And then there’s the money-laundering question

May 10th, 2017 9:08 am | By

The Post gathers up some items under the heading: After the president fired James Comey, the cloud hanging over the White House just got bigger and darker.

— Donald Trump has surrounded himself with sycophants and amateurs who are either unwilling or unable to tell him no

He’s got no one intelligent and independent to warn him when he’s about to walk off a cliff.

That’s not surprising, of course; it’s more like inevitable. No one intelligent and independent would want to work for Trump. That’s perhaps the fatal flaw in being as comprehensively awful as Trump: the awfulness repels people of quality and doing without them can’t work forever.

— Senior officials at the White House were caught off guard by the intense and immediate blowback to the president’s stunning decision to fire James Comey. They reportedly expected Republicans to back him up and thought Democrats wouldn’t complain loudly because they have been critical of Comey for his handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Indeed, that was the dubious excuse given publicly for his ouster.

They were saying that, in wonder and amazement, on cable news last night. I shared the wonder and amazement. Seriously? How is that possible?

I guess that demonstrates just how hard it is to find even halfway competent people willing to work for Trump. You have to be really thick not to realize that Trump’s firing Comey would not be a good look.

Spicey had a rough night. The story he tells is bizarre:

“As Spicer tells it, (Deputy Attorney General Rod) Rosenstein was confirmed about two weeks ago and independently took on this issue so the president was not aware of the probe until he received a memo from Rosenstein on Tuesday, along with a letter from Attorney General Jeff Sessions recommending that Comey be fired. The president then swiftly decided to follow the recommendation, notifying the FBI via e-mail around 5 p.m. and in a letter delivered to the FBI by the president’s longtime bodyguard. ‘It was all him,’ Spicer said of Rosenstein.” (No serious person believes this.)

It does sound like Trump though. It sounds exactly like Trump. Rosenstein writes a memo, Sessions passes it on along with advice from himself, Trump reads it and is struck all of a heap and leaps to perform An Action. That’s Trump all over. An adult in that job would talk to people first, would think, would consider the likely consequences. But Trump? Nah – he just reacts to stimuli. Rosenstein’s memo was a stimulus.

The Trump people said golly isn’t it time to move on from this Russia thing?

CNN reported that federal prosecutors – as part of the ongoing Russia probe – have now issued grand jury subpoenas to associates of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. “The subpoenas represent the first sign of a significant escalation of activity in the FBI’s broader investigation that began last July into possible ties between Trump campaign associates and Russia,” Evan Perez, Shimon Prokupecz and Pamela Brown reported. “The subpoenas issued in recent weeks by the US Attorney’s Office in Alexandria, Virginia, were received by associates who worked with Flynn on contracts after he was forced out as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014.”

And then…

It emerged yesterday that Senate investigators have asked the Treasury Department’s criminal investigation division for any relevant financial information related to Trump, his top officials, or his campaign aides. “We’ve made a request, to FinCEN in the Treasury Department, to make sure, not just for example vis-a-vis the President, but just overall our effort to try to follow the intel no matter where it leads,” said Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee, per CNN. FinCEN is the federal agency that has been investigating allegations of foreign money-laundering through purchases of U.S. real estate. “You get materials that show if there have been, what level of financial ties between, I mean some of the stuff, some of the Trump-related officials, Trump campaign-related officials and other officials and where those dollars flow — not necessarily from Russia.” Until the Treasury Department responds with documents, Warner said, he plans to withhold support for Trump’s nominees.

That could be the proverbial

Image result for smoking gun

So he persisted

May 10th, 2017 8:32 am | By

Meanwhile, in Trump’s US, reporters are not allowed to ask administration officials questions if the officials don’t feel like being asked questions. By “not allowed” I mean they get arrested and charged with a crime if they do.

A veteran West Virginia reporter has been arrested and charged with “disruption of government services” in the state capitol for “yelling questions” at visiting Health and Human Services secretary Tom Price and White House senior advisor Kellyanne Conway.

Daniel Ralph Heyman, 54, with the Public News Service of West Virginia, was freed on $5,000 bond Tuesday night on a charge of “willful disruption of government processes,” according to a criminal complaint.

“The above defendant was aggressively breaching the secret service agents to the point where the agents were forced to remove him a couple of times from the area walking up the hallway in the main building of the Capitol,” the complaint states. It adds Heyman caused a disturbance by “yelling questions at Ms. Conway and Secretary Price.”

The misdemeanor carries a possible fine of $100 and up to six months in jail.

Heyman later told reporters he was “trying to do my job” by pressing the secretary on whether domestic violence would be considered a pre-existing condition under the proposed American Health Care Act.

This isn’t obnoxious fans pestering a rock star. It’s journalists asking government officials questions. We need them to do that, especially with this administration. Trump and his gang are secretive and they tell lies. We need reporters to press them.

Heyman, a veteran reporter who covers health issues for Public News Service, said he was holding his phone out to record the impromptu hallway interview but Price repeatedly refused to respond. “He didn’t say anything,” Heyman told reporters. “So I persisted.”

Elizabeth Warren joke there.

The American Civil Liberties Union of West Virginia called the charges “outrageous” and said the arrest was “a blatant attempt to chill an independent, free press.”

The American Civil Liberties Union of West Virginia posted a statement on Facebook:

This a dangerous time in our country. Freedom of the press is being eroded every day. We have a President who calls the media “fake news” and resists transparency at every turn. And today, a reporter was arrested for trying to ask a question to members of President Trump’s administration. Mr. Heyman’s arrest is a blatant attempt to chill an independent, free press. The charges against him are outrageous, and they must be dropped immediately.

By asking Tom Price and Kellyanne Conway whether domestic violence was considered a preexisting condition under President Trump’s healthcare proposal, Dan Heyman was doing his job as a reporter. He was fulfilling that sacred role of the media in a democratic state of holding our elected officials accountable regarding the vital issues of the day. And for that, he was arrested.

What President Trump’s administration is forgetting, and what the Capitol Police forgot today, is that the government works for us. Today was a dark day for democracy. But the rule of law will prevail. The First Amendment will prevail. The American Civil Liberties Union of West Virginia stands ready to fight any attempt by the government to infringe upon our First Amendment rights.

We are allowed to ask them questions.

Trump says he’s draining the swamp

May 10th, 2017 7:57 am | By

You’ve probably seen them already, but I can’t not post Trump’s After the Firing tweets.

Well, first there’s the characteristic vulgarity and inappropriateness – a stupid childish epithet as the first word, from the sitting president. Then there’s the ludicrous point-missing. The issue isn’t the merits of Comey. It’s why now and not last July; it’s the investigation; it’s the suddenness and randomness; it’s the investigation; it’s the conspicuously shitty way it was done; it’s the investigation.

