Guest post: Beginning to look suspiciously like privilege

Originally a comment by Bjarte Foshaug on No escape for women ever.

For being one of the most THE most powerless, oppressed, and persecuted group in the history of the multiverse, People of Gender sure seem to have it their way to an unusual degree.

Would Jews in Nazi Germany be be able to tell Aryans exactly what they were obligated to say unless they wanted “a formal complaint” and “a police visit?”, and would the German Police at the time be doing their bidding by showing up at the door of ordinary civilians for making non-threatening statements that some Jews might consider offensive?

Would the Taliban regime in Afghanistan – or anywhere else for that matter – have so many days, weeks, or entire months dedicated to “female pride” that you couldn’t keep track of them all, and would you be unable to walk through the streets of Kabul for more than 10 minutes during any of these periods without seeing at least half a dozen feminist flags?

Would the 2nd in command in Myanmar be proudly displaying Rohingya symbols or slogans on his social media profile, and would the 1st in command be using his very first day in office to muscle in special privileges for Rohingyas?

Would Chinese companies be changing their profile pictures on social media into the Uigur flag (if there is such a thing) at least once a year, and would they be offering crawling apologies, firing employees etc. at the first hint of protests from Uigurs?

Would south African Universities during the Apartheid era be cancelling books, talks, lectures or entire courses in anticipation of protests from blacks?

If you asked any of these groups to tell you about the struggles they were facing, is there any chance that fucking pronouns (!!!) would even make the list?

Of course not! It’s almost as if they weren’t the most oppressed group ever after all. Indeed when you look at it from such a perspective, the alleged “oppression” is beginning to look suspiciously like privilege. Crazy-talk, I know…

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