All entries by this author

Freud and his Critics: a Discussion

Oct 1st, 2005 | By Allen Esterson, Richard Warnotck, Paul Power

From B&W’s Letters page, a discussion of Freud, Webster, Masson, the unconscious, the seduction theory. Allen Esterson is the author of Seductive Mirage: an Exploration of the Work of Sigmund Freud.

Richard R. Warnotck, 25/09/2005

Understanding history may not be absolutely essential to understanding psychology but it is at least very helpful. The truth is that Webster gets some of Freud’s ideas just wrong, so his arguments are directed not so much against Freud as against his caricature of Freud. Consider the issue of ‘unconscious emotions’.

Here is Webster, page 250:

“One of the central objections to Freud’s methodology, however, is that by positing the existence of an Unconscious he effectively deepens the very mysteries which he claims to … Read the rest

A Problem in Democracy

Oct 1st, 2005 1:46 am | By

This article by Ishtiaq Ahmed raises an issue I fret about a lot. It’s one which doesn’t get discussed much, especially not in unequivocal and non-euphemistic terms. The issue is: democracy is widely seen as a good thing, and in many ways it is a good thing, but – there is a problem. The problem is that there is no magic mechanism that prevents majorities from voting to take away or deny the rights of some people – of even a majority, such as for instance women. The disputes over the Iraqi constitution are all about that problem, obviously, and yet the problem is seldom put in quite those terms. But it is a very real problem, which is why … Read the rest

Richard Lewontin Reviews Ruse and Others *

Sep 30th, 2005 | Filed by

Change, not progress, was the ideological leitmotif of evolutionary theory.… Read the rest

Can Blogs Help Popularize Good Academic Books? *

Sep 30th, 2005 | Filed by

They’re an improvement on reading the catalogue aloud, at least.… Read the rest

Jerry Fodor on Simon Blackburn on Truth *

Sep 30th, 2005 | Filed by

Fodor wonders if there is more silliness around now than there has always been.… Read the rest

Harold Bloom Should Try Harder *

Sep 30th, 2005 | Filed by

Lacks the good teacher’s humility, good popularizer’s ability to make a complex subject clear.… Read the rest

Both Sides of Culture Wars Are Populist *

Sep 30th, 2005 | Filed by

Multicultural left and populist right differ only in preferring different popular cultures.… Read the rest

Journal of Religion and Society Article *

Sep 30th, 2005 | Filed by

If religion has receded in some western nations, what is the impact on their populations?… Read the rest

Sartre, Beauvoir, Letters, Daughters, Copyright *

Sep 29th, 2005 | Filed by

Adopted daughters dispute book on Beauvoir-Sartre relations.… Read the rest

Baudrillard, Virilio, Žižek on September 11 *

Sep 29th, 2005 | Filed by

‘These three texts present theoretical ideas that are largely familiar…’… Read the rest

The Great Thing About ID *

Sep 29th, 2005 | Filed by

It takes all that pesky uncertainty out of science. Whew!… Read the rest

ALF Has Launched New Wave of Attacks *

Sep 29th, 2005 | Filed by

‘We have identified and tracked down many of your senior executives and also junior staff…’… Read the rest

ALF Not Returning Telegraph’s Calls *

Sep 29th, 2005 | Filed by

The Animal Liberation Front is thought to be behind the threats.… Read the rest

Animal Rights Militia Sends ‘Warning Letters’ *

Sep 29th, 2005 | Filed by

‘Drop HLS or you will face the consequences.’… Read the rest

Animal Rights ‘Activists’ Threaten Nurseries *

Sep 29th, 2005 | Filed by

Leapfrog Day Nurseries warned to sever all links with Huntingdon Life Sciences.… Read the rest

Evolution in the Dock *

Sep 29th, 2005 | Filed by

Live Science gives details on anti-evolution legislation in 17 states.… Read the rest

Scott McLemee Reads the Classier Tabloid *

Sep 28th, 2005 | Filed by

How does anyone keep up with all the secondary literature, let alone the two-headed alien babies?… Read the rest

Another Mock Dictionary *

Sep 28th, 2005 | Filed by

Leadership: An undefined quality attributed to bosses on public occasions. … Read the rest

Ishtiaq Ahmed on a Difficulty in Democracy *

Sep 28th, 2005 | Filed by

What if a parliamentary majority wants to take away other people’s rights?… Read the rest

‘Contrarian’ Views on AIDS and One Dead Child *

Sep 28th, 2005 | Filed by

HIV-positive woman who refused to have her children tested still refuses to ‘second-guess.’… Read the rest