"The control of infectious disease, by its very nature, requires collective and coordinated action. … Societies that were good at solving collective action problems were thus most effective in controlling infectious disease." – Plagues Upon the Earth, p. 385
Even within the Preamble to the Constitution (which many of the anti-vaxxers invoke in defending their right to spread the virus,) there is mention of “promoting the general welfare” and “providing for the common defense.” The control of infectious disease is certainly a valid exercise by government, and no. It’s not socialist in this case to say that the “needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.”
Plagues Upon the Earth is only $19.75 for download on Kindle, if you read that way. It looks to be interesting.
Even within the Preamble to the Constitution (which many of the anti-vaxxers invoke in defending their right to spread the virus,) there is mention of “promoting the general welfare” and “providing for the common defense.” The control of infectious disease is certainly a valid exercise by government, and no. It’s not socialist in this case to say that the “needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.”
Plagues Upon the Earth is only $19.75 for download on Kindle, if you read that way. It looks to be interesting.
David Frum has fully distilled my preferred COVID plan (though Nate Silver had a detailed one that I also quite liked).