A London University may become the first in the country to ban alcohol from part of its campus to attract more Muslim students, its Vice Chancellor has said.

It could ban women from part of its campus, too, or it could ban just women with naked heads, or it could split the difference and ban just women not in burqas. Would that be a good plan?

London Metropolitan University is considering banning the sale of alcohol from some parts of the campus because a “high percentage” of students consider drinking “immoral,” Prof Malcolm Gillies said.

One-fifth of the University’s students are Muslim,

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Jessica with a friend

Apr 11th, 2012 5:19 pm | By

Rebecca took it.

It’s nicer than that stinking letter.

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Christian love

Apr 11th, 2012 5:16 pm | By

What Jessica Ahlquist got in the mail.

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