With a friend wielding plastic handcuffs

Always bring your zip ties with you.

Police arrested a 40-year-old Arizona [father] after he stormed into an elementary school principal’s office with a friend wielding plastic handcuffs, insisting the administration broke the law by asking his child and six others to wear a mask and quarantine after being in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

Ya know, even if he’d been right about the administration’s breaking the law, it’s not his job to do the arresting.

“I can tell you the end result of that incident was we did make one arrest for trespassing,” Sgt. Richard Gradillas of the Tucson, Arizona, Police Department told The Daily Beast, identifying the dad arrested as Rishi Rambaran.

So it wasn’t the administration that got arrested.

Two men accompanied Rambaran on Thursday as he ambushed Principal Diane Vargo while she sat with another educator at the Mesquite Elementary School in Tucson. One of the men, Kelly Walker, livestreamed the incident on his Instagram, explaining that Rambaran, who is also known as “Reese,” had called him and asked him to be there in case he needed backup.

The third man, who has not been identified, stood in the doorway of Vargo’s office with a fistful of “law enforcement-grade” zip ties at the ready—as the trio was prepared to make a citizen’s arrest, Walker said. (The livestream video has since been deleted.)

The school has no right to try to keep a lethal virus out of the school!

Walker owns a coffee shop that hosts luminaries like Dinesh D’Souza.

Next month, Walker, who compared Thursday’s elementary school dust-up to Rosa Parks’ struggle for equal rights, will be welcoming Matthew Lohmeier, a disgraced Space Force lieutenant colonel who was relieved of his post in May over a self-published book warning of an impending “white genocide,” as well as a “neo-Marxist agenda” within the military “designed to patiently and methodically overthrow the US government and replace it with a communist dictatorship.”

But don’t you see? It’s all joined up! Masks – grumpy checkers at the supermarket – Denny’s closing early – people earning FIFTEEN DOLLARS an hour – masks – Joan Crawford – masks –

Walker also claims to believe that the U.S. is “on a sure and certain path to democide,” as he wrote in late August, comparing government mask mandates and vaccine guidance to the “Holocaust in Germany, the Warsaw Ghetto genocide, the murder of millions of Russians and Chinese under Communist regimes, the Killing Fields of Cambodia.”

Anti-government sentiment aside, Walker asked for—and received—a PPP loan in May 2020 for nearly $13,000. It was fully forgiven by the Small Business Administration, according to ProPublica’s PPP tracker.

Yes but people make FIFTEEN DOLLARS AN HOUR working at McDonalds! It’s sheer Nazism and democide.

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