
May 5th, 2021 3:26 pm | By

No room for radical feminists in the feminist movement. Interesting. I wonder what they think feminism is, exactly.

(I don’t really wonder. I don’t think they think much at all, I think they just parrot the slogans they’re told to parrot.)

Supporting the rights of trans people really isn’t essential to protecting all women. It’s beside the point. The rights of trans people appear to be 1. the right to force everyone to agree that you are the sex you … Read the rest

Set to make history

May 5th, 2021 3:05 pm | By

Well, “make history” is one way to put it. The Guardian gushes:

Trans weightlifter Laurel Hubbard set to make history at Tokyo Olympics

Laurel Hubbard is a man, and what he’s set to do at the Tokyo Olympics is steal a medal from a woman. The Guardian doesn’t admit that.

History and controversy is expected to be made at the Tokyo Olympics this summer after the transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard was effectively guaranteed a place in the women’s super heavyweight category.

Why controversy? Because he’s a man, so it’s cheating. Blatant, shameless, piggy cheating.

It means Hubbard, who won silver at the 2017 world championships and was sixth after a severe injury in 2019, is almost certain to become the

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How you can better

May 5th, 2021 11:12 am | By

Last July Stonewall posted some advice on “how you can better support non-binary people.”

Is this a reciprocal type thing? Is there advice to non-binary people on how they can better support binary people?

And what is it to “support” people anyway? When it’s parents of minors, for instance, it means paying their expenses. When it’s non-binary people…?

So let’s see what Stonewall tells us.

There are many ways to be inclusive of everyone, regardless of their gender identity. Our language and the way we speak is often embedded with hidden gendered cues.

So to support non-binary people we should get rid of all those embedded hidden gendered cues, yes? Only, then, won’t trans people wonder what happened to our … Read the rest

Suffocation gone wrong

May 5th, 2021 9:52 am | By

Another item from the annals of “kink”

A man was today found guilty over the death of his partner after a bondage game went wrong at a North Wales holiday resort.

That is, a man killed a woman during sex.

Warren Martin Coulton, 52, tied-up Claire Wright, 38, during a drug and drink fuelled session at a luxury lodge.

However, he fell asleep while she was still restrained and she suffocated to death.

Coulton found her dead when he woke up but fled the scene.

During his seven day trial, the court heard Coulton had put a sock in her mouth and may have taped it up.

In other words he killed her.

Ms Wright’s body was found in

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Frog is croaking

May 5th, 2021 9:28 am | By

Trump is hopping with fury at Facebook and Liz Cheney.

Donald Trump has just released a new statement, but the former president focuses his ire on congresswoman Liz Cheney, not the Facebook oversight board.

“Warmonger Liz Cheney, who has virtually no support left in the Great State of Wyoming, continues to unknowingly and foolishly say that there was no Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election when in fact, the evidence, including no Legislative approvals as demanded by the U.S. Constitution, shows the exact opposite,” Trump said.

He’s still illiterate as well as a liar. “Unknowingly” is not the right word there. Most of the words are wrong or in the wrong place or lies or all three. He … Read the rest

Private advice

May 5th, 2021 7:46 am | By

Sure but they got away with it anyway.

Judge says Barr “misled” aka lied about the Mueller investigation.

A federal judge in Washington accused the Justice Department under Attorney General William P. Barr of misleading her and Congress about advice he had received from top department officials on whether President Donald J. Trump should have been charged with obstructing the Russia investigation and ordered that a related memo be released.

That’s a terrible opening sentence/paragraph. The Times should worry less about wiping out the Oxford comma and more about a too-long one-sentence opening paragraph with too much context-free information lumped all together with no punctuation. I know the idea is overview first then details but the overview in this … Read the rest

Writing in a book

May 4th, 2021 5:46 pm | By

Heeheehee Trump has a blog. I bet mine is better.

His retro webpage, billed “From the Desk of Donald J Trump”, appears at DonaldJTrump.com/desk and features a small photo of the 45th president writing in a book on his desk.

