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We are all Jay Leno, or at least Craig Ferguson

Jan 31st, 2012 3:24 pm | By

Can I play too?

Want to see Arianna Huffington’s garage?

Want to see where bankers go camping?

Want to see Barbra Streisand’s little house in Malibu?

 That’s enough blaspheming and “hurting the sentiments” for one day.

 The BBC is more sympathetic than I am. The BBC takes it all rather seriously, or pretends to.

The US has defended comedian Jay Leno’s right to free speech after India condemned a reference he made to the holiest Sikh shrine.

A Leno skit showed the Golden Temple of Amritsar as the summer home of Republican candidate Mitt Romney.

Mr Romney has faced questions over his wealth and many Sikhs are angry the temple has been depicted as a place for the rich.

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An affront to principles of human rights

Jan 31st, 2012 2:47 pm | By

Al Jazeera reports on Baltasar Garzón defending his investigation of Franco-era crimes.

“The amnesty law refers to crimes of a political nature, in no way can it be said that crimes against humanity of the kind that were alleged could have any political nature,” the 56-year-old judge said.

“As such it was not even necessary to make a reference to the amnesty law,” he said on the opening day of his testimony in Madrid.

Victims’ families who filed the case in 2006 had described disappearances, illegal detentions and killings, which amounted “in some cases to crimes against humanity, genocide,” he said.

The judge is being prosecuted for ordering the investigation in 2008 into the disappearance of 114,000 people during Spain’s

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There’s an explanation

Jan 31st, 2012 2:05 pm | By

Tarek Fatah posted a photo on Facebook with the comment

Inside Islam’s holiest place of worship, The Kaabah in Mecca. For some a romantic stroll in the park, without the fear of Maya Khan.

Six comments in a guy said, in all seriousness -

Have a close careful look!
This man has only one leg, and is being helped by his wife.
Please think carefully a few times prior to commenting on religious locations and issues.

Hahahahahahahahaha… Read the rest

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“Unwise and untimely”

Jan 31st, 2012 11:51 am | By

Frederick Sparks has an incisive post on Be Scofield on “new atheists” and racism.

In referring to Dr King and the civil rights movement, Scofield also falls into the trap of “the Civil Rights Movement, Brought To You By Black Church”…a bit of historical revisionism that ignores, as professor Anthony Pinn points out, the secular philosophical influences, and that King himself complained that most the black churches were not involved and were not supportive.

Didn’t he just. In the much-quoted Letter from Birmingham Jail for instance -

My Dear Fellow Clergymen: While confined here in the Birmingham city jail, I came across your recent statement calling my present activities “unwise and untimely.”…

You deplore the demonstrations taking place in

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Hanif Kureishi reviews Nick Cohen’s You Can’t Read This Book *

Jan 31st, 2012 | Filed by

What is crucial is that the quarrel is not closed; and to see that closing quarrels is what lifeless ideologies do.… Read the rest

Not acceptable to all those who believe in respect for all religions

Jan 31st, 2012 10:38 am | By

Via Padraig Reidy at Index on Censorship, a new depth of absurdity.

An Early day motion (query: wozzat?) in Parliament a week ago:

That this House notes with concern the sketch on the NBC Jay Leno Show where the most sacred Sikh shrine, the Golden Temple, was disrespected by Jay Leno when it was referred to as GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s summer home; expresses concern and regret that this depiction of the Golden Temple as a home of the rich shows a complete misunderstanding of the Sikh faith and is derogatory to Sikhs across the world; believes that these comments are not acceptable to all those who believe in respect for all religions; calls on Jay Leno and

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Nick’s lunch with Salman *

Jan 31st, 2012 | Filed by

Rushdie did not become like his enemies. He never replicated the fanaticism they directed against him.… Read the rest

Bowing further, Symbiosis U dumps seminar on Kashmir *

Jan 31st, 2012 | Filed by

After several right-wing organisations opposed the event, alleging it was “separatist,” Symbiosis University has postponed its seminar, ‘Voices of Kashmir’, indefinitely.… Read the rest

Oslo: Motoon terrorists found guilty *

Jan 31st, 2012 | Filed by

Two of the three had – in liaison with al-Qaida – planned to use explosives against the offices of Jyllands-Posten and to murder Kurt Westergaard.… Read the rest

Some women have a hell of a nerve

Jan 30th, 2012 5:44 pm | By

Just in case you missed this – Afghan woman is killed ‘for giving birth to a girl’:

A woman in north-eastern Afghanistan has been arrested for allegedly strangling her daughter-in-law for giving birth to a third daughter.

