All entries by this author

Hard to think of anything more vile

Jul 12th, 2008 12:28 pm | By

Clearly I haven’t been paying enough attention to Bill Donohue, another impressive candidate in the Bullying and Intimidation by Believers of People Who Fail to Respect and Defer to Their Particular Beliefs sweepstakes.

To protest student fees for religious services at the University of Central Florida (UCF), a student walked out of a campus Mass on June 29 with the Eucharist.

When he says ‘with the Eucharist’ he of course means with a communion wafer, that is to say, with one cracker of many many crackers. The student didn’t walk out with ‘the Eucharist’ such that nobody else could have any, he just walked out with one of a large number of mass-produced crackers. (Suddenly I’m reminded of the … Read the rest

China and Russia Veto Zimbabwe Sanctions *

Jul 12th, 2008 | Filed by

No threat to world peace; mustn’t meddle in internal affairs.… Read the rest

A Defect in the International Legal System *

Jul 12th, 2008 | Filed by

Some of those charged with looking out for international law are shielding those who flout international law.… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo Discuss the Wafer Kidnapping *

Jul 12th, 2008 | Filed by

Jesus was kidnapped? Mo thought he’d just gone down the pub.… Read the rest

Bible Professor Suspended by Seminary *

Jul 12th, 2008 | Filed by

Requires faculty to pledge not to teach anything contrary to the 1646 Westminster Confession of Faith.… Read the rest

Catholic League Demands Expulsion of Student *

Jul 12th, 2008 | Filed by

The UCF administration needs to act swiftly and decisively in seeing that justice is done.’… Read the rest

Bernard-Henri Lévy on Obama *

Jul 12th, 2008 | Filed by

He is the most gifted politician produced by the Democratic machine in a long time.… Read the rest

The Animal Liberation Front and Intimidation

Jul 12th, 2008 | By Ophelia Benson

On Tuesday October 18 2005, a member of the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) rang a hotel in Anaheim, California. A pharmaceuticals conference was taking place at the hotel. One of the delegates was Steve Ruckman of Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS), a company which uses animals in research and testing. A communiqué from the ALF dated October 25, which includes the warning “Associate with HLS and we will ruin your life,” reports the conversation this way:

“ALF: Hello, I stayed in Room xxx recently and think I left something behind.

Concierge: What is that?

ALF: A bomb. You’ve allowed HLS to come into your hotel, now you will pay the price.

Concierge: What was that?

ALF: If Steven Ruckman from HLS takes

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Catholic League is Afraid, Very Afraid *

Jul 11th, 2008 | Filed by

Wants extra security in Minneapolis so that Catholics ‘can worship without fear of violence.’… Read the rest

Catholic League Angry at PZ Myers *

Jul 11th, 2008 | Filed by

League has contacted president of UM and state legislature, wants them to act quickly and decisively.… Read the rest

Farc Denounces ‘Betrayals’ *

Jul 11th, 2008 | Filed by

Betrayal of revolutionary principles ended brutal unlawful imprisonment. Shock horror.… Read the rest

Ian McEwan on the Apocalyptic Mind *

Jul 11th, 2008 | Filed by

Common threads run between medieval and contemporary apocalyptic thought.… Read the rest

Andrew Anthony Reviews Kenan Malik *

Jul 11th, 2008 | Filed by

A stalwart defender of free speech, Malik is a formidable enemy of fuzzy or wishful thinking. … Read the rest

Obama’s Books *

Jul 10th, 2008 | Filed by

He’s a reader.… Read the rest

Rorty and the ‘Intellectual Self-concept’ *

Jul 10th, 2008 | Filed by

Academics make intellectual choices in part because of what sort of intellectual they think they are.… Read the rest

Atheist Soldier Sues Pentagon for Discrimination *

Jul 10th, 2008 | Filed by

Some former soldiers say the Pentagon tacitly encourages evangelical proselytizing to create a ‘godly army.’… Read the rest

Jesse Jackson Apologizes *

Jul 10th, 2008 | Filed by

Accused Obama of ‘talking down to black people,’ expressed desire to cut his nuts off. Tho thorry.… Read the rest

Vatican Outrage at End to 16 Year Coma *

Jul 10th, 2008 | Filed by

Eluana Englaro has been comatose for 16 years, Vatican wants that to continue.… Read the rest

John Gray gives the Enlightenment a damn good thrashing

Jul 9th, 2008 8:02 pm | By

John Gray has a burr up his ass about the Enlightenment.

Central and Eastern Europe was a morass of ethnic enmities, and in Germany the Nazis were implementing their poisonous mix of nationalism and racism. Was this just a detour in the onward march to a brave new world where everyone will be treated equally? Or did it – as Roth suspected – reveal a darker side of modernity? There can be no doubt about Kenan Malik’s view. A pious disciple of the Enlightenment, though not untroubled by the doubts that can afflict any believer, he cannot tolerate the thought that some of the last century’s worst atrocities were by-products of modern Enlightenment thinking…Nazism – though it drew on

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John Gray Reviews Kenan Malik’s Strange Fruit *

Jul 9th, 2008 | Filed by

Or rather, he trots out his usual anti-Enlightenment horses.… Read the rest