Guest post: Truth takes a back seat

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Stunning transgender model.

However, Morgan knew in her heart that her true identity was female and at the age of 21 she made the life-changing decision to become a woman.

He might have “made the decision,” but it’s never going to happen. How can they print such twaddle with a straight face? It’s a fantasy that’s as likely to happen as him having made “life-changing decision” to become a tapir, a carburetor, or a bowl of oatmeal.

The problem is that these decisions are including everyone else. We’re supposed to play along with this impossible, universe changing decision, and trans activists have been working to make this enabling collusion of “validation” compulsory through the force of law. Amazingly enough they have succeeded to a startling degree within such an astoundingly short span of time.

In order to do this, they have had to bypass or subvert the normal, democratic process of informed debate, consent and consultation which would precede such drastic redefinitions of public and private spaces and facilities. Part of that process is exactly what we see above, in media reporting the impossible as normal and unremarkable.

If it is admitted that humans can’t change sex (which is a fact), and that men remain men for life (another fact), the rest of the above story becomes nonsense, and it becomes impossible to report this man’s alleged crimes as having been committed by a woman. Truth takes a back seat to compliance to “kindness” or…something.* Thanks captured media!

*Is there in fact any legal reason that media are required to use inaccurate, dishonest pronouns in reporting on trans identified individuals? Or is this entirely voluntary “politeness”?

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