The murdered woman’s husband, a member of a local militia, is also suspected of involvement but he has since fled.

Senior officials told the BBC that the mother-in-law, known as Wali Hazrata, tied the feet of the 22-year old woman, who was known as Stori, while Stori’s husband strangled her.

He is thought to be a fighter with an illegal armed militia which is is believed to have some political support. Local villagers say that Stori often urged her husband to

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Too Westernized, secular and progressive to be authentic

Jan 30th, 2012 4:33 pm | By

This is an outstanding observation from Kenan Malik’s talk at Conway Hall:

In recent decades, faith has, in other words, transformed itself into the religious wing of identity politics.  Religion has, ironically, become secularised, driven less by a search for piety and holiness than for identity and belongingness.  The rise of identity politics has transformed the meaning not just of religion but of blasphemy too. Blasphemy used to be regarded as a sin against God. These days it is felt as a sin against the individual believer, an offence against the self and one’s identity. That is why for Sardar, ‘Every word [of The Satanic Verses] was directed at me and I took everything personally’, why he imagined

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Trots fight back

Jan 30th, 2012 12:53 pm | By

This just in, from LSE ASH at Facebook – a poster from the Socialist Workers Student Society advertising an event on Thursday. It reads:

Religious discrimination is irrefutably on the rise at LSE. Both the Atheist Society’s efforts to publish inflammatory “satirical” cartoons in a deliberate attempt to offend Muslims, and the ‘Nazi themed’ drinking games serve to highlight a festering undercurrent of racism.

What does really lie behind the claim that religious communities cannot be the target of racists?

Is atheism the road to social progress?

Why do Marxists defend religion?

Great god almighty. A Nazi-themed drinking game is religious discrimination?! And then, if it is, why the “festering undercurrent of racism”? They don’t seem to be able to … Read the rest

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The believer’s inner needs

Jan 30th, 2012 12:13 pm | By


I’m reading Kenan Malik’s talk at the Conway Hall conference on blasphemy, and it corroborates what I was just saying about contemporary religion (that it’s contemporary religion that is seen as “fulfilling people’s needs” and that it’s reading backward to think religion has always been seen that way).

This intensely personal, deeply emotional response marks a shift in the way that believers understood their relationship to belief. Faith has always had an emotional components and for some faiths such emotional spirituality has been  central to their outlook. Nevertheless there has been a fundamental shift in the character of religious belief in recent decades. Sociologists talk of  the rise of the ‘therapy culture’ to describe the growing emotionalism of

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Sunil D’Monte on victim blaming in action *

Jan 30th, 2012 | Filed by

Where the “spotlight” of discussion and the “burden of change” are placed on the victim instead of the perpetrator.… Read the rest

It wasn’t like that

Jan 30th, 2012 11:40 am | By

A couple of ”Really? Is that actually true? Do you really know what you just asserted?” items from a review of three books on god, meaning, what to do without god, emotional needs, and the intersections between them all.

In the aftermath of the French Revolution…

The fundamental tension, however, remained unresolved: between, on the one hand,  the views of an expanding educated class who saw the many holes in Christian  doctrine, and on the other, the people’s need for guidance and meaning that the  Church had long fulfilled.

It had? Really?

I don’t think so. I think Stephen Cave is reading backward, from the way people view religion now, and assuming that’s the way they viewed it then. … Read the rest

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Windsor Muslim women react to Shafia verdict *

Jan 30th, 2012 | Filed by

Reem Khan and Miriam Issa are speaking out against so-called honour killings.… Read the rest

Turkey: man, 25, impregnates girl, 11; they are “married” *

Jan 30th, 2012 | Filed by

Turkish feminists warn that under the three AKP administrations, long-controversial patriarchal habits have once again become the norm.… Read the rest

Gideon Levy says God rules all in 2012 Israel *

Jan 30th, 2012 | Filed by

It can no longer be claimed that the secular majority has acquiesced to the religious minority; there is no secular majority, only a negligible minority.… Read the rest

Afghan woman killed for giving birth to a girl *

Jan 30th, 2012 | Filed by

Some women in Afghanistan are abused if they fail to give birth to boys. This is the latest in a series of high-profile crimes against women in the country.… Read the rest

Fox News “investigates” Rock Beyond Belief *

Jan 30th, 2012 | Filed by

Quotemine quotemine quotemine. I really appreciate you giving us a call.… Read the rest