I’m proud to have several colleagues @OU_Philosophy with skin in different gender debates. As we support all of them & to ensure fair debate, we don’t take sides from our departmental account. I removed yesterday’s tweet in support & out of respect of all my esteemed colleagues.
You have chosen a side. The side of cowardice. No academic should be alarmed that other academics have different views to them. That is the very nature of academia.
I’m still pretty stoked about Prof. Stock’s award. She has provided me with some very satisfying reading, and I’m definitely an admirer. Good to see those who lend respectability to academia, philosophy, and feminism get formal recognition. :) Too bad Dr. Dries didn’t have the gumption to stick by his sentiments. I wonder if his other “esteemed colleagues” appreciate how bogus his retraction is, and how much of their “respect” is reciprocal or deserved.
I’m still pretty stoked about Prof. Stock’s award. She has provided me with some very satisfying reading, and I’m definitely an admirer. Good to see those who lend respectability to academia, philosophy, and feminism get formal recognition. :) Too bad Dr. Dries didn’t have the gumption to stick by his sentiments. I wonder if his other “esteemed colleagues” appreciate how bogus his retraction is, and how much of their “respect” is reciprocal or deserved.