Don’t execute the rebellious child lightly

Oct 9th, 2012 11:27 am | By

Charlie Fuqua, a Republican candidate for the Arkansas House of Representatives, wrote a book called (frighteningly) God’s Law. It’s not a satire; he really thinks there is such a thing and that he knows about it. One item of god’s law is that rebellious children should be subject to the death penalty.

The Huffington Post quotes from the book via The Arkansas Times.

The maintenance of civil order in society rests on the foundation of family discipline. Therefore, a child who disrespects his parents must be permanently removed from society in a way that gives an example to all other children of the importance of respect for parents. The death penalty for rebellious children is not something to

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Fury in Pakistan over attack on Malala Yousafzai *

Oct 9th, 2012 | Filed by

It has been condemned by most of Pakistan’s major political parties and human rights groups including the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan and Amnesty International.… Read the rest

The bullet missed her brain

Oct 9th, 2012 10:21 am | By

I’m finding a lot of commentary and some (possible) news about Malala Yousafzai on Twitter (via #Malala).

The important item is a new update on her condition.

Doctors at the Saidu Sharif Medical Complex said that Malala was out of danger after the bullet penetrated her skull but missed her brain.

“A bullet struck her head, but the brain is safe,” said Dr Taj Mohammed.

“She is out of danger,” he added.

Dr Laal Noor, from the same hospital, confirmed that the bullet broke her skull but missed her brain.

“The bullet struck her skull and came out on the other side and hit her shoulder,” he told AFP.

The same item includes more evil shit from the Taliban.… Read the rest

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Loon wants death penalty for “rebellious children” *

Oct 9th, 2012 | Filed by

“The guidelines for administering the death penalty to rebellious children are given in Deut 21:18-21,” Charlie Fuqua wrote in his book God’s Law.Read the rest

Because she was secular

Oct 9th, 2012 9:25 am | By

A 14-year-old schoolgirl in the Swat valley in Pakistan has been shot in the head. The Taliban says it did it. Malala Yousafzai is also a campaigner for girls’ education. She was attacked on her way home from school in Mingora. She’s reported to be out of danger.

Ehsanullah Ehsan told BBC Urdu that they attacked her because she was anti-Taliban and secular, adding that she would not be spared.

Clear and to the point.

She kept a diary for BBC Urdu starting at age 11.

Correspondents say she earned the admiration of many across Pakistan for her courage in speaking out about life under the brutal rule of Taliban militants.

One poignant entry reflects on the Taliban decree

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Pakistan: girls’ rights activist, 14, shot *

Oct 9th, 2012 | Filed by

A Pakistani Taliban spokesman told the BBC that they attacked her because she is anti-Taliban and secular, adding that she would not be spared.… Read the rest

Salman speaks

Oct 8th, 2012 4:24 pm | By

Hey look, Salman Rushdie is on C-Span live right now. Well actually not right now, the woman who co-owns Politics and Prose is on right now, introducing him. Melody was on before that.

Now Robert Siegel is talking.

So watch and listen!

I’ll live-blog it, that’s what.

Paraphrase: It’s very difficult to write about duration. It was like the pampas, as Borges described it. You can’t take a picture of it, because it looks like a field. You can only get a sense of it by traveling in it, and then it just goes on and on, and it’s always the same, and it goes on and on, and it’s always the same, and it goes on and on.… Read the rest

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You’re both right

Oct 8th, 2012 3:52 pm | By

I’d forgotten about NonStampCollecter (and that that was his name) until Theo Bromine posted a video in The return of snipping this morning. So that’s who NonStampCollecter is! I saw the name in another context but didn’t know who it was. Oh hooray. Boy do I like NonStampCollecter.

httpv:// the rest

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Nowhere were servants better treated

Oct 8th, 2012 10:52 am | By

Update: this item is from 1996. [hides scarlet face]

There’s an Alabama State Senator (Republican) running for Congress, who says slavery was a good thing for the people who were slaves.

Mr. Davidson referred to Leviticus 25:44 — “You may acquire male and female slaves from the pagan nations that are around you” — and quoted I Timothy 6:1 as saying slaves should “regard their own masters as worthy of all honor.”