Same thing. No, Donald, that’s not it.

Then why did you wait more than three months?

Then he retweets something about Mexico and drugs from the Drudge report. Diversion! Road trip!

Then back to the firing.

Oh christ. Can he really believe that? Is he that stupid?

Then another RT of the Drudge Report, but this time with a Comey-scandals story. Subtle!

Next up, three tweets attacking a Democratic Senator.

And last for now, the one where he tipped off CNN that he was watching CNN with the result that CNN addressed him directly with some useful advice.

This is our new reality.

Library trolling

May 9th, 2017 5:02 pm | By

The BBC’s live coverage of the Tuesday Afternoon Massacre:

Richard Nixon Library stands behind its man
Posted at
Richard Nixon’s presidential library is effectively trolling on Twitter, pointing out that the disgraced former president managed not to fire the director of the FBI.

Trump’s dismissal of Comey drew widespread comparisons with Nixon’s actions over the Watergate scandal, leading ‘Nixonian’ to trend on Twitter.

#Watergate is also trending on Twitter.

The previous coup

May 9th, 2017 4:52 pm | By

Via Ira Flatow:

Image may contain: 2 people


May 9th, 2017 4:31 pm | By

Jeff Sessions recused himself from the investigation into Russian interference with the election. That means he should not have issued this statement:

Don’t get too comfortable

May 9th, 2017 4:01 pm | By

Trump has fired Comey. This could be the beginning of a coup.

The Washington Post:

FBI Director James B. Comey has been dismissed by the president, according to White House spokesman Sean Spicer – a startling move that officials said stemmed from a conclusion by Justice Department officials that he had mishandled the probe of Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Comey was fired as he is leading a counterintelligence investigation to determine whether associates of President Trump may have coordinated with Russia to meddle with the presidential election last year. That probe began quietly last July but has now become the subject of intense debate in Washington. It is unclear how Comey’s dismissal will affect that investigation.

Read that second paragraph ten or twenty times, in case it didn’t sink in.

Officials said Comey was fired because senior Justice Department officials concluded he had violated Justice Department principles and procedures by publicly discussing the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of private email.


Is this a bad dream? Am I hallucinating it?

Officials released a Tuesday memo from the Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, laying out the rationale behind Comey’s dismissal.

“The FBI’s reputation and credibility have suffered substantial damage, and it has affected the entire Department of Justice,’’ Rosenstein wrote…

In a letter to Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that he agreed.

“I have concluded that a fresh start is needed at the leadership of the FBI,’’ Sessions wrote. “I must recommend that you remove Director James B. Comey, Jr. and identify an experienced and qualified individual to lead the great men and women of the FBI.’’

Why would they want someone experienced and qualified at the FBI when they don’t want that in any of their own people?

The NY Times:

Mr. Comey’s dismissal was a stunning development for a president that benefited from the F.B.I. investigation of the Democratic nominee during the 2016 campaign. Separately, the F.B.I. also is investigating whether members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the election.

The abrupt firing raised questions over whether Mr. Trump was trying to influence the Russia investigation. But he said he was following recommendations from the Justice Department, which criticized how Mr. Comey concluded the investigation into Mrs. Clinton.

Well he wasn’t going to say he was doing it to sabotage the Russia investigation, was he.

Mr. Comey broke with longstanding tradition and policies by publicly discussing the Clinton case last July and chastising her “careless” handling of classified information. Then, in the campaign’s final days, Mr. Comey announced that the F.B.I. was reopening the investigation, a move that earned him widespread criticism.

Yet many of the facts cited as evidence for Mr. Comey’s dismissal were well known when Mr. Trump decided to keep him on the job. Mr. Comey was three years in to a 10-year term.

Plus Trump loved all that. Comey probably gave him the election.

I would love to think this is just more Trump craziness, but it looks much worse than that.

Few accused of blasphemy walk free

May 9th, 2017 11:33 am | By

Now for some literal oppression and violence:

A court in Indonesia has sentenced the capital’s Christian governor to two years in prison for blasphemy against Islam, in a decision that has cheered Muslim conservatives and crushed the hopes of advocates of a more pluralistic and tolerant path for their nation.

Jakarta Gov. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, nicknamed “Ahok”, had not been expected to do time in jail, as prosecutors had sought only a suspended sentence.

But in Indonesia, few accused of blasphemy walk free. Reuters reports that Ahok was taken to a prison in east Jakarta where, according to his lawyer Tommy Sihotang, he would remain “despite his appeal process unless a higher court suspended it.”

There was no “blasphemy.” Even if you accept the concept of “blasphemy” there was none.

The blasphemy charges relate to comments Ahok made last September. He told a group of fishermen that politicians who tell them that the Quran forbids voting for non-Muslims are lying to them.

“As governor, as a public officer,” Judge Abdul Rosyad said Tuesday “the defendant should have known that religion is a sensitive issue so he should have avoided talking about religion.”

But he was talking about politicians lying about religion. That’s also labeled “blasphemy”?

Critics see Ahok’s fate as tied to a prolonged decline in religious tolerance in Indonesia. With that decline, Harsono says, has come “a rise of conservative forces which use Islam to advocate their political interests.”

The nation’s main clerical group, the Indonesian Ulema Council, issued a fatwa, or religious edict, last October accusing Ahok of blasphemy. Prosecutors later cited the fatwa in their indictment of Ahok. Critics point out that religious edicts have no bearing on Indonesia’s laws.

Islamist groups orchestrated several mass protests against Ahok that convulsed the capital’s streets. On Monday, Jokowi named the pan-Islamic group Hizbut Tahrir as being behind the protests and ordered their local arm disbanded.

Ahok’s sentence bodes ill for Jokowi, whose term as president will end in 2019. “Jokowi is very likely,” Harsono predicts, to be “accused of being the ally of a blasphemer.”

Indonesia used to be cited as an example of a majority-Muslim nation that was relatively moderate and liberal.

Count the scare-quotes

May 9th, 2017 11:08 am | By

Another entry, this one by Ani Dutta. What’s interesting about this one is the nested hedging and qualifying, which is so recursive that you end up unable to figure out what the claim is.

I have a feeling that I’m not going to be riding any popularity waves with this one, but I wanted to register my discomfort with the way in which ‘trans / gender non-conforming’ and ‘people of color’ voices have often been essentialized and homogenized in the wake of the controversy on Rebecca Tuvel’s Hypatia article that defends ‘transracialism’ and makes analogies between ‘transgenderism’ and ‘transracialism’. I do not say this ‘as’ a trans/gender non-conforming person of color (categories I use with discomfort given their US-centric hegemonic senses), as I don’t believe that occupying those positions necessarily justifies or gives more credence to the points I’m about to make. But I am referring to these categories, in which I’m often socially placed, simply to make the point that some of ‘us’ (though there’s no ‘us’) might have differing takes on both the Tuvel article and the question of transracialism than the general stance of condemnation and dismissal that ‘we’ have been associated with.

