Different things are different

Not so much circular as spiral.

If the Wickes boss had said “axe-wielding murderers are not welcome” there would have been no backlash but so what? We’re supposed to think “therefore it’s fine for the Wickes boss to say people with gender critical views are not welcome” but Tatchell’s analogy is not analogous. Knowing that men are not women is not analogous to racism.

It’s just one of those Big Lies we hear so much about, to claim that women who say men are not women are comparable to racists. Also – you know what else is not comparable to what? Genderism is not comparable to anti-racism. They’re not alike in any way.

It’s actually pretty disgusting for white men to compare themselves to Emmett Till and Medgar Evers and James Chaney. White men qua white men are not relegated to subordinate inferior exploitable status from birth because they are men. Peter Tatchell has no business appropriating anti-racism to glorify men who like to pretend to be women.

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