Nuns pushing back

Aug 14th, 2012 9:24 am | By

The disobedient nuns had their annual meeting last week in St Louis. (How appropriate. I wonder if they always hold their meetings in a saintly or otherwise piously-named city. They have a lot to choose from – St Paul, San Antonio, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Santa Fe, Providence…)

They’re not defying, but they’re not giving in, either. Maybe they’re just playing for time.

American nuns described as dissenters in a Vatican report that ordered an overhaul of their group said Friday they will talk with church leaders about potential changes but will not compromise on the sisters’ mission.

Sister Pat Farrell, president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, called the Vatican assessment of the organization

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Woman iz associate to man, can haz some rites

Aug 13th, 2012 5:45 pm | By

Uh oh.

Tunisia is working on a new constitution. That is, Tunisia’s government is. Tunisia’s government is Islamist.

Tunisian politicians have provoked outrage by debating draft laws that would impose prison sentences for vaguely defined acts of blasphemy and approving wording in the country’s new constitution that says women are “complementary” to men.

The panel approved an article to the new constitution under the principle that a woman is a “complement with the man in the family and an associate to the man in the development of the country”, according to Ms Mabrouk’s August 1 Facebook post.

Another version.

The newly written constitutional clause protecting women’s rights in the Tunisian constitution has angered feminists and opposition politicians with

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A poem for Gabby Douglas

Aug 13th, 2012 5:07 pm | By

“So I find it repugnant to sit here and talk about her pony tail.”

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Thousands rally in Tunisia for women’s rights *

Aug 13th, 2012 | Filed by

Thousands rallied on Monday to protest a push by the Islamist-led government for constitutional changes that would degrade women’s status.… Read the rest

For whom?

Aug 13th, 2012 4:38 pm | By

Another point about James Fitzjames Stephen on gender equality.

He’s claiming that Mill is being insufficiently utilitarian (echoes of Bentham and “nonsense upon stilts” here).

First, as to the proposition that justice requires that all people should live in society as equals. I have already shown that this is equivalent to the proposition that it is expedient that all people should live in society as equals. Can this be proved? for it is certainly not a self-evident proposition.

Expedient – but expedient for whom?

Stephen doesn’t say, and what he does go on to say has what ought to be a very obvious problem, but he apparently never noticed it. The problem is that he’s not going to be … Read the rest

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New study doubts interbreeding with Neanderthals *

Aug 13th, 2012 | Filed by

Similarities between the DNA of modern people and Neanderthals are more likely
to have arisen from shared ancestry than interbreeding, the study reports.… Read the rest

Half full or half empty? Lemonade or dishwater?

Aug 13th, 2012 3:00 pm | By

Crommunist on the other hand is optimistic.

Three years ago, when I first entered the atheist blogosphere, basic 101-level social justice was well outside the mainstream. There was a small number of voices articulating positions that did not fall into the bread-and-butter topics of evolution, cosmology, and theology. Now, mainstream atheist forums like Reddit’s r/atheism is often (half-jokingly) derided for being synonymous with r/LGBT insofar as the fight for recognition of gay rights dovetails the fight against religious domination of public life, and the popularly-shared links reflect that. The community at large is (always too slowly) realizing that atheism is a social justice issue, and that our struggle is a similar struggle to that of gay people, people of

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The pope has a butler *

Aug 13th, 2012 | Filed by

Who will go on trial for leaking papers out of a desire to combat “evil and corruption everywhere in the Church,” according to a prosecutor in the case.… Read the rest

Vocal and unabashed

Aug 13th, 2012 11:49 am | By

PZ also did a post on Liberal Will, which has a squillion comments which include a sub-theme that Rebecca and I are not/are “radical feminists” and what is a radical feminist anyway.

The sub-theme starts with

although someone did allege Rebecca Watson and Ophelia Benson were “radical feminists” — they’re really not —

They may not be, but they sure give off that impression.

and continues with several people saying “under what definition?” Ibis gives the right answer.

When people call Ophelia or Rebecca “radical feminists” they are using the term as a slur* for “vocal, unabashed feminists”. Just like when people use the term “militant atheists” they are not using it for atheists who are running around

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Should eating a peach be legal?

Aug 13th, 2012 11:11 am | By

Should going for a walk be legal?

Should listening to music be legal?

Should reading poetry be legal?

