Too dangerous

But it’s not “very clear.” It’s very unclear. Define “transphobia.” Define “biphobia.” Explain why you burble about transphobia but not misogyny. Explain why you seem not to give the tiniest shit about women’s rights.

The CBC reports:

Two people have been arrested in Ottawa for “inciting hatred” by “displaying hateful material” during a protest against school policies on gender identity curriculum, according to Ottawa Police.

The CBC doesn’t say what kind of “hateful material” of course. Is it the “men are not women” kind? Is it hateful to say that?

Two people have been arrested in Ottawa for “inciting hatred” by “displaying hateful material” during a protest against school policies on gender identity curriculum, according to Ottawa Police.

Like what? Material that says women have rights?

The march in nation’s capital is part of a number of protests and counter-protests across Canada where heated exchanges are taking place. Some parents and socially conservative groups are protesting LGBTQ-inclusive education policies in the classroom and in extracurricular settings under the banner of parental rights. 

Liars liars liars. It’s not only “socially conservative groups” who object to campaigns that try to force us to agree that men can be women. Far from it.

Policies emerging across the country, including in New Brunswick and Saskatchewan, that require young people to get parental consent before teachers can use their preferred first names and pronouns are at the heart of these protests.

Gee, silly parents, not wanting their kids to mutilate themselves and mess up their lives for the sake of a grotesque social contagion.

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