All entries by this author

Amartya Sen: Democracy Isn’t ‘Western’ *

Mar 25th, 2006 | Filed by

Athens is more ‘Eastern’ than European, for a start.… Read the rest

March for Free Expression, Sort Of *

Mar 25th, 2006 | Filed by

Initial plans to have Motoons on banners to support cartoonists and free expression were ditched.… Read the rest

Why Libraries? *

Mar 25th, 2006 | Filed by

Soueif, Pullman, de Botton, A. Geras, Phillips and others say why.… Read the rest

Freedom of the Mind

Mar 24th, 2006 6:17 pm | By

I’ve been thinking about preferences, and what matters to us, and what we put first – how we rank what matters to us; and about freedom. I’ve been thinking about the fact that freedom of certain kinds seems to matter to me very profoundly indeed, and about why that is, and what flows from it.

I won’t bore you with the why that is part (and I have only guesses anyway), but I will talk about one thing that I think flows from it. It offers one reason I dislike religion so much. Why I’m not just indifferent or uninterested but actively hostile, especially when religion comes out of its churches and mosques and isolated farmhouses to engage in public … Read the rest

Bullywatch *

Mar 24th, 2006 | Filed by

The Guardian urges mayor to ‘learn that sometimes the best thing he could do is shut up.’… Read the rest

Lecturer Suspended for IQ Claims *

Mar 24th, 2006 | Filed by

Claims about average intelligence among groups.… Read the rest

Geoffrey Wheatcroft on Peerages for Sale *

Mar 24th, 2006 | Filed by

Whither purer than pure?… Read the rest

This Thing About Meddling in Domestic Affairs *

Mar 24th, 2006 | Filed by

When it’s cartoons, meddling is virtuous; when it’s execution for conversion, meddling is naughty.… Read the rest

Motoon Imam Threatens to Blow Up a Guy *

Mar 24th, 2006 | Filed by

TV crew secretly filmed Akkari threatening to have founder of Democratic Muslims bombed.… Read the rest

Amnesty International on Abdul Rahman *

Mar 24th, 2006 | Filed by

Freedom of religion and belief entails the right to replace current belief with another or adopt atheist views.… Read the rest

Newsweek and the Undead Freud

Mar 24th, 2006 | By Frederick Crews

Readers of the March 27, 2006, issue of Newsweek were greeted with the cover-story “news” that “Freud Is Not Dead.” Three items attempted to make that point in different ways. The author of the main article, Jerry Adler, consulted many people, including me, before writing his article. Readers of Butterflies and Wheels who took note of Newsweek’s spring offensive may be interested to see the e-mailed answers I gave to Mr. Adler’s questions, along with two subsequent assessments that I offered him after his piece was published. You will see, below, that I among others offered Newsweek reason to think clearly about the dubious nature of the editors’ attempted Freud revival.

The inconsecutive nature of my paragraphs reflects the … Read the rest

One K

Mar 24th, 2006 1:51 am | By

Good, excellent, supa. Perfect. I was still worrying about the update because about 300 people signed up but about 700 didn’t. Google changed my ‘add’ to ‘invite’ (I suppose because it’s a big list, and they don’t know me, so for anything they knew it was all a scheme to enlarge the genitalia of everyone in the whole world, which would be irksome) and I worried that the email they sent looked like spam, so a lot of them could have been filtered and a lot more deleted unread. Plus there was a thing in the email about having to set up a Google account in order to view the group website, and I figured a lot of people … Read the rest


Mar 23rd, 2006 8:58 pm | By

Let’s think a little about this idea that there is a tension or conflict or contradiction between freedom of speech and religious freedom.

What is meant by religious freedom? One, individual belief. No problem. However, that does not entail protection and insulation from disagreement – from awarness of other people who don’t share one’s beliefs. That is not how we understand freedom. My freedom to run up and down hooting and waggling my fingers does not mean that other people can’t laugh and point and make remarks. Freedom just means freedom, it doesn’t mean freedom plus nice pleasant soothing feelings of calm self-satisfaction free of all disruptive challenge. If you want insulation from awareness of people who don’t agree with … Read the rest

De Profundis

Mar 23rd, 2006 6:35 pm | By

What a relief it is to read Kenan Malik after Doudou Diéne.

At the beginning it feels not so much like reading Kenan Malik as like stumbling into an echo chamber.

“I believe in free speech, but…” That has become the rallying cry for the liberal left in the wake of the Danish cartoon controversy. The Guardian “believes uncompromisingly in freedom of expression, but not in any duty to gratuitously offend.” For Jack Straw freedom of speech is fine but not if it leads to an “open season” on religious taboos.

Part of the liberal left, I would urgently interject. Not all! By no means all. Not B&W and not Kenan to name two; not Nick Cohen and not … Read the rest

Ignatieff on Torture *

Mar 23rd, 2006 | Filed by

Problems begin when we descend into the particular, when we ask what exactly counts as torture. … Read the rest

Kenan Malik on ‘Too Much Respect’ *

Mar 23rd, 2006 | Filed by

‘There is no reason to treat Muslims—or, indeed, any religious believers—as special cases.’… Read the rest

On Wieseltier on Dennett’s Breaking the Spell *

Mar 23rd, 2006 | Filed by

‘The first question…about Wieseltier’s review is why he was asked to submit it in the first place.’… Read the rest

Blow Up Those Guilty Women *

Mar 23rd, 2006 | Filed by

‘The biggest nightclub in central London, no one can put their hands up and say they are innocent – those slags dancing around.’… Read the rest

The Selfish Gene Event *

Mar 23rd, 2006 | Filed by

Dennett, Ridley, McEwan, Krebs, Dawkins speak.… Read the rest

Atheists Most Distrusted Minority in US *

Mar 23rd, 2006 | Filed by

No kidding.… Read the rest