All entries by this author

Russell Jacoby on the Seminar That Failed *

Feb 1st, 2007 | Filed by

The humanities are eroding everywhere thanks to: not lefty academics but market forces.… Read the rest

Goldenbridge II

Feb 1st, 2007 | By Marie-Therese O'Loughlin

“The Children Act allowed destitute children to be sent to industrial schools, even if they hadn’t committed a crime.” Paddy Doyle.


This “destitution” lark was a ruse used by the judiciary and the religious in order to obtain convictions. I was, for example, in a feeder institution, known as The Regina Ceoli, Mother and Baby unit for over four and a half years. So how could I have been even considered “destitute” by the judiciary? “Destitution”, this terminology, was in my estimation “illegally used” on my committal order to Goldenbridge Industrial School – where I was incarcerated until I was sixteen years old. There was no limit on my stay in the “hostel”.

It is imperative for people to … Read the rest

The psychology of such accommodations

Feb 1st, 2007 10:32 am | By

Jonathan Derbyshire’s interview with Nick Cohen is very good.

‘I realised that people on the left who had once supported Iraqi socialists were going to dump them. That’s when the iron entered the soul. That’s when I thought something is going very badly wrong and that I need to write about it.’Instead of supporting socialists and trade unionists in Iraq once Saddam had been overthrown, some on the left went so far as to romanticise the insurgency launched by Baathist irregulars and radical Islamists, declaring it to be a movement of ‘national liberation’…‘To say it’s left-wing to turn your back on Kurdish and Iraqi socialists is to throw the best traditions of left solidarity out of the window. What kind

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Metaphysical naturalism

Feb 1st, 2007 10:29 am | By

Mark Vernon takes issue with Anthony Grayling on the question of the latter’s challenge to Madeleine Bunting ‘to name one – even one small – contribution to science made by Christianity in its two thousand years’.

After all, there are a number of essentially theological ideas that underpin modern science, such as the notion that the universe is coherent, intelligible and so on.

But are those ideas essentially theological? Are they theological at all? (Does ‘essentially’ there mean – necessarily, or of its essence, or something like ‘perhaps not obviously but down deep beyond appearances’? It could be just a no true Scotsman move.)

I don’t think the ‘notion’ that the universe is coherent, intelligible and so on is an … Read the rest

The Truth About 9/11 Conspiracy Theories *

Jan 31st, 2007 | Filed by

There’s the ‘official conspiracy theory’ and then there’s the ‘truth movement.’… Read the rest

Is Nick Cohen Right About the Left? Critics Reply *

Jan 31st, 2007 | Filed by

‘There is another left,’ Sunder Katwala says.… Read the rest

A Poem *

Jan 31st, 2007 | Filed by

The sympathy and support jihadists attract is traceable to failures on which we can act.… Read the rest

Critics Ignoring Most of Nick Cohen’s Book *

Jan 31st, 2007 | Filed by

The story of the Stop the War coalition fills just half of one chapter in a 13-chapter book. … Read the rest

Steven Pinker on the Mystery of Consciousness *

Jan 31st, 2007 | Filed by

Some of our deepest convictions about what it means to be human have been shaken.… Read the rest

Global Warming, Intelligent Design and the Re-Ascendancy of the Pro-Scientific Political Left

Jan 31st, 2007 | By Steven Gimbel

In his State of the Union address, President Bush said something that was sadly remarkable:

America is on the verge of technological breakthroughs that will enable us to live our lives less dependent on oil. These technologies will help us become better stewards of the environment – and they will help us to confront the serious challenge of global climate change.

In a major speech, the President of the United States openly acknowledged global warming, the fact that human activity is having an effect, and that we face a challenge in dealing with it. This should not be news, but that this President has done so, in light of his previous tap dancing around the scientific consensus around the issue, … Read the rest

Secular Hospitals Recommended *

Jan 30th, 2007 | Filed by

Panel recommends that France adopt a charter to keep religious traditions out of hospitals.… Read the rest

Norm Geras on Having a Tree in Your Eye *

Jan 30th, 2007 | Filed by

Who is giving out blanket condemnations of whom?… Read the rest

Mark Vernon on Christianity and Science *

Jan 30th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Essentially theological ideas’ underpin science, e.g. that the universe is coherent. … Read the rest

A Visit to the Scary People *

Jan 30th, 2007 | Filed by

The scary people are scary.… Read the rest

Peter Singer Says Activists Have Had an Impact *

Jan 30th, 2007 | Filed by

McDonald’s asked questions, Smithfield slightly improved conditions for its sows.… Read the rest

Nostalgia for mud

Jan 29th, 2007 5:22 pm | By

Bunting is at the old stand again.

But it is [A C Grayling’s] claim of the west’s steady march of progress to the happy lands of a universal ideal of rationality and freedom that strikes so hollow. The more vehemently one hears liberal progressives claim progress, the more one wonders who they are trying to convince. Increasingly, the stridency with which the non-religious attack the religious belies their own profound insecurity – that the progress they like to attribute to western or enlightenment values is a much-compromised property. It is challenged by almost everything we see around us: climate change, rising levels of mental ill-health, growing economic inequality fuelled by debt and hyper-consumerism. As Oliver James’s new book, Affluenza,

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RCC the Representative of Liberty as Such *

Jan 29th, 2007 | Filed by

William Rees-Mogg notes how English Mill seems, how un-English Kant was.… Read the rest

Blair Rules Out Exemption for Catholics *

Jan 29th, 2007 | Filed by

Kelly cites both sides’ ‘passionately held views, expressed with real conviction.’… Read the rest

Grayling Replies to Bunting *

Jan 29th, 2007 | Filed by

If this were 1950s Ireland, Bunting might not be writing anything.… Read the rest

Poll Shows Some Interesting Views *

Jan 29th, 2007 | Filed by

74% of young Muslims think women should wear the hijab. 31% think apostates should be killed.… Read the rest