What genocide is and is not

More from the pyramid:

What is this imagined community that gender-skeptics defend?

Women, for one. Are women “imagined”? No. Women are real. I don’t refer to us as a “community” because I think that word is much overused and also manipulative (so in that sense I kind of understand the “imagined community” thing), but that doesn’t mean the word “women” doesn’t name a real category of people. Do we defend women? Sure. For more see: feminism, passim.

This is the usual warping of the word “existence” – pretending that skepticism about a label=genocide. Hitler didn’t wipe out 6 million Jews by calling them something else, he wiped them out by murdering them. There’s a difference.

It can of course be a form of persecution or oppression to force people to describe themselves the way you choose rather than the way they choose – but that cuts in all directions. Feminists who don’t buy into trans dogma don’t agree that men can be women, but we also don’t agree that we are “cis” women. Feminists see men as men, but trans activists see women as “cis” women, so who is really forcing which to accept a new description for themselves?

To sum up, no, calling men men is not genocide, because of the absence of the “cide” part.

If the whole fad fell apart tomorrow, what would the result be? People would stop calling themselves the other sex. That’s all. That’s not genocide.

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