Should non-marital sex be legal?

It’s not currently legal in Morocco, and as it turns out it’s not even safe to say it should be.

The editor of Morocco’s Al-Ahdath Al-Maghribia daily newspaper, Moktar el-Ghzioui, is living in fear for his life after he expressed support for pre-marital sex during a local television debate.

“The next thing there was a cleric from Oujda releasing a fatwa that I should die,” he says.

“I am very scared for myself and my family. It’s a real blow to all the modernists who thought Morocco was moving forward.”

According to article 490 of the penal

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Morocco: Should pre-marital sex be legal? *

Aug 13th, 2012 | Filed by

Should a cleric issue a fatwa saying a newspaper editor should die for saying yes to that question?… Read the rest

Mars rover makes detailed crater image *

Aug 13th, 2012 | Filed by

This is the first view scientists have had of a fluvial system from the surface of Mars.… Read the rest

Mars rover makes first colour panorama *

Aug 13th, 2012 | Filed by

It’s low resolution, but pretty enough and interesting enough to share, Mike Malin explains.… Read the rest

Drug company suing academic over a paper in NEJM *

Aug 13th, 2012 | Filed by

A large German pharmaceutical company is threatening a Danish academic with libel over a paper  published in The New England Journal of Medicine.… Read the rest

Why homeopathy doesn’t work *

Aug 12th, 2012 | Filed by

The 200C dilution would require 10^320 universes or so just to find one active
particle.… Read the rest

We get the good ones

Aug 12th, 2012 5:11 pm | By

Here’s another comrade – Liberal Will. He’s over there, where Maureen and Alex and Rhys and Hayley and Amy and Melanie and many other swell people are. There are a lot of comrades. Don’t let the blowhards fool you about that. The anti-feminists aren’t taking over.

Even if you’re in the friendliest safe space ever, you need to have a harassment policy. The world does not work on SimCity rules, where you don’t build a fire department until the first fire breaks out. It needs to be there. Harassment at any type of convention is common, and the skeptic community should know pretty damn well it’s a problem, especially after “Elevatorgate“. And women, sadly, are the target

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Olympic fervour

Aug 12th, 2012 3:23 pm | By

Update: Monday: Once again I made the mistake of forgetting that not everyone reading would know what prompted this post. What prompted it was this comment on my post about a dopy BBC film clip about natural selection and slavery and fast runners.


Oh, so it’s a thing. I didn’t know it was a thing – this “you have to be all ecstatic about the Olympics” bollix. Joan Smith says about it.

Some things matter more than sport. But I’ve come back to my own country to discover Olympic fervour encouraging a species of emotional correctness, where anyone who doesn’t care for competitive games is regarded as a killjoy. It’s like being transported to a Victorian public school,

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Chris Rodda has accepted the challenge

Aug 12th, 2012 2:43 pm | By

Chris Rodda wants it known far and wide that she accepted a challenge from David Barton’s radio co-host to show specifics of where David Barton tells untruths in his book The Jefferson Lies. You have your mission.

Chris knows what she’s talking about. She does the time-consuming work of following up Barton’s references.

Get the word out!… Read the rest

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Greater vigor of character

Aug 12th, 2012 11:31 am | By

James Fitzjames Stephen was a forthright kind of guy. Blunt, even. As such he offers a useful window into the most forthright kind of imperturbable contempt for women.

From chapter 5 of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, in which he disagrees with John Stuart Mill’s views on gender equality.

Now, if society and government ought to recognize the inequality of age as the foundation of an inequality of rights of this importance, it appears to me at least equally clear that they ought to recognize the inequality of sex for the same purpose, if it is a real inequality. Is it one? There are some propositions which it is difficult to prove, because they are so plain, and this is one

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Au pied du chameau

Aug 12th, 2012 10:13 am | By

I know a new thing now, a thing I didn’t know before. I know that there’s something – something bad – called “camel toe.” I know what it is. I know it via the tweets of Another Angry Woman @stavvers and this post that she linked to, The Miracle Bajingo Shoehorn.

A staggering 55% of women, irrespective of age, size or weight,  experience camel toe at some point.

Many women have even gone to extreme lengths to rectify the camel toe  problem, resorting to expensive and risky surgery.

Now thanks to the Smooth Groove camel toe remedy, all women can get on with  their lives without having to worry about how they look.

After all, being a

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