Cut the bits off or else

From Courthouse News:

A Texas physician’s fears the Biden administration will cut federal funding for her medical practice for her refusal to treat transgender patients under 18 are unfounded, a Justice Department attorney told a Fifth Circuit panel Monday.

Dr. Susan Neese is an internal medicine specialist affiliated with a Baptist hospital in Amarillo, Texas.

She has several patients who are transgender or dealing with gender dysphoria, all of whom are in their 30s and 40s. She will not see transgender patients who are minors.

Unfortunately this is sloppily written. Is the doctor refusing to provide specifically trans “care” or is she refusing to provide any care at all? That needs to be made crystal clear at the outset.

Neese explained in court filings that she declined to help a 16-year-old get transitional hormones since she does not think minors’ brains are mature enough to fully understand the ramifications of their actions, and she was uncomfortable due to the complex medical and emotional issues involved.

“Dr. Neese is categorically unwilling to prescribe puberty blockers or hormone therapy to minors, or to assist a minor with transitioning,” she declared in a brief.

Ok so apparently the first three paragraphs are just wrong. Ffs people, refusing to provide quack gender “treatment” is not refusing to provide care of any kind. This is “courthouse news”?? Do better!

Doctors across the country are grappling with such scenarios as an estimated 1.6 million teenagers and adults in the U.S. identify as transgender — 43% of them under age 25, according to a June 2022 study by the UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute.

Identifying as transgender isn’t a medical issue. It’s a thought in the head.

U.S. Circuit Judge Catharina Haynes was candid with the plaintiffs’ attorney, Jonathan Mitchell. “I don’t even understand why they brought this case,” she told him.

Haynes, a George W. Bush appointee, underscored that both Hurly and Neese see transgender patients. So, she observed, it is not like they are saying “I can’t help you because you are transgender.” 

Exactly, and that should have been made clear up front.

It’s a very bizarre (and of course destructive) situation, that doctors are being forced to provide harmful quack “treatment” to people who think they’re in the wrong body.

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