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Kenan Malik reviews Tariq Ramadan *

Sep 4th, 2010 | Filed by

There is a willfull shallowness about this work, a refusal to think deeply or to pose difficult questions, that is truly shocking. … Read the rest

Hooray for sharia

Sep 4th, 2010 4:31 pm | By

The Huffington Post (who else?) gives a woman named Sumbul Ali-Karamali a space in which to say “what is all this fuss about sharia, sharia is perfectly fine, and besides it’s not the law anywhere, and besides everything is culture, and besides islamophobia, and besides you have to interpret.”

There are six principles of shariah. They are derived from the Qur’an, which Muslims believe is the word of God. All Islamic religious rules must be in line with these six principles of shariah…The Qur’an is old. The fiqh books of jurisprudence are old. To modern eyes, they can look just as outdated as other ancient texts, including the Bible and Torah. That’s why, just like the Bible and the Torah,

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David Colquhoun sacked from alt med council *

Sep 4th, 2010 | Filed by

Now that they know he thinks reflexology is bollocks, they think he might be happier elsewhere.… Read the rest

Presumed dead in the water

Sep 4th, 2010 1:17 pm | By

Julian Baggini points out “an inconvenient truth about science that religion would prefer to ignore”:

[A]lthough it is true that science doesn’t rule out a role for religion in providing meaning, or a God who kick-started the whole universe off in the first place, it does leave presumed dead in the water anything like the God most people over history have believed in: one who is closely involved in his creation, who intervenes in our lives, and with whom we can have a personal relationship.

Most people over history, and to this day. People who believe in the attenuated hand-wavy god of Karen Armstrong and Terry Eagleton are a tiny minority of believers.… Read the rest

Your fury is proof of my virtue

Sep 4th, 2010 1:01 pm | By

Update: comments were closed by accident; there’s nothing special about this post that made comments undesirable. Beg pardon.

Norman Birnbaum said in a review of two books on Norman Podhoretz

In the end, the indignation of the critics reinforced Podhoretz’s tendency to think of himself as isolated, his antipathy to other intellectuals. He saw arguments with others as proof of his own virtue.

Yes indeed; there is always that risk, in having opinions that are in some way unpopular or unorthodox or otherwise combative. One can come to think that the more indignant one’s opponents are, the more virtuous One is Oneself.

This is an excellent reason for the Haters of Gnu Atheists to stfu. They don’t want to make … Read the rest

LRB on Frank Kermode *

Sep 4th, 2010 | Filed by

His writing was so much more exact, more stylish, more patient, more ironic, more playful, more attentive, more cunning, more cagey than ‘eloquence’ can suggest.… Read the rest

This is not polling

Sep 4th, 2010 11:17 am | By

The Republicans must be spending money like water (thanks to the Citizens United decision). I got a phone call last night from someone who claimed to be doing a “poll” but it transparently wasn’t a poll at all, it was a ridiculous stealth advertisement.

The guy asked a few neutralish questions at first, then asked if, if I were voting today, I would vote for the Democrat candidate for the US senate or the Republican candidate ditto. “You mean Democratic?” I said. He repeated the question. I repeated my question. “Ma’am, I have to read the question exactly as it is.” Right; well only Republicans use “Democrat” as an adjective that way, and they do it to annoy, so we … Read the rest

Paul Davies: the meta-laws remain unexplained *

Sep 4th, 2010 | Filed by

They are eternal, immutable transcendent entities that just happen to exist and must simply be accepted as given; like a god.… Read the rest

Baggini on Hawking and God *

Sep 4th, 2010 | Filed by

There is no room in the universe of Hawking or most other scientists for the activist God of the Bible.… Read the rest

Tom Clark reviews Gary Drescher on demystifying paradoxes *

Sep 4th, 2010 | Filed by

Problems that arise when common sense conflicts with the science-based view that we inhabit a purely physical, mechanistic, deterministic universe.… Read the rest

Sharia is just misunderstood *

Sep 4th, 2010 | Filed by

It’s just like the US Constitution, only older, so that makes it even better.… Read the rest

Danish producers regret making ad for Sweden Democrats *

Sep 3rd, 2010 | Filed by

Swedish broadcasters declined to show the film, and no Swedish production company was willing to produce it.… Read the rest

Sweden: tv station rejects ad as hate speech

Sep 3rd, 2010 | Filed by

“The difference between freedom of speech and incitement to hatred against an ethnic group must be understood,” said Mona Sahlin of Social Democrats.… Read the rest

Religious minorities suffering worst in Pakistan floods *

Sep 3rd, 2010 | Filed by
The laws offer what is virtually state approval to those intent on attacking minorities.… Read the rest

Necla Kelek defends Sarrazin (with reservations) *

Sep 3rd, 2010 | Filed by

He put some claims badly and should apologize, but he’s right about many of them, and the discussion is necessary.… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo and Mo say Hawking is wrong *

Sep 3rd, 2010 | Filed by

Science can say how but only religion can say why so yaboosucks.… Read the rest

Sarah Palin – not as nice as you thought *

Sep 2nd, 2010 | Filed by

She manages to be at once a closed book and a constant noisemaker.… Read the rest

La la la la la

Sep 2nd, 2010 1:20 pm | By

If you haven’t seen the merengue dog…well it’s a life-altering thing.

Don’t miss it.

Really.… Read the rest

Three cheers for “the geopolitical epicentre of the culture of death”

Sep 2nd, 2010 12:58 pm | By

Joan Smith is very happy to live in the “geopolitical epicentre of the culture of death” that is contemporary London. Of course she damn well is. She’s allowed to go out in public with without a chaperone there; she won’t be stoned to death there; she won’t be whipped for not wearing hijab there. She can ignore the pope there.

Frankly, I’m tired of hearing religious bigots running down this country….Britain is still one of the most civilised places in the world to live. It’s not Iran, where prisoners are subjected to rape and mock executions; it isn’t Saudi Arabia either…The Catholic Church has picked up this habit of dissing secular culture from hardline Muslims, who dislike pretty much the

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Nicholas Humphrey replies to Mary Midgley *

Sep 2nd, 2010 | Filed by

By pointing out how she distorted what he had said in order to make her point. Bad philosopher, no cookie.… Read the rest