Labour misogynists

Apparently Labour MPs think women’s rights are a big joke.

Liz Truss has accused Labour MPs of “filibustering” to stop her proposed transgender law reforms from being debated in the House of Commons.  Ms Truss tabled the Health and Equality Acts (Amendment) Bill which aims to bar transgender women from female-only spaces such as changing rooms and toilets, along with preventing them from competing in women’s sport. 

It shouldn’t even need a law, really. Of course men should be barred from female-only spaces like changing rooms and toilets. That’s the point of the “female-only” bit. And of course they shouldn’t be competing in women’s sport, because it’s women’s sport.

It was third on the list of Private Members’ Bills to be debated today but time ran out before it could be discussed prompting Tory claims of Labour MPs trying to “talk out” and block the legislation. 

Oh gee, why would Tories claim that?

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