All entries by this author

Endless Irritating Debate on Nature-Nurture *

Jul 31st, 2003 | Filed by

H. Allen Orr is pleased to find that Matt Ridley does have something new to say about the subject.… Read the rest

Slums from the Qing Dynasty are Still Slums

Jul 31st, 2003 | By David Stanway

In Yichang, in central China, the site of the infamous and globally reviled Three Gorges Project, something strange is happening. After five days travelling along the Yangtze River, your correspondent is beginning to think that in itself, the Three Gorges might not have been such a bad thing after all.

The project – designed primarily to control flooding, improve navigation, and generate power – consists of the world’s largest dam in the middle reaches of the world’s third longest river, and has become something of a cause célèbre, uprooting over a million residents on the banks of the Yangtze and causing untold environmental damage.

Just before our party reached the mountain that is supposed to resemble a prone Chairman Mao … Read the rest

Democracy and its Tensions

Jul 30th, 2003 11:43 pm | By

I’ve been re-reading the chapter on democracy in Norman Levitt’s Prometheus Bedeviled. I’ve been pondering the tensions between democracy and science, public opinion and truth, elections and epistemology, for – well for years, really, but with renewed attention recently. The discussion of scientific literacy a few weeks ago, reviews of Fareed Zakaria’s new book on democracy, the naive surprise of so many of the good and great at the possibility (or likelihood) that democracy in Iraq might very well result in a fundamentalist theocracy, Julian’s latest Bad Moves on the democratic fallacy and majoritarianism, and more, have combined to show me or remind me that the subject is full of unnoticed pieties, assumptions, sentimentalities, untrue bromides, leaps of faith, … Read the rest

Trust Me, I’m a Communicator

Jul 30th, 2003 10:54 pm | By

Oh, the hell with the Enlightenment project, you know? Screw all that stuff about education and rationality and informed consent and critical thinking. Nah. Too much trouble. We’ve got better things to do, we’ve got tv to watch and sports pages to read and an inner child to get in touch with. Don’t bother us with that rational argument and evidence and peer review crap. Just manipulate us, okay? Just make us feel good, make us feel empowered and participatory and noticed and brimfull of self-esteem, and we’ll do anything you want.

Research over the past decade has begun to question the central importance of knowledge in shaping public opinion about science. Instead of public education programs, argue some social

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First Aid TV Style *

Jul 30th, 2003 | Filed by

Fully trained after watching ER?… Read the rest

Junk Science *

Jul 30th, 2003 | Filed by

The real risks of not immunising children outweigh worries based on bad evidence.… Read the rest

No Link Between Autism Rise and MMR Jab *

Jul 29th, 2003 | Filed by

Improved diagnosis rather than increased incidence, post hoc versus propter hoc, media influencing beliefs – the usual.… Read the rest

Not Ill, Just Naughty *

Jul 29th, 2003 | Filed by

Do neglectful parents use ADD diagnoses to excuse their children’s bad behaviour?… Read the rest

Behind the Scenes

Jul 29th, 2003 12:12 am | By

I heard something interesting on the US public radio show ‘Fresh Air’ last week. Peter Stotherd, a former editor of the Times (of London), has written a book called Thirty Days: Tony Blair and the Test of History, about Blair in the days on either side of the beginning of the war in Iraq. It’s all quite interesting, it’s a subject that interests me – for one thing, I was relieved to hear that (contrary to some reports I’d read) Blair has a business-like relationship as opposed to a friendship with George Bush. Absurd, isn’t it. What do I care, what business is it of mine? But there’s something so repulsive in the thought of a grown-up, intelligent man like … Read the rest

They’re Out There

Jul 28th, 2003 6:42 pm | By

This is an alarming article. Hate mail ‘by the ton’, name-calling, character assasination, merely for doing research.

The simple act of conducting research into the matter struck some as an enterprise ”designed to cheer on child molesters,” as one anonymous letter writer wrote, ”and ridicules the suffering sustained by children who are abused as well as therapists who are knowledgeable about the effects of trauma on children’s minds and bodies.” Clancy was a ”bad person,” according to another letter writer, to question such reports. Yet another suggested that she was probably an abuser herself.

So Susan Clancy, the researcher in question, decided that ‘repressed’ memories of child abuse made for an excessively sensitive subject, and also that the fact … Read the rest

History Doesn’t Always Agree *

Jul 28th, 2003 | Filed by

The verdict of history is no more likely to agree with us than that of the present.… Read the rest

Revenge Disguised as Literature *

Jul 28th, 2003 | Filed by

Got a grudge? Write a novel and get your own back.… Read the rest

Stupid Right-wing Books Flourish *

Jul 28th, 2003 | Filed by

Note that only ‘liberals’ are the elite. And Bush & Co. are…?… Read the rest

Down the Memory Hole *

Jul 28th, 2003 | Filed by

Russia’s nostalgic-nationalist view of its past keeps Dr. Zhivago off the syllabus.… Read the rest

Memory is a Minefield *

Jul 28th, 2003 | Filed by

Especially if your research casts doubt on the validity of memories of alien abductions.… Read the rest

Mainstreams and Ghettoes *

Jul 28th, 2003 | Filed by

Julian Baggini on the differences between US and UK philosophy.… Read the rest


Jul 27th, 2003 6:15 pm | By

We’re back, after an unpleasant little interlude caused by a hardware problem on the server. We’ve been toiling and slaving here to get everything back, and since one of us (and it’s not Jeremy) is not very computer literate, some areas look a bit odd. Not to worry, we’re getting to it.

Sunday update. JS points out that the server may go blooey again, also that pages will sometimes be slow to load. But also also, that we are changing servers entirely soon (that is to say, he is – I might as well stand around and wave a magic wand for all the use I am) and that will solve all the problems, but it could also mean another … Read the rest

Levy’s Sartre Book Not a Huge Hit *

Jul 27th, 2003 | Filed by

‘…this unbelievably stupid, ill-written, completely disorganised and monstrously rambling tome.’… Read the rest

Habermas and Derrida Interviewed *

Jul 27th, 2003 | Filed by

Two philosophers talk about terrorism.… Read the rest

We’re Back *

Jul 26th, 2003 | Filed by

Mystifying disappearance of B and W at an end. We hope.… Read the rest