All entries by this author

What to do With Evidence? Bury It *

Dec 1st, 2003 | Filed by

Report by Human Remains Working Group forces science to defer to mystical beliefs.… Read the rest

Noam Chomsky Interview *

Dec 1st, 2003 | Filed by

‘He recognises little distinction between conspiracy and cock-up.’… Read the rest


Dec 1st, 2003 12:55 am | By

A couple of miscellaneous items. A scientist goes off-topic to talk about women composers, thus revealing (and not for the first time) that scientists tend to know more about the arts than artists and humanist scholars know about science.

And then there’s a very interesting long post by John Holbo on Bad Writing. He’s just read Just Being Difficult?, the new book that re-ignited the subject of bad writing, and he has some excellent acerbic comments on it. There’s also a discussion of Holbo’s discussion at Crooked Timber. One reader there makes this classic comment:

I’ve always wanted to ask Steven Weinberg why he became a scientist. The answer would be most likely because of a certain kind of

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B&W auf Deutsch *

Nov 30th, 2003 | Filed by

Tom DeGregori’s ‘Shiva the Destroyer’ in the German magazine Novo.… Read the rest

Terry Eagleton the Insider-Outsider *

Nov 30th, 2003 | Filed by

Students have gone from uncritical, reverential essays on Flaubert to uncritical, reverential essays on ‘Friends.’… Read the rest

Colin McGinn on Bookworminess *

Nov 30th, 2003 | Filed by

Dorian Gray and horror novels as a child, illiteracy as an adolescent, then philosophy.… Read the rest

Hey! Where’s my Nobel Prize?! *

Nov 29th, 2003 | Filed by

If the Nobel committee somehow overlooks you, make a stink, demand your prize! Or perhaps not.… Read the rest

Tyranny is Tyranny *

Nov 29th, 2003 | Filed by

Even when the tyrants are not US puppets, so the left should not be silent.… Read the rest


Nov 28th, 2003 9:00 pm | By

Well good, we’ve got that cleared up: all the potential Democratic presidential candidates are religious, there’s not an atheist in the bunch. That’s a relief, isn’t it? And a surprise? Atheists being so thick on the ground in US politics, especially at the national level.

The assumptions behind the news article reporting on this shocker are rather strange, however. Or at least, if not strange in the context of US politics, still, strange in other contexts one can think of. There is this remark, for instance:

Each of the Democrats vying for the right to challenge Bush next year has reaffirmed his or her faith, refusing to cede spirituality to the Republicans.

So, they refuse to cede spirituality, but they’re … Read the rest

Hugh Kenner *

Nov 28th, 2003 | Filed by

The Guardian obituary.… Read the rest

Root Causes *

Nov 28th, 2003 | Filed by

There are always a lot of them – which do we choose to focus on and why?… Read the rest

Atheism not in the Running *

Nov 28th, 2003 | Filed by

Democrats refuse to ‘cede spirituality to the Republicans,’ so secularism is not an option.… Read the rest

US Voters Want Even More Religion *

Nov 28th, 2003 | Filed by

Only 21% want less, so secularists are just out of luck.… Read the rest

Stanley Fish Makes an Excellent Point *

Nov 27th, 2003 | Filed by

‘The only respectable intellectual goal is the pursuit of truth’… Read the rest

Rising Anti-Semitism in Europe *

Nov 27th, 2003 | Filed by

Is criticism of Israel merely a screen? Or is criticism of criticism of Israel the screen?… Read the rest

Can Aesthetic Standards be Grounded? *

Nov 26th, 2003 | Filed by

Or are they imposed by the powerful for political purposes.… Read the rest

Hugh Kenner *

Nov 26th, 2003 | Filed by

The New York Times obituary.… Read the rest


Nov 26th, 2003 12:35 am | By

More update on Stephen King at the National Book Awards and the whole ‘You should feel guilty for not reading John Grisham’ line. Excellent comments from Terry Teachout here and here. And the story in the Independent.Read the rest

Dr Fox

Nov 25th, 2003 9:12 pm | By

A kind and helpful reader alerted me to this article in an email yesterday. It’s very interesting (and also rather amusing, especially at the beginning), but it turns out it doesn’t corroborate what I’m saying in quite the way I thought it might. But that’s okay, because it does raise another issue, which I think it’s worth talking about.

The claim of the article is that difficulty carries prestige, quite independent of content or substance. That educated people will rate a lecture or article more highly if it is ‘difficult’ than if it’s not (with the substance remaining the same). But the trouble is, the measure of difficulty is not a very good one, as the author, Scott Armstrong, acknowledges … Read the rest

GM Propaganda War Not Helpful *

Nov 25th, 2003 | Filed by

If each side leaves out important facts, conclusions are obscured and the public is confused.… Read the rest