Between scare quotes and talk of essentializing and disavowals followed by avowals…we get lost in the forest. Dutta either is or is not a trans/gender non-conforming person of color, and either does or does not speak as such; I can’t tell which it is. Maybe it’s both. There is no us, but some of us might have differing takes – except that there is no us. Or ‘us.’ (If there is no ‘us’ does that mean there is an us?)

It’s one academic style, I guess, but my god it seems pointless. There might be a good point in there but I can’t tell what it is.

There’s the obligatory rebuke of Adichie, and an acknowledgement that identity is complicated, and then we get to Tuvel.

This brings me more specifically to the Tuvel article: I agree that it is simplistic and problematic on several fronts, and especially fell short in its understanding of trans issues. As critiques point out, it reduces trans identities to a medical-surgical model of transitioning to another “sex” and ignores the trans-GNC critique of sex assignment (using phrases like ‘biological sex’ and ‘male genitalia’); further, it admittedly ignores non-binary subjectivities or practices, makes the sexed body the basis for both cis and trans identity, etc. Ideally none of this should have made past peer review, but these are far wider problems with entire biomedical discourses of transsexuality and are replicated across many academic disciplines, and even in some trans activism, rather than just this article in itself, and her article is not fundamentally making claims on trans identity anyway so they do not necessarily invalidate her main argument (which could still be critiqued, but that is a separate question).

Yikes, that last sentence ran away. But what I’m wondering is what kind of peer review it is that “none of this” should have made it past. The discipline in question is philosophy, so I’m wondering what philosophical peer review has to do with any of that. What field or discipline is the authority on “non-binary subjectivities” or “the trans-GNC critique of sex assignment” or why it’s wrong to use phrases like ‘biological sex’ and ‘male genitalia’? Is any of that an academic subject at all?

Also, specifically responding to a public post by a colleague, the Tuvel piece has been accused of managerial whiteness and the violence of abstracting and controlling differences, deciding which differences are equivalent or not, etc. I do appreciate and agree with the argument that philosophy, and academic theorization more broadly, is often guilty of managerial violence and the violence of abstracting differences over material bodies and experiences that theorizers don’t inhabit or share.

The violence of abstracting differences? I think that’s an agreement too many. On the other hand Dutta does say Tuvel shouldn’t be singled out for that.

Last but not least, moving beyond the specific Tuvel case, it seems important to introspect about why many of us (POC or not) have such a gut reaction to ‘transracialism’, racial self-determination and the analogy between racial & gender identity, while gender self-determination seems to be much easier to accept (even Adichie who generalizes male privilege onto all trans women seems to accept some degree of gender self-determination). Going by my preliminary and not entirely fleshed-out train of thoughts, part of it may have to do with the different ways in which ‘race’ and ‘gender’ are socially constructed, and these differences need to be interrogated more than they have been in recent debates. Broadly speaking, there is a relentless social demand that ‘gender’ be personalized and interiorized. Both conventional cisgender and more trans-inclusive epistemologies of gender (especially in the West) *demand* that we associate gendered embodiments, expressions, behaviors, words / terms, with a deeply *interior* identity (recalling the argument that Foucault famously makes about sexuality) – our gendered actions or embodiments must *mean* something in terms of the ontology of our inner selves, must correspond with a deeply held personal identity (even if that is genderqueer or fluid or agender, inasmuch as these are ‘identities’). Much of our hard-won struggles against biological essentialism and for gender self-determination often remain imbricated in this potentially oppressive ideology, being in some sense the obverse of the cissexist idea that social sex assignment ‘naturally’ corresponds to a gendered essence…

And yet that’s the exact opposite of what the hated radical feminists think. We think there is no “gendered essence” and that saying there is is what’s oppressive.

‘Race’, in contrast, is etymologically linked with ideas of common descent and collective lineage, deriving from one’s position within a collective rather than a deeply held personal identity…

Now there we’re onto something. We’re onto why trans activism is revealing itself to be such awful politics: it’s because it’s about “a deeply held personal identity,” which is about as opposed to the political as you can get. Basing a politics on an intensely anti-political idea is a recipe for disaster, and disaster is what we’ve got.

Two years ago

May 9th, 2017 9:59 am | By

Interesting. Cressida Heyes wrote that apology by the Associate Editors of Hypatia, but a couple of years ago she said something that would probably get the Guardians of Total Correctness on her ass too.

It’s a piece about Dolezal from July 2015 asking if we can really.

After being outed publicly, Dolezal brought her case to the court of public opinion, saying she is transethnic and drawing parallels between her and Caitlyn Jenner’s transgenderism.

But Hernandez-Ramdwar says being transethnic and being transgender is not the same thing.

“They do not choose to be transgender – they just are,” she says pointing out that transgender people are often dealing with actual physical, chromosomal, genetic identity elements. “On the other hand, if someone claims that they are ‘transracial’, in my opinion, they are choosing to ‘perform’ what they assume to be an ethnicity that is attached to a certain race in a certain context.”

Which is why a line needs to be drawn between race and ethnicity.

But notice she said “transgender people are often dealing with actual physical, chromosomal, genetic identity elements” – often, not always. One of the crimes people get mobbed for now is suggesting there are criteria of that kind. No no no, mustn’t say that: anyone who says she is trans is trans, end of. Identifying as trans is all there is, there isn’t any more.

Also it’s not permitted to ask any questions about criteria or reasons or how do you know. Oh hell no you can’t do that.

Also is it true that no one chooses to be transgender? How do we know? How can we know when it’s not permitted to ask? Especially when more and more of the rhetoric is about choice and identity?

“Race is a social construction based entirely on appearance; it changes according to time and place,” she says. “Ethnicity is about culture, practice, behaviour, sense of belonging – it may or may not coincide with how a person looks, but generally speaking we cannot tell someone’s ethnicity by looking at them.”

So is there such a thing as transethnicity?

“I suppose so, someone who was raised Catholic and converts to Judaism is ‘transethnic’, someone who moves to another country and takes another citizenship is ‘transethnic’ and someone who learns another language and then makes that their primary language is ‘transethnic,’” she says. “In a nutshell, we can choose our ethnicity and ties but we cannot, however choose our race as it is something based on how we are perceived by others.”

And sex isn’t? Gender isn’t?

And now Cressida Heyes.

