Gonna release it

It’s all quite melancholy, really, because the thing is, she was going to release the Kraken, at least she said she was. Newsweek November 17:

Sidney Powell, one of the attorneys on Donald Trump‘s legal team contesting the election results, has been on the media circuit lately. She visited The Rush Limbaugh Show yesterday and Mario Bartiromo on Fox News the day before. The appearance that’s really gained traction, though, happened days before on Lou Dobbs Tonight on the Fox Business Network. During that conversation, Powell repurposed a popular phrase that has since taken off on Twitter as a clarion call for the right while a source of mockery for the left.

“I’m going to release the Kraken,” Powell declared defiantly while saying she would expose [the fact that] the deck was stacked against Trump in the election by “Silicon Valley people, the big tech companies, the social media and even the media companies.”

And the Kraken is………………………….

a bunch of florid lies told by a hack lawyer who has now been disavowed by the very crooks she was hacking for.

On the one hand it’s funny, on the other hand it’s about as funny as the Reichstag fire.

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