Guest post: Ask any female comic book fan about ‘pornface’

Originally a comment by Freemage on Foreplay is supposed to hurt, yeah?

Yeah, when I encounter SWIFs, I’m always dumbfounded by the fact that they so readily dismiss the notion that people (individually) and society (collectively) are influenced by the media they consume. This is a damned staple of every social justice movement in existence–and yet, somehow, we’re supposed to believe that porn (a genre meant to be consumed at precisely the moment you’re establishing some of the strongest emotional connections in your brain) will have no effect whatsoever.

As for the cultural impact of porn–ask any female comic book fan about ‘pornface’. Apparently, a large number of pencilers in the big comic-book houses (DC, Marvel and Image) make use of shortcuts to be able to crank out work quickly, and one of the biggest is tracing–you put the sheet over a picture of a real woman’s face, and then draw the lines in, then send it on to be inked and colored.

Well, starting in the nineties and oughts, a lot of women comic-book readers noticed that there was a particular set of expressions that seemed to be very, very common on female characters. The guys were basically tracing over the pictures of women in porn, most often ones suggesting oral sex. As a result, the women were consistently shown with their mouths in the classic “O” position–which, of course, is rarely actually used when merely speaking. (Greg Land, in particular, did this so often that it practically became a meme.)


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