All entries by this author

She wrote it three times and deleted it twice

Aug 22nd, 2012 5:36 pm | By

Laurie Penny, motivated by the Assange-Akin confluence of the past few days, has written a long, wrenching piece about being raped. It was a “nice guy” liked by everyone, including her; it was at a party, where she felt ill and went to sleep. She woke up to find him raping her (although she didn’t call it that at the time).

I asked him if he had used a condom. He told me that he ‘wasn’t into latex’, and asked if I was on the pill. I don’t remember thinking ‘I have just been raped’. After all, this guy wasn’t behaving in the manner I had learned to associate with rapists. Rapists are evil people. They’re not nice blokes

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You learn something every day

Aug 22nd, 2012 4:00 pm | By

Well here is something I did not know – that in 31 states in the US, rapists have parental rights.

Shauna Prewitt was raped and got pregnant (pipe down there in the back, Mr Akin), and had a daughter, and then found out something she did not know.

You could say she was conceived in rape; she was. But she is also so much more than her beginnings. I blissfully believed that after I finally had decided to give birth to and to raise my daughter, life would be all roses and endless days at the playground. I was wrong again.

It would not be long before I would learn firsthand that in the vast majority of states —

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US: rapists have parental rights in 31 states *

Aug 22nd, 2012 | Filed by

Men who father through rape are able to assert the same custody and visitation rights to their children that other fathers enjoy.… Read the rest

Akin blames “liberal elite” *

Aug 22nd, 2012 | Filed by

He means the Republicans who are telling him to drop his Senate campaign.… Read the rest

A living nightmare

Aug 22nd, 2012 11:01 am | By

What a horror.

Tony Nicklinson last week lost his court case to be allowed to have help in ending his life. He had a stroke in 2005 left him paralysed from the neck down.

So he stopped eating, and died. That’s a nasty way to die. If the court had ruled in his favor, he would have been able to relax, knowing he could have a less nasty way to die at a time of his choosing.

He explained this for the BBC in June.

I have locked-in syndrome and it makes my life a living nightmare.

I cannot speak and I am also paralysed below the neck, which means I need someone to do everything for me.

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Tony Nicklinson dead of starvation *

Aug 22nd, 2012 | Filed by

He lost his High Court case to allow doctors to end his life last week, so he refused food. A horrible way to die.… Read the rest

Mercy all around

Aug 21st, 2012 5:14 pm | By

It’s not just the Catholic church that is more concerned to protect its own sweet self than it is to prevent child sexual abuse or help the victims of child sexual abuse.

An evangelist Christian preacher from East Sussex urged a victim of sexual abuse not to report the man responsible to the police, the BBC has learned.

Ian Jackson told Lina Barnes he would not support her if she reported that Gospel Hall Brethren preacher Allan Cundick assaulted her at the age of 12.

Mr Jackson, from Eastbourne, said he was only concerned for her progress.

But Ms Barnes, 33, who sought advice from him last year, said he wanted to protect the Church.

“Only concerned for her progress” … Read the rest

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Evangelical preacher told woman not to report abuse *

Aug 21st, 2012 | Filed by

“In his email, he said to me it was important that Christians keep the testimony of the Church and therefore protect the institution.”… Read the rest

Jacques Rousseau on atheism+ *

Aug 21st, 2012 | Filed by

We’d agree about being decent people, but not necessarily agree on how to do that.… Read the rest

Michael Nugent offers 5 ways you can help Alex Aan *

Aug 21st, 2012 | Filed by

Write to him, talk to politicians, start or support a campaign initiative, keep campaigning.… Read the rest

Pakistani girl accused of blasphemy could get death penalty *

Aug 21st, 2012 | Filed by

Neighborhood bullies told all the Christians to get out.… Read the rest

German rabbi charged for performing circumcisions *

Aug 21st, 2012 | Filed by

The chief prosecutor of Hof confirmed that charges had been filed against the rabbi.… Read the rest

The phenomenology of harassment

Aug 21st, 2012 12:51 pm | By

Stephanie has a post about whose is the liberty in “libertarian” on sexual issues, which follows up on a comment she made here on the temperature post.

The proof comes when women start going after what they want.

He wants the freedom to hit on me at any time and any place? Fine. Liberty in action. Maybe a little crass, but….

I want the freedom to call him a disgustingly selfish piece of shit? I want the freedom to determine whether I want to deal with him based on whom he treats well and whom he doesn’t? I want the freedom to use tools under my personal control to keep him from interfering in my projects? I want

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As communal tensions continued to rise

Aug 21st, 2012 11:48 am | By

Can’t we all get along? No. Not in Islamabad, for instance, after that 11-year-old was accused by her neighbours of burning a few pages of a Koran.

As communal tensions continued to rise, about 900 Christians living on the outskirts of Islamabad have been ordered to leave a neighbourhood where they have lived for almost two decades.

One of the senior members of the dominant Muslim community told the Christians to remove all their belongings from their houses by 1 September.

What an oddly respectful way of wording that – it makes him sound like a prime minister instead of a thug. If some male neighbor told me to get out of the neighborhood, I wouldn’t be thinking … Read the rest

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Prior to each insertion

Aug 20th, 2012 5:42 pm | By

George Galloway is certainly being disgusting on the subject of the rape allegations against Assange.

In a thirty minute podcast, the controversial anti-war MP said it was “an extraordinary coincidence that public enemy number one, Julian Assange, somehow gets inveigled with two women with incredibly complex political backgrounds who just, at the right time, come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against him”.

Bitchez be lyin.

“But even taken at its worst, if the allegations made by these two women were true, 100 per cent true, and even if a camera in the room captured them, they don’t constitute rape.

“At least not rape as anyone with any sense can possibly recognise it. And somebody has to say this.”


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Rape, legitimate and illegitimate

Aug 20th, 2012 5:04 pm | By

Round 873 of “there’s rape and then there’s just getting a little frisky.”

Naomi McAuliffe lays it out.

Yesterday, US Representative Todd Akin reinvented female biology by telling us that we can’t get pregnant from “legitimate rape”. But there is a rich history of rape being redefined to suit the occasion; whether it is former Presidential candidate Ron Paul’s concession that victims of “honest rape” can get an abortion or the Roman Polanski rape of a 13 year-old which wasn’t “rape-rape”.

All of these manoeuvres have an ulterior motive – either to outlaw abortion in all circumstances or to exonerate an accused celebrity. What they can all draw on and feed is the belief that there is “bad

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Soraya Chemaly on Todd Akin *

Aug 20th, 2012 | Filed by

Akin’s statement and philosophy are consistent with conservative’s deep mistrust of women.… Read the rest

What we say when the temperature goes up

Aug 20th, 2012 1:29 pm | By

A little more about this one crux in Jean’s argument about two types of skeptics-about-feminism (or particular feminist claims), because I think it is one place a lot of wheels came off, so better understanding might help…at least with understanding.

To rehearse the claim again:

The respectable skeptic may be on board with all substantive feminist goals, but they lean very liberal on sexual issues and libertarian-ish on rules and codes. They may also have distinctive positions on purely empirical matters, like how often harassing incidents occur, and what the impact is of discussing them at blogs. Their views on what will advance the status of women may also be distinctive. It strikes me as inflammatory and distorted to accuse

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Republican party tries to back away from Akin *

Aug 20th, 2012 | Filed by

No money for the Senate campaign, he is told.… Read the rest

Austria Freedom Party condemned for Nazi-like cartoon *

Aug 20th, 2012 | Filed by

A caricature of a banker with a hooked nose, wearing Star of David cufflinks? Yes, that’s Nazi-like.… Read the rest