Which is funny because he barely knows how to write.

Twitter announced it had banned Trump permanently after the US Capitol attack for breaking its “glorification of violence” rules.

Facebook also banned him, with its chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, saying “the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great”.

But Facebook’s independent oversight board is expected to announce on Wednesday whether it is overturning the suspension.

In the meantime

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Trans books are books

May 4th, 2021 3:42 pm | By

Big news – another open letter saying eeek transphobia eeek. Great, because there haven’t been enough of those yet.

A group of individuals from across the books industry has written an open letter to The Bookseller which has warned “transphobia is still perfectly acceptable in the British book industry”, arguing that what is needed is “quiet statements of acceptance from companies and organisations within our industry”. 

But how are these individuals defining “transphobia”? It tends to mean just not agreeing with the magical dualist claims of trans ideology.

The three-page letter, entitled ‘The Paradox of Tolerance’, is signed anonymously from a number of trade figures, including publishers, writers, illustrators and booksellers. It is published below this article. The Bookseller

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Guest post: Welcome to Minitrue

May 4th, 2021 12:09 pm | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on So, Dan.

How on earth do they get from one to the other?

Leap of faith.

Call me paranoid, but I think there’s more to it than that. They look like two serarate, but connected moves.

Opening girls’ sports to boys who claim to be girls will only result in a tiny number of trans girls joining teams anyway so it’s not a problem”

First, minimize the the imposition. Make the problem look small; make the reaction to it look extreme and unreasonable. “It’s only a few, what’s the harm? You’re over-reacting!” And this is setting aside the fact that however “few” boys are admitted to teams, at least that … Read the rest

Feedback loop in feminism

May 4th, 2021 11:11 am | By

A woman wonders, very tentatively, if there’s anything at all sexist about the ever-escalating trend (aka pressure) for women to spend much of their time and money repairing putative flaws in their faces breasts genitals buttocks legs arms hands feet nails teeth hair.

It’s nothing shocking now for women of my age (30) and younger to seek out anti-ageing procedures. To feel troubled by this puts you in strange territory.

I feel sometimes there is a feedback loop in feminism. Issues first raised by second-wave feminism – and perhaps broached too prescriptively – were later reconsidered under the idea that feminism should allow women to do what they want. Take body hair removal. Quite rightly, feminists over the years have

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His outbursts are relevant

May 4th, 2021 10:15 am | By

Frank Bruni at the Times says Tucker Carlson is trying to be the new Trump – i.e. the new guy who says stupid shit to rile people up. Grab some popcorn, kids, it’s another episode of Who’s the Biggest Troll?

Case in point: Carlson’s endlessly denounced, exhaustively parsed jeremiad against masks on his Fox News show on Monday night.

“Your response when you see children wearing masks as they play should be no different from your response to seeing someone beat a kid at Walmart,” Carlson railed. “Call the police immediately. Contact child protective services. Keep calling until someone arrives. What you’re looking at is abuse. It’s child abuse.”

So what we should do, no doubt, is deny him the … Read the rest

Quien es mas creepy?

May 4th, 2021 9:57 am | By

#CreepyTucker is trending on the Twitterbox, and this is why.

Obama is “some creepy old guy.”

A cheerful prospect.… Read the rest

So, Dan

May 3rd, 2021 4:45 pm | By

The New York Times did an offensively bad and one-sided job of Explaining the moves to prevent boys from competing against girls in school sports. To put it more bluntly, they argued for allowing boys to compete against girls as if it were just obviously fine and not at all unfair.

I’m quoting from the transcript. It’s worth listening to some, to hear how emphasis is used to tip the scales even more.

Just four months into 2021, Republican state lawmakers across the country have already proposed more bills restricting the lives of transgender youth than in any previous year. Today, Sabrina Tavernise spoke with our colleague, Dan Levin, about what’s behind these bills and the impact they could have

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Lock the doors

May 3rd, 2021 4:06 pm | By

About Australia’s travel ban from India

Scott Morrison has continued his “don’t worry about the India travel ban” media tour this morning on Nine’s Today show, where he was asked about former test cricket opener Michael Slater’s comments that the prime minister has “blood on his hands”.

