All entries by this author

Beware of people who want to “make room” for things

Sep 11th, 2010 4:54 pm | By

For yet more illiberal bullying from theists and friends-of-theists, you could do worse than to read the comments on this post at the feminist site The F-Word. The post is about C of E priest Miranda Threllfall-Jones saying gosh darn it Jesus was a big ol’ feminist and anyone who says he wasn’t is just a big poopy-head. Our friend Amy Clare, who has written for the F-Word, wrote the first comment to say 1. there is no evidence that Jesus was a feminist and 2. what does it matter anyway? There was some agreement and some disagreement, and then there was a temper tantrum by an outraged entitled Christian.

I am so fed up of people, mostly

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Bend the knee or else

Sep 11th, 2010 1:13 pm | By

Yet more astonishingly illiberal bilge, this time from the “rabbinical adviser” of the Jewish Society at Yale – at Yale, generally considered a liberal university in all senses of the word. Yet here is what he has to say:

The president of the United States, like all citizens of this great country, has the right to follow the religion of his or her heart and conscience. As long as our leader pursues peace and justice through faith in the one G-d of us all, a believing president should not only be tolerated but welcomed.

Oh. So if “our leader” fails to have “faith in the one G-d of us all” then an unbelieving president should not be tolerated, … Read the rest

On a sermon at Duke University chapel

Sep 11th, 2010 12:12 pm | By

Guest post by Eric MacDonald

Take the point that he makes just at the end, where he speaks of Jeremiah’s idea of god making constant adaptations. He speaks of the vessel broken in the potter’s hands, and then he says this:

This is the story of Israel: the vessel was broken, the covenant was spoiled, and God made something beautiful by fashioning it into a pot shaped around the Jew named Jesus.

Notice how he simply runs the Jewish scriptures and the Christian Jesus together, without acknowledging the theft, without even acknowledging that Jesus has nothing to do with Jeremiah’s potter, nor with the story of Israel. That was a Christian structure built on Jewish foundations, a clear act of … Read the rest

Yale rabbi says “faith” is mandatory for a president *

Sep 11th, 2010 | Filed by

“Faithlessness and nihilism are the greatest threats to humanity, and a leader who believes in nothing becomes Hitler, Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot.”… Read the rest

Ratzinger on Hawking: we totally love the dude *

Sep 11th, 2010 | Filed by

Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks says we always knew about the gravity thing but we weren’t supposed to tell.… Read the rest

Stoning is not such a great idea *

Sep 11th, 2010 | Filed by

It is the law in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Pakistan, Yemen, the United Arab Emirates, and the 12 Muslim-majority states of northern Nigeria.… Read the rest

Financial Times reviews Robertson on Ratzinger *

Sep 11th, 2010 | Filed by

A persuasive case for the prosecution, so persuasive that the reviewer may join the protests.… Read the rest

Eagleton reviews Robertson on Ratzinger *

Sep 11th, 2010 | Filed by

Terry gets it right for once; no flattery for the pope or the Vatican.… Read the rest

Belgian child abuse report exposes Catholic clergy *

Sep 11th, 2010 | Filed by

476 instances, 13 suicides, documented cases of abuse in almost every diocese and in virtually every school run by the church.… Read the rest

Dublin: more graves found at mother and baby “home” *

Sep 10th, 2010 | Filed by

219 unmarked graves of infants who died of malnutrition and neglect have now been found.… Read the rest

Sadly, it’s not that simple

Sep 10th, 2010 6:00 pm | By

A guest post by Peter Beattie

Alom Shaha, of Why Science is Important fame, has a new piece in the Guardian, arguing that “angry atheists” are too quick to hurt the feelings of believers by implying they are stupid and should be more aware that they are capable of holding irrational beliefs too. Empathy, and how we say things, may be more important than what we say.

Superficially, it would be very hard to disagree with all this, and in fact none of the usual suspects in the “‘angry atheist’ brigade“–and I won’t even go there, nor into the tired “fanatical atheism can be as ugly as religious fanaticism” bit–to my knowledge ever have disagreed with it. Of courseRead the rest

Where are we going?

Sep 10th, 2010 11:59 am | By

I lifted this sermon preached at Duke last Sunday from Jerry. I’m always lifting items from Jerry. What can I tell you? He finds interesting stuff. There’s a lot of irritating nonsense in the sermon, so there are leftovers for me to work on.

It’s nice to have an actual sermon, as opposed to something written for a media outlet. It’s nice to get confirmation that clerics really do talk nonsense in their sermons without having to go to church to listen to them do it.

The last six years have witnessed the publication of a series of books, from a variety of authors, attacking religion with a virulence not seen for a long time. This movement has been

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More on Ashtiani *

Sep 10th, 2010 | Filed by

The regime wants to fool people into thinking Ashtiani is safe; she is not.… Read the rest

The lie behind ‘suicides’ of Egypt’s young women *

Sep 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Officially, Egypt has no “honour” killings. Young women may commit suicide, yes, but they are never murdered.… Read the rest

Belgium: hundreds report sexual molestation by priests *

Sep 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Cardinal acknowledged that damage control often took precedence over concerns for victims in sexual abuse cases involving clergy.… Read the rest

Michael Ruse on G C Williams (1926-2010) *

Sep 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Williams was one of a group of biologists who completely changed the nature of evolutionary theory in the past half century.… Read the rest

Kurt Westergaard receives press freedom award *

Sep 9th, 2010 | Filed by

BBC does its usual best to make him sound like a very bad man; Merkel notes the value of press freedom.… Read the rest

Catholic pilgrims told to make sacrifices *

Sep 9th, 2010 | Filed by

Bishops told to finger their gold torture-device for the photographer.… Read the rest

Florida godbotherer ditches bonfire plans *

Sep 9th, 2010 | Filed by

Rage boys give their tonsils a good airing.… Read the rest

This fixation on matters ‘spiritual’

Sep 9th, 2010 5:45 pm | By

Paula Kirby says she was, at first, impressed by the pope’s letter to the Irish about the child-rape problem.

How many politicians or corporations have been able to bring themselves to say, ‘You have suffered grievously and I am truly sorry’? I was impressed. (On reflection, perhaps more impressed than I should have been, given that statements of contrition trip lightly off the tongues of those who repeat them daily in Mass or in the Confessional, and are told that repentance is all that is required to release them from guilt.)

Exact, as they say in Sweden. The contrition sounded entirely empty and in fact insulting, to me, for that very reason, but then I’ve been soaked in the malfeasance … Read the rest