But Dolezal’s relation to Jenner’s public coming out isn’t entirely left field. Both gender and race have complicated histories, this true. And while they don’t necessarily intersect, they are both built on the foundation of what you look like, says Dr. Cressida Heyes, Canada Research Chair in Philosophy of Gender and Sexuality and a professor at the University of Alberta.

“That’s the place where race and sex come together,” says Heyes. “One of the reasons Caitlyn Jenner has been taken seriously in the mainstream press is because she’s been made to look very conventionally feminine, she’s hot, she’s what a woman is supposed to be so people will buy it.”

The reality, explains Heyes, is for every Caitlyn Jenner there are dozens more who are trans-ambiguous, people who can’t be readily labeled as masculine or feminine.

“And they have a much harder time, people don’t think that that’s okay,” says Heyes. “Something similar is happening with interracial.”

Where were the open letters denouncing this heresy?

She points to a student she has who has a black father and white mother.

“Like Barack Obama she’s not more black than she is white but because of the way race works in Canada, as well in the States, she has to be black because that’s how other people perceive her,” says Heyes. “She identifies that way partly because that’s how the world treats her – you have some degree of choice as to how you present yourself but it’s not all up to you.”

The door Dolezal seems to have opened with the transethnic identity debate has neatly fit into the treads of race and sex, the physical representations we ascribe to identity. But Heyes says the conversation would be more constructive looking at how those identities supplement the things we do and create.

“To me, those are the interesting questions, like what kind of politics are you engaging in when you present yourself in a particular way, not are you real or are you fake,” says Heyes. “But we get really trapped by that language, who’s really black and who’s really a woman.”

Yet two years later she led the denunciation of Rebecca Tuvel.

18 more days

May 9th, 2017 6:00 am | By

What did Donnie from Queens know and when did he know it?

Less than a week into the Trump administration, Sally Q. Yates, the acting attorney general, hurried to the White House with an urgent concern. The president’s national security adviser, she said, had lied to the vice president about his Russian contacts and was vulnerable to blackmail by Moscow.

“We wanted to tell the White House as quickly as possible,” Ms. Yates told a Senate Judiciary subcommittee on Monday. “To state the obvious: You don’t want your national security adviser compromised with the Russians.”

But President Trump did not immediately fire the adviser, Michael T. Flynn, over the apparent lie or the susceptibility to blackmail. Instead, Mr. Flynn remained in office for 18 more days. Only after the news of his false statements broke publicly did he lose his job on Feb. 13.

Ms. Yates’s testimony, along with a separate revelation Monday that President Barack Obama had warned Mr. Trump not to hire Mr. Flynn, offered a more complete public account of Mr. Flynn’s stunning fall from one of the nation’s most important security posts.

And, in particular, of Trump’s stunning failure to act on what Sally Yates told them.

It also raised fresh doubts about Mr. Trump’s judgment in keeping Mr. Flynn in place despite serious Justice Department concerns. White House officials have not fully explained why they waited so long.

That’s putting it mildly.

At the heart of Monday’s testimony were Mr. Flynn’s conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey I. Kislyak. Mr. Flynn denied that they had discussed American sanctions, an assertion echoed by Vice President Mike Pence and the White House press secretary, Sean Spicer. But senior F.B.I. and Justice Department officials knew otherwise. Mr. Kislyak, like many foreign diplomats, was under routine surveillance, and his conversations with Mr. Flynn were recorded, officials have said. Investigators knew that Mr. Flynn had, in fact, discussed sanctions.

Before Trump was inaugurated. He wasn’t supposed to do that, and he wasn’t supposed to lie about it.

Mr. Obama fired Mr. Flynn from his defense intelligence job. And two days after the election, he warned Mr. Trump against making Mr. Flynn his national security adviser, two former Obama administration officials said on Monday. Mr. Obama said he had profound concerns about Mr. Flynn’s taking such a job.

So the clown car gave him the job. That’ll show that pesky Obama guy!

These people are scary.

Witness tampering

May 8th, 2017 5:42 pm | By

Trump is in fact engaged in witness tampering, on Twitter.

It’s this one:

I was shocked by how inappropriate that is from a president talking about a Senate hearing, but it took a lawyer friend to point out that it’s witness tampering.

Some observers are reporting it that way.

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) is asking whether Donald Trump committed a federal crime by engaging in witness intimidation with a tweet about Sally Yates. If Trump was convicted of witness intimidation, he could be sentenced to up to 20 years in prison.

It seems pretty ludicrous to deny that that tweet is intimidating, and it does of course name a witness. It doesn’t get much more intimidating than a mentally unstable and vindictive head of state openly threatening you.

Replies to that tweet note that the tampering one also appears on the official POTUS account, which he apparently can’t delete.

The question that Rep. Lieu raised was an interesting one. Is a tweet from the President Of The United States before a witness testifies before Congress potential witness tampering?

A judge would have to answer that question, but Trump is clearly using his social media presence to shape witness testimony. If this is a case of witness tampering, Trump’s tweets could land him in serious legal trouble.

Is that the kind of crime that law enforcement can just ignore because Republicans control everything? Could Trump murder and devour people on camera and not be prosecuted?


May 8th, 2017 3:56 pm | By

Former acting Attorney-General Sally Yates is testifying before a Senate subcommittee.

Ms. Yates said that in the first days of the Trump administration, she told the White House counsel that Mr. Flynn was susceptible to Russian blackmail.

“General Flynn was compromised in regard to the Russians,” Ms. Yates said at the hearing.

She testified that Mr. Flynn’s conduct was “problematic.” Though Ms. Yates did not publicly reveal her underlying concerns, she did refer to discussions about sanctions between Mr. Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the United States.

The White House initially mischaracterized those discussions. Mr. Trump ultimately fired Mr. Flynn over those discrepancies.

“Mischaracterized” and “discrepancies” are polite ways of putting it. There are harsher ways.

The White House assured the public that Mr. Flynn and the Russian ambassador had not discussed sanctions.

Ms. Yates, a temporary holdover from the administration of President Barack Obama, knew otherwise. That is because the United States routinely intercepts and transcribes the phone calls of foreign diplomats.

On Jan. 26, she told Donald F. McGahn II, the White House counsel, that the misstatements made Mr. Flynn vulnerable to foreign blackmail because Russian operatives would know that he had misled his bosses.

“To state the obvious: You don’t want your national security adviser compromised with the Russians,” Ms. Yates said.

Well it’s apparently not obvious enough to Trump and his buddies.

Yates thought the White House would act on what she told them, but they didn’t. They hung on to Flynn for another two weeks, until the Post ran a story about the warnings.

Mr. Obama warned Mr. Trump against hiring Mr. Flynn when the two met in the Oval Office two days after Mr. Trump was elected, two former Obama administration officials said Monday.

