The freest

The Attorney-General of Missouri. That’s right, not some random goon on Twitter, not that twitchy guy on the bus, not even a Fox News Personality, but the top law person in Missouri.

I see that claim from the other wackaloons – it’s not about the virus, it’s about control!!

Really. Why? To what end? How do you know? Why now? Why not two years ago? What would convince you you’re wrong? Why do you think the CDC and state/national officials should let the virus cut a swathe through the population and then turn around and cut another until we’re all gone?

What kind of control is it to get people to put masks on? Where’s the profit? What’s the next step to get the cunning plan to pay off? Ok you have 300 million people or so in masks; now what?

Is the idea that it’s training us all to obey mindlessly?

But that’s stupid. Putting masks on doesn’t mean our next step will be to obey a command to arrest all the Republicans or set fire to all the banks or kill all the Jews. It doesn’t mean anything except that we want to avoid spreading a lethal disease.

I know; it doesn’t matter; the already crazy will believe the crazy no matter how stupid it is. I still need to point out the crazy.

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