If you believe

BBC yet again cheering on the destruction of women’s sports:

Two-time Olympic champion Caster Semenya says she is “not going to be ashamed” of being “different”, and will “fight for what is right” amid her ongoing dispute with athletics authorities.

Some lede. Should read: Two-time Olympic champion Caster Semenya, who competed against women, says he is “not going to be ashamed” of cheating women, and will continue to cheat amid his ongoing dispute with athletics authorities.

Semenya, 32, was born with differences of sexual development (DSD) and cannot compete in female track events without taking testosterone-reducing drugs.

What kind of differences of sexual development? Odd that the BBC doesn’t say. Why be so cryptic about it?

In a wide-ranging interview with BBC Breakfast’s Sally Nugent, Semenya says:

  • She felt she was “different” from the age of five but “embraces” her differences
  • She will not conform “to be accepted”

He “embraces” the differences that enable him to cheat women in sports.

He will not stop cheating women in sports.

  • She wants to empower women to “have a voice”

Fuck all the way off.

“For me I believe if you are a woman, you are a woman,” said Semenya, who won Olympic 800m gold in 2012 and 2016 and is a three-time world champion over the same distance.

Is that how that works? And if you believe you are a dolphin you are a dolphin?

Anyway, that’s not a useful criterion, because no one can know what other people “believe.” It’s a black box. You could just be pretending to believe.

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