This president has dumbed down the idea of morality

There’s much buzz about the fact that Billy Graham’s mag Christianity Today says Trump must go.

Much of what it says about why is wrong, of course, but not all of it.

We want CT to be a place that welcomes Christians from across the political spectrum, and reminds everyone that politics is not the end and purpose of our being. We take pride in the fact, for instance, that politics does not dominate our homepage.

That said, we do feel it necessary from time to time to make our own opinions on political matters clear—always, as Graham encouraged us, doing so with both conviction and love. We love and pray for our president, as we love and pray for leaders (as well as ordinary citizens) on both sides of the political aisle.

Let’s grant this to the president: The Democrats have had it out for him from day one, and therefore nearly everything they do is under a cloud of partisan suspicion.

Wait. Why have the Democrats had it out for him from day one? It’s because he’s a bad mean cruel malicious bully. Yes it’s also about policy, but the Dems were and are not wrong to have opposed him from day one: he’s a very bad man and has been from the beginning. Since that’s their point you’d think they could admit that the Dems have said that all along.

But the facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.

The reason many are not shocked about this is that this president has dumbed down the idea of morality in his administration. He has hired and fired a number of people who are now convicted criminals. He himself has admitted to immoral actions in business and his relationship with women, about which he remains proud. His Twitter feed alone—with its habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders—is a near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused.

Indeed, also its insults, taunts, mean “jokes,” rages, rants, boasts, and muffled cries from the inferno within.

They quote themselves on Clinton from twenty years ago and then comment:

Unfortunately, the words that we applied to Mr. Clinton 20 years ago apply almost perfectly to our current president. Whether Mr. Trump should be removed from office by the Senate or by popular vote next election—that is a matter of prudential judgment. That he should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments.

Oh but hang on – the 10 commandments say nothing about Trump’s most horrendous behaviors. There is no commandment against cruelty, or bullying, or sadism. The creator of the big ten left most of the important stuff out, while wasting a lot of space on groveling to god and not groveling to any other god besides god.

Anyway, it’s interesting that they’re cutting him loose. Expect fireworks.

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