Where hatred of women goes

Guy goes to a shopping mall to kill people.

I say “people” but of course that’s wrong. Sheer habit; sorry.

He went there to kill women. A man tried to stop him so he killed that one man too, but the rest were all women. Women are shit; women need killing.

The man who went on a stabbing rampage in a Sydney shopping centre appears to have targeted women, police say.


What would it take for the BBC to omit that “appears to have” part?

The New South Wales police commissioner told Australia’s ABC News that it was “obvious” Mr Cauchi focused on women.

The only man killed in the attack was security guard Faraz Tahir, 30, who tried to intervene.

“The videos speak for themselves, don’t they?” commissioner Karen Webb said. “It’s obvious to me, it’s obvious to detectives… that the offender focused on women and avoided the men.”

But the BBC doesn’t consider it obvious.

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