10k fine for “deadnaming”

Germany makes trans ideology compulsory.

Here, Frauen, look at the men taking over the sex you thought you were. Look at them and OBEY.

From the Law Library of Congress:

On May 9, 2023, the German Federal Ministry of Justice (Bundesministerium der Justiz, BMJ) and the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ) published a proposal for a self-identification law (self-ID law) (Gesetz über die Selbstbestimmung in Bezug auf den Geschlechtseintrag, SBGG) that would allow transgender, nonbinary, and intersex persons to change their gender entry and first name at the civil registry without any bureaucratic hurdles.

It’s the ministry for women yet here it is making the word “women” meaningless. Not very for women, if you ask me.

Affected persons whose registered gender does not match their gender identity must simply state at the civil registry that they would like to change or completely delete their gender entry, that the new entry matches their gender identity, and that they are aware of the consequences of the declaration. (SBGG § 2, paras. 2, 3.) They may choose one or more new first names. (§ 2, para. 3.) As an alternative, affected persons may select one or more new first names to match their gender identity without changing the gender entry. (§ 2, para. 4.) Minors 14 years of age or older may make the declaration themselves but require permission from their legal representative for the change. The permission may be replaced by the family court if it does not contradict the child’s best interests. (§ 3, para. 1.) For persons under 14 years of age or for persons who are subject to various types of guardianship, only the legal representative may make the declaration. (§ 3, paras. 2, 3.)

What could possibly…

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