Fashionable nonsense has been with us since the time that prehistoric man first transcribed Of Grammatology on to the walls of the Lascaux caves. Here we cast an eye back at some historical highlights.

Massimo Puglicci reads Stanley Fish on atheism *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Another demonstration that atheism is simply not permissible.… Read the rest

God v Science *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

What is so good about having faith when you don’t have evidence? What is the real advantage to that? Why is this something that we want to encourage?… Read the rest

WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA statement on FGM *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Confirming the universally unacceptable harm caused by FGM, and issuing an unqualified call for the elimination of this practice in all its forms.… Read the rest

Reading Karen Armstrong *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

History is for Karen Armstrong not so much putty as Playdoh.… Read the rest

Katha Pollitt talks to Der Spiegel *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Feminism created a new normal. … Read the rest

M V Ramana on gay rights in South Asia *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

The strongly patriarchal nature of South Asian societies ensures even worse treatment for lesbians than for gay men.… Read the rest

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by
Read the rest

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the Right to Offend *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘Today, the open society is challenged by Islamism’… Read the rest

Pigliucci on Fish on atheism *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

He has to reduce science to just another faith in order to salvage the “reasonableness” of religious belief.… Read the rest

Natasha Walter on women in Afghanistan *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

“Every day women are sacrificed for their family or tribe,” Nilab Mobarez tells me angrily. … Read the rest

WHO study on risks of FGM *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

WHO study shows FGM exposes women and babies to significant risk at childbirth.… Read the rest

The Candidate *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

The New Yorker on Obama in May 2004… Read the rest

‘Honour’ killing rewarded with prize of 3 girls *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Guy kills wife, gets 3 underage girls in ‘compensation.’… Read the rest

Richard Carrier: Why I am not a Christian *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

God is silent and inert, the evidence is inadequate, and the universe is not the one predicted.… Read the rest

Carl Sagan on Pseudoscience *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

On NPR’s Science Friday in 1996, the rising popularity of pseudoscience and the importance of critical thinking.… Read the rest

Debunking Edward Said *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Ibn Warraq on a one-eyed view of the relationship between the Arab and Western worlds.… Read the rest

Clever teenagers don’t have sex *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Sexual behavior may compete with the time and resources required for other goals.… Read the rest

The Religious Policeman on the ‘Muslim Offense Level’ *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Reasons not to talk about stampedes where “several” poor Third-World Muslims died.… Read the rest

Who should be able to stop a forced marriage? *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Bridget Prentice and Jasvinder Sanghera discuss on Woman’s Hour.… Read the rest

Got a complaint? Call 1-800-Human-Rights. *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

The Canadian Islamic Congress has a new partner in its censorship campaign: the state … Read the rest