Mr. Obama, who had fired Mr. Flynn as the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, told Mr. Trump that he would have profound concerns about Mr. Flynn becoming a top national security aide, said the administration officials, who were briefed on the Oval Office conversation. Mr. Trump ignored the advice, naming Mr. Flynn to be his national security adviser.

Stupid, arrogant, irresponsible, dangerous man. He doesn’t like Obama because Obama knows how stupid he is, so he names a compromised reckless hothead national security adviser.

And he was tweeting about the mess this morning.

The hearing was clearly on Mr. Trump’s mind hours before it started.

In addition to his tweet about Mr. Flynn’s security clearance, Mr. Trump also suggested on Twitter that Ms. Yates had tipped off journalists about Mr. Flynn’s conversations with the Russian ambassador. That is a familiar beat for Mr. Trump, who has said repeatedly that the leaks of classified information are far more significant than the actual connections between Russian officials and the Trump campaign.

Because leaks are an affront to him, Donald from Queens Trump. That makes them more important than anything.

Many harmful aspects

May 8th, 2017 11:41 am | By

Kelly Oliver posted the link to her piece on Facebook. There are some extraordinary comments on the post.

Hanna Vered Lipkind I am sorry Kelly was insulted. But she reduces all of the outrage to petty insult and mischaracterizes the nature of the critiques and harms expressed by her trans and black colleagues, delegitimizing them, and doubling the harmful silencing effected by Tuvel’s article in the first place. How difficult would it be to acknowledge that, yes, there were many harmful aspects to Tuvel’s article, and there are very real contentions at play here? Real people with real pain this past week, folks. Reducing cries of epistemic injustice to “thought policing” is nowhere near a fair characterization. Generally, a staunch ally would want to cede some discursive space when accused of epistemic injustice.

Miss the point much? That’s just more of the same catastrophizing and hyperbole that made up this whole mess from the outset. There were no harms. Tuvel’s article did not harm anyone. It’s dishonest to keep repeating that malicious lie. Real people can work themselves into “real pain” and still be wrong about the putative source of the pain. Pain can be real and inaccurately attributed.

I wonder how much discursive space Hanna Lipkind would cede if I accused her of committing epistemic injustice against me. My guess is that the numerical value would hover right around zero.

Hanna Vered LipkindIf Kelly genuinely believes that the deadnaming is the most egregious thing about the article, then she severely misses the point of the outrage, and is consciously neglecting a host of critiques that have been expressed over the last week (not the least of which regards Tuvel’s characterization of trans being as “changing” genders) . But Oliver cannot characterize the outrage without taking on an ironic and defensive tone. What steps has she taken to sincerely legitimize the voices of those she means to ally with? Because I haven’t seen those steps taken here.

Ah so it’s a crime now to say that trans has to do with changing genders? Then what does “trans” mean? If it’s not changing genders, then it’s “cis,” no? And then, that bullying horseshit about having to “sincerely legitimize the voices of those she means to ally with” – by which of course she means agreeing with the voices, which is where all this started. We don’t have to agree with the voices.

Outrage has become the new truth

May 8th, 2017 10:58 am | By

Kelly Oliver, a philosophy professor at Vanderbilt, tells us about the backstage maneuvers in the Ostracism of Rebecca Tuvel.

The dust-up on social media over Rebecca Tuvel’s article, “In Defense of Transracialism” published in Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, has given a new meaning to the public/private split central to the history of feminism. For decades, feminists have argued the personal is political, and explored the politics of our private lives. The split between what people wrote to both Rebecca Tuvel and to me in private, and what they felt compelled to say in public is one indication that the explosion of personal insults and vicious attacks on social media is symptomatic of something much bigger than the actual issues discussed in Tuvel’s article. In private messages, some people commiserated, expressed support, and apologized for what was happening and for not going public with their support. As one academic wrote to me in a private message, “sorry I’m not saying this publicly (I have no interest in battling the mean girls on Facebook) but fwiw it’s totally obvious to me that you haven’t been committing acts of violence against marginalized scholars.” Later, this same scholar wrote, again in private, saying Tuvel’s article is “a tight piece of philosophy” that makes clear that the position that “transgender is totally legit, [and] transracial is not—can only be justified using convoluted essentialist metaphysics. I will write to her privately and tell her so.”

These are working academics, who are intimidated into public silence by the mean girls on Facebook. This is how we live now. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not blaming the academics for being intimidated, I’m blaming the mean girls for the intimidation. I’m blaming the panting eagerness with which feminist women rush to batter other feminist women into submission, or just plain into bruises and pain and defeat.

But that’s not even the worst of it.

Others went further and supported Tuvel in private while actually attacking her in public. In private messages, these people apologized for what she must be going through, while in public they fanned the flames of hatred and bile on social media.

That I blame them for. Not stepping up is one thing, and joining them in the stoning is another. That’s horrifying.

The feeding frenzy in response to Tuvel’s article couldn’t have happened without social media. The viciousness of the attacks was fueled by the mob mentality of Facebook. Dissenters, even those who just wanted a civil discussion of the issue, were shut down immediately or afraid to voice their opinions in public. Some who in private were sympathetic to Tuvel, felt compelled to join in the attacking mob. The thought police were in full force. Both Tuvel and the journal were under pressure to retract the article and apologize. In a private message to me, one of my academic friends said one editor’s Facebook apology for publishing such an “offensive” article, “sounded like something ISIS makes its captors read in a hostage video before beheading them.” Joking aside, there was (and still is) tremendous pressure to condemn Tuvel and her article. Some who joined in the protests later admitted in private that they hadn’t even read the article.

They didn’t have time; those insulting Facebook comments don’t write themselves.

I have to admit, I didn’t want to enter the Facebook shit-storm and face the wrath of the “mean girls” either. I felt the need to defend Rebecca Tuvel not only because she is a friend and former Ph.D. student of mine, but also because I respect her work, which is always well argued—whether or not you agree with it—and I found her arguments compelling. I summoned up the courage and entered the fray suggesting only that Hypatia invite critical responses to the article. This suggestion was met with ridicule and derision. I then asked critics to respond with philosophical arguments rather than lobbing insults, which was met with claims that I was doing “violence” to marginalized scholars.

The right to lob insults on Facebook is the most precious human right of all.

