The jerk filter

Aug 2nd, 2012 11:42 am | By

Zinnia reports a slightly rude introduction to life at Freethought Blogs. She didn’t realize, when she joined, that there would be people bouncing up every few minutes to squawk “FTB!!” in feigned alarm/concern/disgust. (We’re going to have to make it a policy to warn people about this before inviting them to join.) She doesn’t mind, though; it’s a good jerk-filter. There’s that random person on Facebook, and then there’s…

the national executive director of CFI Canada. Who announced on Twitter a couple of days ago

reading freethought blogs just gives me a headache. I have yet to find a single post in it’s [sic] entire history which was even remotely readable

I pointed out to him that FTB … Read the rest

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Jared Diamond on Romney’s misunderstanding of his book *

Aug 2nd, 2012 | Filed by

Will Romney continue to espouse one-factor explanations for multicausal problems, and fail to understand history and the modern world? Probably.… Read the rest

Pakistan: girl, 13, tortured to death in “exorcism” *

Aug 2nd, 2012 | Filed by

Her parents had taken the girl to the pir ‘to evict djinns who had possessed her’.  Her skin was burnt with a hot iron rod and she was suffocated.… Read the rest

Jim Underdown on hatred, threats, harassment directed at women *

Aug 2nd, 2012 | Filed by

“Maybe we can save the witty jabs for our real enemies like Sylvia Browne, homeopathy, and Power Balance Bracelets.”… Read the rest

NY Times on sexual harassment in online gaming *

Aug 2nd, 2012 | Filed by

“We are a real mass medium, and we have a real effect on the culture. We have to take a step beyond this idea that nothing we could possibly do could hurt people.”… Read the rest

A vocal contingent of extremely hateful people

Aug 1st, 2012 5:15 pm | By

Part 7 in Amy’s series: Matt Dillahunty.

Matt’s piece has the considerable virtue of being specific – of actually saying what the problem is.

He notes that a lot of people are just confused or uninformed about these issues.

Unfortunately, there’s also a vocal contingent of extremely hateful people who aren’t willing to honestly engage in the discussion and they’ve been venting – if not simply trolling. When there’s an expressed concern, or a proposed solution to a concern, they frequently respond with cartoonish arguments loaded with fallacies but the more disturbing responses simply include hateful threats of rape and violence.

These individuals are beneath contempt. They’re not just misinformed or mistaken, they’re malicious little thugs who are lashing

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Olympic weightlifter to sexist trolls: what makes you think we care?

Aug 1st, 2012 3:53 pm | By

British Olympic weightlifter Zoe Smith, that is. Sexist trolls expressed indignation and shock that she’s not dainty enough for their taste. She pointed out on her blog that their taste isn’t high on her list of concerns.

This may be shocking to you, but we actually would rather be attractive to people who aren’t closed-minded and ignorant. Crazy, eh?! We, as any women with an ounce of self-confidence would, prefer our men to be confident enough in themselves to not feel emasculated by the fact that we aren’t weak and feeble.

Which is much like what Ernest Adams said last week: good men are not threatened by strength and intelligence in women. What kind of men are threatened … Read the rest

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You may well call it a windfall

Aug 1st, 2012 3:09 pm | By

The economy is in the ditch, but the Templeton Foundation keeps handing out money in units of a million to finance “research” into various wings of religion.

Millions of people fervently believe in an afterlife. John Martin Fischer, a philosopher at the University of California at Riverside, is not one of them.

But Mr. Fischer does see the subject as ripe for academic research, and on Tuesday the John Templeton Foundation awarded him a windfall to make that happen—$5-million for a multidisciplinary investigation of human immortality.

It’s a great pity that atheism has no Templeton Foundation. I wouldn’t mind being handed 5 million bucks to investigate secular ethics or the roots of sexism or where to find the best gelato.… Read the rest

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Reason for pause

Aug 1st, 2012 12:07 pm | By

I’m late with # 6 in Surly Amy’s series. It’s David Niose, the president of the American Humanist Association, this time.


The blogosphere has rarely been known for its high sense of decorum, but the vile comments recently directed toward women in the atheist-humanist-skeptic communities give us reason for pause. Occasional disagreements within our communities on various issues are to be expected, as are the fiery tempers that sometimes accompany such disagreements. Given our strong opinions and our willingness to stand up for what we believe, it would be more surprising if we went a lengthy time period without some kind of high-profile clash occurring. But still, the inevitability of conflict in no way justifies any kind of

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Gore Vidal

Aug 1st, 2012 11:39 am | By

I wasn’t as keen on him lately as I once was, because of the conspiracy-thought and the sympathetic view of Timothy McVeigh and the like…but still, he was a hell of an essayist.

Not a very good novelist, I always thought, but a brilliant essayist. Orwell was the same. Some people just shouldn’t write fiction; it’s odd when they don’t realize it.

The Times obit says I’m not the only one who thinks so.

In the opinion of many critics, though, Mr. Vidal’s ultimate reputation is apt to rest less on his novels than on his essays, many of them written for The New York Review of Books. His collection “The Second American Revolution” won the National Book Critics Circle

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Gore Vidal 1925-2012 *

Aug 1st, 2012 | Filed by

He could always be counted on for a spur-of-the-moment aphorism, putdown or sharply worded critique of American foreign policy.… Read the rest