“The incidence of abuse, rape, broken homes and murder are 100 times greater, today, in the housing projects than they ever were on the slave plantations in the Old South,” he wrote. “The truth is that nowhere on the face of the earth, in all of time,

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Alabama senator says slavery was good for black people *

Oct 8th, 2012 | Filed by

The bible says slavery is ok and the Southern slave plantations were fabulous for the slaves says State Senator Charles Davidson.… Read the rest

The stuff of nightmares

Oct 7th, 2012 4:11 pm | By

Taslima has a chilling little graphic

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Galloway sues National Union of Students for libel *

Oct 7th, 2012 | Filed by

The NUS called him a rape-denier after he said Assange had been accused of nothing more than “bad sexual etiquette”.… Read the rest

Day of Agreement

Oct 7th, 2012 | By Maryam Namazie

Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and One Law for All are calling on everyone to join the Day of Agreement.

It’s quite easy to do.

On 10 October, upload the day’s logo as your avatar on social media, Tweet #dayofagreement or try it with your colleagues, family and friends.

You can also join our five minute flash-mob at 12 noon in central London. (Email for more details).

Just remember, you can’t disagree with anyone – your colleagues, spouse, lover(s), mates, neighbours, children, bosses, or even politicians…

You are not allowed to dissent, ‘offend’ or question.

And before anyone gets too excited, they have to remember that they must also agree with everything you say. It’s only fair…

Seems impossible?

But … Read the rest

Mona Eltahawy talks about women in the revolution

Oct 7th, 2012 3:31 pm | By

Via Taslima, Mona Eltahawy talks to Robin Morgan. Mona is determinedly hopeful, but not blind to the reality.

Mona: I think we’ve reached the stage in Egypt where people understand that with a president from the Muslim Brotherhood movement and a still very powerful military, we’re caught between a very bad rock and a very horrible hard place because you’re talking about two sides of one coin: authoritarian, totalitarian, doesn’t believe in civil liberties and for whom and for which women’s rights are, absolutely at the bottom of any totem pole hierarchy and one of the highlights in my last visit to Cairo was attending a meeting that veteran feminists Nawal El Saadawi called in which it brought

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Robin Morgan and Mona Eltahawy talk *

Oct 7th, 2012 | Filed by

“With a president from the Muslim Brotherhood movement and a still very powerful military, we’re caught between a very bad rock and a very horrible hard place.”… Read the rest

Join the Day of Agreement

Oct 7th, 2012 1:50 pm | By

From Maryam Namazie and Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and One Law for All:
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and One Law for All are calling on everyone to join the Day of Agreement.

It’s quite easy to do.
On 10 October, upload the day’s logo as your avatar on social media, Tweet #dayofagreement or try it with your colleagues, family and friends.

You can also join our five minute flash-mob at 12 noon in central London. (Email for more details).

Just remember, you can’t disagree with anyone – your colleagues, spouse, lover(s), mates, neighbours, children, bosses, or even politicians…

You are not allowed to dissent, ‘offend’ or question.

And before anyone gets too excited, they have to remember that … Read the rest

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Saudi cleric tells women to wear one-eye niqab *

Oct 7th, 2012 | Filed by

Sheikh Muhammad al-Habadan said showing both eyes encouraged women to use eye make-up to look seductive.… Read the rest

Theocrats want both tax exemption and political partisanship *

Oct 7th, 2012 | Filed by

That’s unconstitutional, but theocrats don’t care about that.… Read the rest

Who is merciful?

Oct 7th, 2012 10:58 am | By

An unpleasant little story from India.

…a 12-year-old boy was allegedly chained by authorities of a local madrassa to prevent him from escaping from the school.

According to Medak town police, the boy has been studying in ‘Minhaj-ul-uloom’ religious school for the past three years and had earlier made several attempts to run away from the madrassa, as he was not a quick learner and had a stammering problem.

The police said that the madrassa management had chained the boy a few days ago to prevent him from escaping.

To prevent him from “escaping” – as if he were somehow legally obliged to be there.

“There is no compulsion in religion.” Oh really?… Read the rest

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Boy chained at madrassa to stop him running away *

Oct 7th, 2012 | Filed by

The police said that the madrassa management had chained the boy a few days ago to prevent him from escaping.… Read the rest