The decision to make attempting to return to Australia within 14 days of being in India a criminal offence punishable with up 5 years in prison and fines as high as $60,000 has been roundly criticised. Morrison has been going to great lengths to water down this rhetoric this morning.

The likelihood of any sanction, anything like that is extremely remote.

If the law is on the books the law is … Read the rest

Deal with what?

May 3rd, 2021 3:22 pm | By

But it’s not dehumanizing.

But it’s not dehumanizing. Women are human. Saying a woman is a woman isn’t dehumanizing her. You can call it rude or unkind if you like, but it’s not even slightly dehumanizing. Women and men are both human.

He’s 38 years old. I do find that slightly shocking. People should be reasonably adult by that age.… Read the rest

The importance of civil liberties

May 3rd, 2021 11:46 am | By

Derek Thompson at the Atlantic sought out some vax-refuseniks to explain their thinking.

The people I spoke with were all under 50. A few of them self-identified as Republican, and none of them claimed the modern Democratic Party as their political home. Most said they weren’t against all vaccines; they were just a “no” on this vaccine. They were COVID-19 no-vaxxers, not overall anti-vaxxers.

Many people I spoke with said they trusted their immune system to protect them. “Nobody ever looks at it from the perspective of a guy who’s like me,” Bradley Baca, a 39-year-old truck driver in Colorado, told me. “As an essential worker, my life was never going to change in the pandemic, and I

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No herd immunity for you

May 3rd, 2021 10:41 am | By

We can’t have herd immunity because people are too stupid.

Early in the pandemic, when vaccines for the coronavirus were still just a glimmer on the horizon, the term “herd immunity” came to signify the endgame: the point when enough Americans would be protected from the virus so we could be rid of the pathogen and reclaim our lives.

Now, more than half of adults in the United States have been inoculated with at least one dose of a vaccine. But daily vaccination rates are slipping, and there is widespread consensus among scientists and public health experts that the herd immunity threshold is not attainable — at least not in the foreseeable future, and perhaps not ever.

Instead, they are

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Absolutely delighted

May 3rd, 2021 10:10 am | By

Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre puts the lotion on its skin.

Who wouldn’t be delighted to welcome a man as head of a rape crisis centre?

https://twitter.com/dinahbrand2/status/1389171027704389633… Read the rest

If one why not all?

May 3rd, 2021 9:25 am | By

Trevor Phillips warned of the problem back in 2018.

The disaster of the public consultation process on gender recognition has revealed a government so terrified of being labelled transphobic that it is ready to destroy half a century of painstakingly assembled anti-discrimination legislation to the detriment of every woman, person of colour and disabled individual in Britain. Under the current law, a change of gender requires a two-year period of reflection, medical checks and possible physical alterations. It is a gruelling process and proposed reforms to the Gender Recognition Act rightly aim to make the process less bureaucratic.

However, agitation by a guilt-tripping band of “trans” activists has corralled MPs into contemplating a wholly unnecessary and dangerous further step.

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They go after his lawyers

May 3rd, 2021 8:44 am | By

So apparently Rudy Giuliani should be allowed to break whatever laws he chooses now, because if he’s not then that’s fascism?

Attorney Alan Dershowitz on Sunday criticized federal agents’ raid on Rudy Giuliani’s apartment last week, telling radio host John Catsimatidis that it was reminiscent of conduct seen in authoritarian countries.

“In banana republics, in Castro‘s Cuba, in many parts of the world when a candidate loses for president, they go after the candidate, they go after his lawyers, they go after his friends,” Dershowitz said. “That’s happening in America now. They’re going after Rudy Giuliani.”

So Rudy Giuliani should have permanent total immunity now? Because he was Trump’s lawyer and fixer and enforcer? Is that how that works?… Read the rest