The most vocal figures on social media claimed they were harmed, even traumatized, by Tuvel’s article, and by my defense of its right to exist. Some said that Tuvel’s article harmed them, and I was doing violence to them, even triggering PTSD, just by calling for an open discussion of, and debate over, the arguments in the article. While I readily agree that words can do harm and that hate speech exists, my call for philosophical engagement with Tuvel’s article does not constitute harmful speech. In fact, if an essay that openly supports trans identity does violence, and defense of open debate causes PTSD, then by which name should we call the physical violence inflicted on trans people and others daily? What of the PTSD caused by domestic violence, rape, and hate crimes? If an essay written by a young feminist scholar in support of trans rights is violent and harmful, then haven’t we leveled all violence such that everything has become swept up by it, and the very notion of violence has lost its meaning?

Or, even worse, haven’t we brushed aside physical violence inflicted on women as well as trans people and others daily, in order to focus on small conceptual disagreements over what it means to identify as a race or a gender?

Through every medium imaginable, senior feminist scholars were pressuring, even threatening, Tuvel that she wouldn’t get tenure and her career would be ruined if she didn’t retract her article. When I called out the worst insulters for threatening an untenured junior feminist, they claimed they were the victims here not her. I wonder. Tuvel’s article in support of transgender and transracial identities didn’t threaten anyone, and didn’t jeopardize anyone’s career. Whereas those calling for a retraction were doing just that to a junior woman in a field, philosophy, nearly 80% of which is still populated by men and which is still resistant to feminism. A senior feminist philosopher called to warn Tuvel that she should be appealing to the “right people” if she wanted to get tenure and warned her not to publish her book on this topic or it would ruin her career and mark her as “all that is wrong with white feminism.”

This is some tyrannical shit right here.

Part of the problem with the response to Tuvel’s article is that some seem to feel that they are the only ones who have the legitimate right to talk about certain topics.

In particular, some trans women (I almost never see this from trans men) seem to feel that they are the only ones who have the legitimate right to talk about being a woman, what it means to be a woman, what (if anything) it means to “feel like” a woman, what relevance growing up female has to being a woman, what it means to “identify as” a woman, and similar questions. Women are now pretty much forbidden to talk about any of that, because it all belongs to trans women. Women are always just inches away from inadvertently saying something that might, if you squint at it in bad light, have an implication a trans woman might not like. Best just to shut up then, isn’t it – or if you must talk, use your talking to attack some other woman as a TERF.

Outrage has become the new truth. At one extreme, we have Trump and his supporters proudly embracing political incorrectness, and at the other, we have the political correctness police calling for censorship of a scholarly article written by someone working for social justice.

Right?? It’s a nightmare. Assholes on our right, assholes on our left – where the hell can we find a dry spot?

The importance of lived experience

May 7th, 2017 4:48 pm | By

A friend of Rebecca Tuvel’s, Alison Suen, writes at Daily Nous about what all this has been like from that “standpoint.”

Recently, amid the controversy over Hypatia’s publication of Rebecca Tuvel’s “In Defense of Transracialism,” there has been a lot of talk in the philosophical community about the importance of lived experience. I have been reflecting on my lived experience over the past week, as one of Rebecca’s friends. Speaking from the perspective of someone who has been on the sidelines watching this whole affair unfold, I am not sure if I am ready to, as Sally Haslanger says, “go forward,” and “not focus on Rebecca Tuvel, the individual and the philosopher, and to shift the conversation to broader issues.”

I agree completely that the conversation should have been about the issues, rather than the individual. Unfortunately, it did not begin that way. Instead it began with Rebecca receiving hate mail; it began with people trashing her paper without having read it.

And since it did begin that way, and went on that way for a considerable time, it’s too late for not focusing on Tuvel, because harms need to be undone. People demanded her paper be withdrawn; colleagues apologized for the publication of her paper.

Instead of reasoned dialogue, people called her names. Instead of mentorship, Rebecca received enormous pressure from senior feminists to apologize and retract her paper.

It would be terrible for this to happen to anyone, and it was extremely painful to watch it happen to someone I care about deeply. So I hope you’d understand why I struggle to “go forward” and examine the larger issues as if Rebecca had never been targeted, shamed, or threatened.

I do, and I think it’s a bad suggestion.

Reading it feels like eating scented cotton balls

May 7th, 2017 4:17 pm | By

Usually NPR is far too bland and timid and mainstream for me these days, but Annalisa Quinn’s review of Ivanka Trump’s “book” is pleasingly blunt.

Trump’s new book shares a name and a mission with her company’s marketing campaign: Women Who Work. Organized into sections with titles like “Dream Big” and “Make Your Mark,” Women Who Work is a sea of blandities, an extension of that 2014 commercial seeded with ideas lifted (“curated,” she calls it) from various well-known self-help authors. Reading it feels like eating scented cotton balls.

“My company was not just meeting the lifestyle needs of today’s modern professional woman with versatile, well-designed products,” Trump writes, undermining the care she has taken in interviews to avoid appearing as if she’s using her position to promote her brand. “It was celebrating those needs, at a price point she could afford.”

Marketingspeak all the way – lifestyle, lifestyle needs, modern, professional, versatile, well-designed, affordable…and price point. Just saying “price” is too shopkeeper-like, I guess, but “price point” makes it sound important. I bet the word “purchase” appears hundreds of times while “buy” isn’t there at all.

Ostensibly a business guide for women, Women Who Work is a long simper of a book, full of advice so anodyne (“I believe that we each get one life and it’s up to us to live it to the fullest”), you could almost scramble the sentences and come out with something just as coherent.

And that person has a job high up in the US administration!

“I’ve curated my best thinking, as well as that of so many others, in the pages of this book,” she writes (wordsmiths?), and what she means is that she rehashes her previous writings and borrows heavily from lifestyle gurus and corporate feminist authors like Sheryl Sandberg, while simultaneously claiming Women Who Work offers something radically new, “a hopeful, more authentic alternative to the way work has worked previously.”

At an affordable price point.

“[P]assion,” she writes elsewhere, “combined with perseverance, is a great equalizer, more important than education or experience in achieving your version of success.” If only the poor were more passionate.

Ah but more to the point – look how handy that is for Daddykins. He’s got zero relevant education or experience, and he’s thick as a plank, but what he does have could be called passion. It could also be called aggression, hostility, rage, sadism, narcissism, temper, thin skin, resentment…but passion is an available euphemism. There he is, orange with passion and flapping with perseverance, overcoming his total lack of education or experience or wisdom or ability to think. Awesome.

Trump’s lack of awareness, plus a habit of skimming from her sources, often results in spectacularly misapplied quotations — like one from Toni Morrison’s Beloved about the brutal psychological scars of slavery. “Freeing yourself was one thing; claiming ownership of that freed self was another,” is positioned in cute faux-handwritten capitals (and tagged #itwisewords) before a chapter on “working smarter.” In it, she asks: “Are you a slave to your time or the master of it? Despite your best intentions, it’s easy to be reactive and get caught up in returning calls, attending meetings, answering e-mails …”

Oh dear god.

