
Please see his written answer

Ok, we see his written answer. Now what?

Nasty stuff tucked away in among the boilerplate babbling about undefined “inclusion” and “rights.”

“I am completely committed to equality, inclusion, and freedom,” he says, as if others were committed to inequality, exclusion, and slavery. Inclusion of what? Freedom to what?

“UCU will never be baited into the right-wing culture war” – meaning what? That defending women’s rights is a right-wing culture war? Spell it out.

“even expressing views that ‘shock, offend, and disturb’ are [is] protected,” he says, signaling that he thinks Jo Phoenix’s views are shocking, offensive, and disturbing. How are they shocking etc? Spell it out.

He does not “share in Professor Phoenix’s conclusions about gender,” he says. Meaning what? He thinks men can literally be women? Spell it out.

He will “always act to defend our transgender colleagues rights,” he says. What are those rights? Spell out exactly what rights you mean, and explain how they are rights, and why you will defend them at the expense of your female colleagues’ rights.

He will have “zero tolerance for discrimination,” he says, implying that Jo Phoenix does tolerate discrimination. Knife right between the shoulder blades.

A “union” that treats women with contemptuous hostility. Brilliant.

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