All entries by this author

Jesus and Mo on Heaven and Hell *

Feb 14th, 2009 | Filed by

Mo’s heaven is boringly fruit-centered, but the hell is good – neck chains, dissolving bowels…… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo Work on Their Bus Slogan *

Feb 14th, 2009 | Filed by

It nees to be both philosophically compelling and witty. Success!… Read the rest

Crash Victim Fought for Justice in Rwanda *

Feb 14th, 2009 | Filed by

Alison Des Forges was one of the world’s foremost experts on the Rwandan genocide.… Read the rest

Clarence Center

Feb 14th, 2009 10:52 am | By

Terrible about Alison Des Forges.

The court trying alleged perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide was stunned Saturday at the death in an air crash of the top expert on the 1994 massacres, Alison Des Forges. Des Forges, 66, an expert advisor to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and human rights groups, was among the 50 victims of Thursday’s plane crash near Buffalo, New York. “It is with deep shock that the tribunal has learned of the tragic disappearance of Alison des Forges, “a spokesman for the UN tribunal based in Arusha, Tanzania, told AFP. “It is a great loss for the world of human rights, international justice and all humanity,” Roland Amoussouga said. “Alison was not only an

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Stop right there

Feb 13th, 2009 12:49 pm | By

What was that we were saying about free speech? About internalized censorship? About the idea that laws against ‘blasphemy’ and ‘defamation’ of religion make genuine free speech impossible?

I am in receipt of notes from the copy-editor of Does God Hate Women? on the subject of “possible defamation/points of contention that could cause offence.” There are eight items; all but two ask about ‘defamation’ of or ‘inflammatory’ statements about Islam; none are about the Vatican, the Southern Baptist Convention, the FLDS, Hindutva, Orthodox Judaism, or any other religious outfit or religion discussed in the book. The passages questioned, like the book as a whole, is heavily referenced, while ‘defamation’ refers to false statements. In short – internalized censorship is alive … Read the rest

Rwanda’s Move Into Congo Fuels Suspicion *

Feb 13th, 2009 | Filed by

Quotes Alison Des Forges, HRW researcher and Rwanda expert, killed in plane crash yesterday.… Read the rest

Kenan Malik Explodes Fatwa Myths *

Feb 13th, 2009 | Filed by

The controversy was political, not all Muslims were offended, a plural society needs free expression.… Read the rest

Bunglawala on the Fatwa and Geert Wilders *

Feb 13th, 2009 | Filed by

Calls to ban Rushdie’s book were wrong; could Wilders be another stick to beat Muslims with?… Read the rest

A C Grayling on Silencing Free Speech *

Feb 13th, 2009 | Filed by

Barring Wilders is tantamount to buckling to implicit blackmail by a small gang of contemptibles.… Read the rest

Appignanesi and Sacranie on The Satanic Verses *

Feb 13th, 2009 | Filed by

Bunting says Sacranie became a leading figure of ‘the protest movement’ in ‘the British Muslim community.’… Read the rest

What we talk about when we talk about riots

Feb 12th, 2009 6:38 pm | By

Johann responds to the riots. He apologizes humbly; he explains that he only meant that free speech is a good idea in general but not of course if it offends anyone, or risks offending anyone, or might offend anyone if the wind were from the north, or could conceivably offend a very touchy person who hadn’t eaten in four days and had a hangover; he says it has always been his view that writers and journalists and thinkers and polemicists should always first consult with the community, and the leaders of the community, and the spiritual guides of the community, and every cleric within a five thousand mile radius, and Wall Street, and the tide tables, and a homeopath, … Read the rest

Johann Hari Responds to the Riots *

Feb 12th, 2009 | Filed by

He takes it all back. The hell he does; he stands by every word of it.… Read the rest

The Indy on the ‘Outrage’ Over Hari’s Article *

Feb 12th, 2009 | Filed by

Sections of central Kolkata have been paralysed by protests for much of the past week.… Read the rest

When Policy Makers Listen to AIDS Denialists *

Feb 12th, 2009 | Filed by

Denialism offers a false debate that policy makers can use to evade caring for people affected by AIDS. … Read the rest

How Casey Luskin Gets Lucy Wrong *

Feb 12th, 2009 | Filed by

Well, it starts with the bones…… Read the rest

Susan Jacoby on Darwin the Disturber *

Feb 12th, 2009 | Filed by

‘People say natural selection is ok for human bodies but not for brain or behavior,’ says Helena Cronin… Read the rest

Darwin Day *

Feb 12th, 2009 | Filed by

For those unable to get to an event, Darwin’s complete publications and 20,000 private papers are available online.… Read the rest

Court Rules Autism Not Caused by Vaccines *

Feb 12th, 2009 | Filed by

Decision a severe blow to ‘grass-roots movement’ that claims vacs have caused surge in autism.… Read the rest

Saudi Woman Sentenced for Being Raped *

Feb 12th, 2009 | Filed by

One year prison term, 100 lashes; she ‘confessed’ she had ‘a forced sexual intercourse.’… Read the rest

Eight is nowhere near enough

Feb 11th, 2009 4:42 pm | By

Dear zany madcap Nadya Suleman was on tv again last night, in a nice extensive interview that she gave away for free. Like so many of my fellow Murkans, I find her morbidly fascinating. Her peculiar air of warm, even patronizing confidence is especially intriguing. I get the distinct impression that she thinks of herself as deeply wise, even wiser than Angelina Jolie. She was asked, right out in the open, if she had had a lip job, and she said no. I don’t believe her, and neither does anyone else. Of course she bloody did; she wasn’t born with those things! The mystery is why she thinks they’re attractive.

There were some funny parts. I just wanted to mention … Read the rest