In a section called “Staking Your Claim,” she writes, “Simply put, staking your claim means declaring something your own. Early in our country’s history, as new territories were acquired or opened — particularly during the gold rush — a citizen could literally put a stake in the ground and call the land theirs. The land itself, and everything on it, legally became that person’s property.” Over and over again, Trump’s message is: Take whatever you can get, and then print your name on it.

Not true. A stake was not all it took. A citizen also had to live on the land for five years.

Of course there’s also the fact that the land already belonged to other people, albeit in a communal sense as opposed to an individual possession sense – but whatever. I don’t expect Ivanka Trump to bother to learn anything about what she’s writing.

Many of the inspiring quotations Trump stakes a claim to here seem to have been culled from apocryphal inspiration memes. For instance, on the subject of asking for a raise, she quotes another black women writing on racism, Maya Angelou: “Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.”

But the real, very different line is from Angelou’s memoir The Heart of a Woman, and it is a piece of advice about living in a racist world. “Ask for what you want,” Angelou’s mother tells her, “and be prepared to pay for what you get.”

At least she doesn’t tag that one #itwisewords, too, — I.T., standing, of course, for Ivanka Trump.

That’s how you make everything belong to you: you put your name on it.

H/t Gretchen

Time in prison for illegal campaign donations, tax evasion and witness tampering

May 7th, 2017 11:42 am | By

Corruption in action:

SHANGHAI — Like many American firms that come to China looking for money, Kushner Companies on Sunday tried to woo a Shanghai audience with promises of potentially big returns and a path toward living in the United States.

But for Bi Ting, who attended the event, part of the appeal was political: Jared Kushner is the son-in-law of — and a powerful adviser to — President Trump. Virtually unheard-of in China just months ago, he is now known here as a deeply influential figure in American politics.

“The Trump relationship is an extra point for me,” Ms. Bi said, adding that she and her husband had not decided whether to invest.

The Kushner Companies’ China roadshow, promoting $500,000 investments in New Jersey real estate as the path to a residency card in the United States, moved to Shanghai on Sunday after a similar pitch on Saturday in Beijing.

Could it be any more blatant and shameless? “Hi, my wife is the president of the US’s daughter, and we both work for him. Buy shares in our company!”

Mr. Kushner has said that he has stepped back from the day-to-day operations of the family business. But government ethics filings show that he and Ivanka Trump, his wife and the president’s daughter, continue to benefit from Kushner Companies’ real estate and investment businesses, a stake worth as much as $600 million, and probably much more.

They are using their connection to increase their profits. That is not supposed to happen.

There were security guards keeping journalists out of the event. Again, this should not be happening.

But some who attended described an investor pitch similar to the one in Beijing, and Mr. Trump’s political power was palpable at the Shanghai event even if his name went unsaid. As on Saturday in Beijing, one slide presented to the Shanghai audience on Sunday showed a photograph of Mr. Trump when describing who will decide the future of the visa program for foreign investors, according to a snapshot taken by an audience member.

The Kushner Companies’ marketing push comes as Mr. Kushner is emerging as a crucial voice on China relations, brokering meetings between his father-in-law and top Chinese government officials.

Corrupt and sleazy.

Yesterday’s event in Beijing was also corrupt and sleazy, not to mention furtive.

On Saturday afternoon, Mr. Kushner’s sister Nicole Meyer made a pitch to attract $150 million in financing for a Jersey City housing development, known as One Journal Square, to more than 100 Chinese investors gathered at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Beijing.

The money would be provided through a much-criticized government program known as EB-5 that awards foreign investors a path to citizenship in exchange for investments of at least $500,000 in American development projects.

His relatives’ embrace of the EB-5 program may also pose complications for Mr. Kushner. The program has been labeled “U.S. citizenship for sale,” and it has come under scrutiny after a series of fraud and abuse scandals. Watchdogs have noted the program’s lax safeguards against illicit sources of money.

Yes but it’s money. What else matters?

Noah Bookbinder, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a liberal nonprofit group, said the sales pitch by Kushner Companies in China was “highly problematic” and could be interpreted as selling access to Mr. Kushner. He called on Mr. Kushner to recuse himself from any decisions related to the EB-5 program.

Lawmakers are considering major changes to the program, through which investors, mostly from mainland China, receive about 10,000 visas each year. Some critics have urged the government to abolish it entirely. A slide displayed at the event on Saturday identified Mr. Trump as a “key decision maker” on the fate of the EB-5 program.

Plus Daddy-in-law.

On Saturday, Ms. Meyer talked about how family values had shaped Kushner Companies. She spoke of her grandparents, who survived the Holocaust, and about her father, Charles Kushner, who founded the company in 1985. He later spent time in prison for illegal campaign donations, tax evasion and witness tampering.

So that’s how family values shaped Kushner Companies. Good to know.

As Ms. Meyer spoke, journalists for The New York Times and The Washington Post were removed from the ballroom and told by organizers it was a “private event,” even though it had been publicly advertised. It was hosted by Qiaowai, a Chinese immigration agency that helps Chinese families move abroad. Ms. Meyer is scheduled to appear in other Chinese cities in the coming days.

Ms. Meyer was asked after the event whether she was concerned about possible conflicts of interest facing her brother, but she did not respond. A man accompanying her, growing angry, shouted, “Please leave us alone!”

Yeah, please leave them alone so that they can milk their connections to Donnie Trump for maximum profit.

C’est Macron

May 7th, 2017 11:03 am | By

Editors must stand behind the authors of accepted papers

May 7th, 2017 9:56 am | By

The editor of Hypatia repudiates the apology by the Associate Editors.

Critics blasted the article as a product of white and cisgender privilege, said it discounted important scholarly work by transgender and black academics, and accused its author of using harmful language.

Hundreds of scholars signed their names to an open letter calling on the journal to retract the article.

The journal didn’t go that far, but the apology, which came with a pledge to reconsider Hypatia’s review process, still seemed like an extraordinary step. Some academics applauded the swift response to widespread criticism; others criticized the unorthodox action of a journal in condemning its own publication of an article.

And, especially, the venomous lie-filled attack on an untenured junior colleague.

Meanwhile a divide in opinion has emerged not just among academics in the field, but also within Hypatia itself. Despite the public stance taken by the majority of the journal’s associate editors, Hypatia’s editor, Sally Scholz, stands behind the article’s publication and the integrity of the journal’s review process.

In a statement sent to The Chronicle, Ms. Scholz said she believes it is “utterly inappropriate for editors to repudiate an article they have accepted for publication (barring issues of plagiarism or falsification of data).”

