
I’m reading a piece by Elizabeth Weiss about science museums and how they should respond to controversies. I’ve paused to follow up a sidetrack.

In the past two decades, science institutions have faced challenges from another source: indigenous religions. Unlike Christian fundamentalist beliefs, these indigenous beliefs often receive enthusiastic support from academics, scholars, and mainstream media journalists. This support might stem from a desire to oppose Western civilization and align with the “victims” of modernity as part of an effort to “decolonize” museums. Alternatively, it may also be linked to a trend of virtue signaling, which has allowed the misconception that “indigenous knowledge is science” to take root in academic circles.

It’s the virtue signaling bit that caused me to stop and think. It’s a label I find amusing, and probably deserved at least some of the time, but I also feel slightly uncomfortable or guilty about liking it. I second-guess myself when I smirk at it. Know what I mean? “Yes there is a lot of that around, but at the same time, what are people supposed to do, say nothing lest they be accused of virtue signaling?”

I think it’s not always that simple. I think it’s hard to tell the difference between virtue signaling and signaling solidarity or concern or sympathy and the like. I think it’s very possible, indeed likely, that sometimes what looks like virtue signaling to opponents of virtue signaling is actually solidarity and the like. No doubt it can also be a mixture of both.

I think what caused me to stop and question the label this time is the fact that it’s about things indigenous. My reading slowed when I got to that part, even before the virtue bit. Why? Because I’m ambivalent, I think. I’m not a fan of deference to religions, but on the other hand, indigenous people by definition were here first (that is, their ancestors were), and it seems a bit rude to blow off their concerns entirely. I think science museums should be science museums, but I also think indigenous people should get a little respect. I don’t think it’s necessarily virtue-signaling to say that.

Am I wrong? Do any of yiz have this kind of ambivalence?

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