Guest post: A uniquely vulnerable, needy group

Originally a comment by Sastra on Hemantsplaining biology to a biologist.

In a way, trans ideology resembles a religious Accomodationist argument. Trans people, like the devoutly religious, are seen as a uniquely vulnerable, needy group utterly dependent on their belief. It provides them with their foundation for meaning and sense of self. Without the reassurance that there is this one thing they can know and depend on, their life shatters.

It comes back to New Atheism, which as I saw it was a reaction not so much against religion, but against Accomodationism. In Accomodationism, arguing for the truth of atheism was insensitive at best, a cruel intellectual exercise which ignored the grieving widow in need of a future heavenly reunion and the young person in need of the knowledge that God loved them. Dawkins and his book The God Delusion were trying to take this away. Calling their experience a “delusion” was not only disrespectful, but denied their reality. Even if there really is no God, religious people can’t handle the truth, the Accomodationists said. If you can’t reassure them, then at the very least shut up.

A foundational tenet of New Atheism was that no, the religious CAN handle the truth. Life’s meaning and human ethics don’t require supernatural foundations. The Magic of Reality, the Poetry of Reality — Dawkins’ constant theme is that Nature alone is sufficient for everyone. Reason works. The religious aren’t too fragile. They can do without the delusion. They would do better.

Compare this to the Gender Critical belief that the transgender could and would be capable of accepting Nature, too. It’s not true that everything about them as a person depends utterly on their not being the sex they were born as. Therapy, time, and reason could work wonders. Trans people are more capable of resilience than they think they are. They can do without the delusion. They would do better.

Unfortunately, New Atheism’s stance on aggressive religion’s relationship to the religious was often misunderstood. Its premise that ordinary people were being controlled by a toxic religious ideology was often flipped into the claim that toxic people were creating an ideology for the purpose of controlling others. This lead to an Us vs Them mentality where criticizing religion entailed criticizing the religious. The world is thus divided into Black and White: the Good Guys, who is Us, and the Bad Guys, who is Them.

Needless to say, the belief in transgender identities is enmeshed in this demonization of the other side. What Hemant and other former New Atheists took away from New Atheism was an attitude and approach to the Opposition which wasn’t originally there. The Accomodationist position was that the problem with religion is the nasty people in it — condemn them, but give religion a pass because it helps the weak ones who need it.

Somehow, New Atheism inspired some followers to become Accommodationists. If you can’t reassure trans people, then at the very least shut up.

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