“Editors must stand behind the authors of accepted papers,” said Ms. Scholz in the statement. “This is where I stand. Professor Tuvel’s paper went through the peer review process and was accepted by the reviewers and me.”

She added that the associate board of editors had “acted independently in drafting and posting their statement” on Facebook.

Miriam Solomon, president of the board of directors of Hypatia Inc. — the nonprofit corporation that oversees the journal and other activities, such as conferences — echoed Ms. Scholz’s disavowal. The apology did not represent the views of Hypatia’s editor, its local editorial advisers, or its editorial board, she said. “The associate editors are speaking for themselves.”

But they’re doing it on Hypatia‘s Facebook page, so it looks as if they are in fact speaking for Hypatia.

[Solomon] cited several concerns about how the statement arose. She was worried that it had not been clear to readers that the statement did not represent the views of the entire Hypatia editorial system. (Indeed, many observers either congratulated or condemned the journal after the Facebook statement appeared.) She also said she was aware that the post “was produced in a rush, in response to outcry on social media,” which she described as a “new challenge for the community.”

“Everything seems terribly urgent, and people feel like they have to make a response right away,” she said. She also noted that she did not know “how seriously an attempt was made to mediate the issues with the editor. I think the editor was blindsided by it.”

These are philosophers though. They’re academics. They’re adults. You’d think they would know how to take an outcry on social media with some degree of detachment. They don’t have to jump just because Zoé Samudzi says jump.

Like Ms. Scholz, Ms. Solomon defended Hypatia’s review processes, which she said are in line with the standards of the American Philosophical Association. Submissions to Hypatia are received by a managing editor, who anonymizes them before forwarding them to the editor. The editor then selects two reviewers to assess each article. The final decision to accept, revise and resubmit, or reject a piece lies with the editor. To her knowledge, Ms. Solomon said, there was “nothing unusual” about the process for the review of the article by Ms. Tuvel.

Well, maybe they should revise the processes, to add ten additional reviewers for any submission that discusses trans issues or race, with at least five of those reviewers being tweeters with a minimum of ten thousand followers.

One charge levied against the journal was that Ms. Tuvel’s article [might] not have been approved if Hypatia had asked a black or transgender scholar to review it. The associate editors’ apology appeared to entertain that view, pledging “to develop additional advisory guidelines to ensure that feminist theorists from groups underrepresented in our profession, including trans people and people of color, are integrated in the various editorial stages.”

Would one expect trans people to be much represented in their profession? There aren’t many academic philosophers total, and trans people are a tiny percentage of the population, so how represented could they be?

Although Hypatia has not retracted the article, it issued a small but significant “correction” on Thursday. At Ms. Tuvel’s request, the journal removed a parenthetical reference to Ms. Jenner’s birth name. The “deadnaming” of Ms. Jenner, as the practice of identifying transgender people by their birth names is known, was among the objections raised in the open letter.

“I regret the deadnaming of Caitlyn Jenner in the article,” Ms. Tuvel said in a statement issued before the correction’s appearance. “Even though she does this herself in her book, I understand that it is not for outsiders to do and that such a practice can perpetuate harm against transgender individuals, and I apologize.”

I don’t think they should have done that. I don’t think Tuvel should have said that. I’m not just being bloody-minded about it; the thing is that it’s highly relevant who Jenner was before transitioning, so that shouldn’t be concealed out of some hyperbolic Sensitivity.

Tina Fernandes Botts, an assistant professor of philosophy at California State University at Fresno, first read Ms. Tuvel’s paper before the January meeting of the American Philosophical Association’s Eastern Division, where Ms. Tuvel presented her work. Ms. Botts found the work to be “out of step” with research in critical philosophy of race and the black experience. She was scheduled to be a commenter on the paper but was unable to attend.

In a paper presented to the Res Philosophica conference at Saint Louis University last weekend, however, Ms. Botts presented her refutation in full.

She said Ms. Tuvel was correct in her assertion that both race and gender are socially constructed but had failed to understand how they are constructed in different ways. Ms. Botts argued, contra Ms. Tuvel, that race is a function of ancestry, while gender is not — which makes gender more of an individual experience. Put plainly, because race is tied to ancestry in the world, a person cannot declare being a black person trapped in a white person’s body, as Rachel Dolezal has described herself. Only someone with black ancestors can count as black.

That’s one argument, but there are others. It’s an argument; it’s not a proof or a slam-dunk demonstration or anything like that. I don’t find it remotely convincing. I think this stuff is wildly arbitrary and flimsy, while it’s being forced on us with threats and punishments. That’s not a very philosophical situation.

In the days after the article first attracted attention, a backlash to the backlash coalesced. Scholars and other critics argued that Ms. Tuvel had been the victim of a “witch hunt” and was punished for her work’s perceived political incorrectness, not its actual content. “The idea that any article in a specialized feminist journal causes harm, and even violence, as the signatories to an open letter to the journal claim, is a grave misuse of the term ‘harm,’ wrote Suzanna Danuta Walters, editor of Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, in The Chronicle Review.

Brian Leiter, director of the Center for Law, Philosophy, and Human Values at the University of Chicago, argued that Ms. Tuvel could weigh a defamation suit against the Hypatia editors who publicly dressed down her scholarship. “I wonder,” he wrote on his influential philosophy blog, “did any of those professing solidarity with those who specialize in taking offense consider the very tangible harm they are doing to the author of this article?”

Nora Berenstain, an assistant professor of philosophy at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, took issue with many of those criticisms. “It’s disingenuous to claim that this is an issue of free speech,” she said. “The criticisms of the original paper were calls for accountability.”

Ms. Berenstain wrote a critique of Ms. Tuvel’s article on Facebook before the publication of the open letter calling for the article’s retraction. The post, which she has since made private, described the article as having “egregious levels of liberal white ignorance and discursive transmisogynistic violence.”

Wouldn’t you just love to have her as a colleague?

Her post itself got some backlash, including from conservatives. (Duh. If I were a conservative this would be like a box of diamonds to me.)

In response, she said, “I think that people who have no real stake in this issue and no relevant expertise have been using this issue as clickbait.”

Ms. Berenstain said her post “was a call to feminist philosophers — particularly cisgender white women — to hold ourselves to higher standards. It wasn’t aimed at anyone outside of the discipline.”

“Most of the people who responded did not have the conceptual competence to engage with the post,” she said, “as is evidenced by the reaction to my use of the word ‘violence.’ ” She said her use of the term was a reference to the scholarly concept of structural violence, which describes “a range of systemic harms that go beyond direct interpersonal physical contact.”

Here’s an interesting fact. Something can be a “scholarly concept” and still be bullshit. It can also be a non-bullshit “scholarly concept” and be misapplied.

There’s a lot of that going on in this quarrel.