Guest post: A warning to apostates

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Listy McListerson.

…which provides detailed bios of all those they consider to be disrupting the trans narrative.

If they’re looking for culprits guilty of “disrupting” the trans “narrative,” then they need look no further than trans activism itself, which is a disjointed hodgepodge of contradictory, unevidenced claims. For each and every claim of gender ideology, there is an equal and opposite claim that contradicts it. Find an appropriate pair of trans statements and most of the work is already done for you. It’s an extension of the principle that the best weapon you can use against trans activism is to quote trans activists.

Of course this list isn’t simply a resource to be used against opponents of genderism, but also a warning to potential doubters, backsliders and apostates. “DON’T PISS US OFF OR WE’LL PUT YOU ON THIS LIST!” The criteria for orthodoxy are not clear (given the lack of consistency and coherence, how could they be?), and are subject to change. Yesterday’s hero can become today’s pariah at the posting of a tweet (c.f. Peter Tatchell). Reeducation, recantation, and remorse however heartfelt, will never remove the taint of Error.

A movement that had confidence in the truthfulness of its arguments and the justice of its cause wouldn’t need to hold such a threat over its allies and supporters; it would not have to bully, mob, and silence its critics from speaking out. It would relish each and every opportunity to argue and debate the merits of its case against all comers, attempting to win those critics and opponents to their side through reasoned discussion and exchange of ideas. It wouldn’t need to use threats and intimidation to shut down their opponents; it could use the truth. But that would take work. In such a tangled, contradictory mass of impossible bullshit, truth is going to be awfully hard to come by. So much easier to shout down dissent and vilify opponents. It takes no thought to scream.

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