Guest post: But in the meantime

Originally a comment by Mike Haubrich on Desk job.

It does put us Democrats in a quandary the way that the party has embraced gender ideology. I see on Twitter how many Democrats plan to vote Republican even though they’ve always been Democrats; over gender and the roles that men like Richard Levine and the guy here in Minnesota who said that detransitioners should be dismissed because they are very low in number, Leigh Finke. But in the meantime:

1. The Republicans voted to oust their leader in the House because he refused to let the government shutdown, after previously refusing to let the country default on its loans.

2. The Republicans cut heating assistance for those unable to pay for high gas and oil costs in the winter.

3. The Republicans are looking for ways to cut Social Security and Medicare even though they are not funded by the general fund.

4. The Republicans are trying to keep us beholden to carbon-based sources of energy.

5. The Republicans are going to nominate for President a man who is under indictment for several crimes, including interfering with election officials, and has stated that he will initiate a purge of Deep State Operatives in the Executive department (meaning anyone who is not a true-redTrump-loyal conservative.) He is a man who has stated that the punishment for shoplifting should be death, just shot on sight. Never mind the Constitution!

Should I go on?

Yes, many liberals will leave the Democratic party for their stance on gender, but not enough for the Democrats to get the message of why, so they will go on with it. Some of us will try to find allies within the party as gender skeptics to try to turn this leaky ship around because the alternative is far worse.

In all the years I have been an active member and apparatchik on the volunteer side of Democratic politics, I have found many things I don’t like about the party. Now that I own property, I can see why many people get sick of their mortgage escrow being raised every year by Democrats and property taxes. I’ve also seen many people get fed up with the failures of the party to see reason on a particular issue and go to the other party, and we really are stuck with just the two.

So, I see what you are saying on this, but if some women have been trying to get their fellow liberals to see sense and get met with charges of bigotry and hatred rather than be heard, and find an outlet for their issues in a conservative framework whose only issue of agreement is on the issue of how transgender ideology is bad for women, I can hardly blame someone for using Fox News or whatever outlet that will actually put them on the air. And the intransigence of many liberals on the gender issue is going to turn some women conservative, no doubt. But if you place yourself in their shoes, can you fully blame them? The trans capture has fucked things up, royally. But one thing that it demonstrates is that our idea of what’s left and what’s right is based on the fallacy that people can be pinned down to one of two ideologies. Left and right blurred long ago, when you saw people jump from Sanders to Trump in 2016 it was just an example.

So, I don’t think it’s justified to say “they were never principled leftists/progressives/liberals.” Banging your head into a wall can do many things, among those changing one’s perspective.

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